Can the smart bracelet be reimbursed as a consumable

The bracelet may be reimbursable as a consumable.

According to information provided by Baidu Document Library, smart bracelets are usually categorized as general consumer products, not medical devices or medical consumables, and thus are not eligible for reimbursement in most cases. According to China's national health insurance catalog, health insurance can only reimburse medical devices and consumables that comply with the provisions of the national healthcare catalog, including some devices and medicines that have a medical role, while smart bracelets, as a kind of general consumer product, are not usually included in the health insurance catalog.

However, if you purchase a smart bracelet for a specific medical purpose, such as treating a specific disease or monitoring a patient's health, then it may be considered a medical device or consumable and may be reimbursed. You should consult your local health insurance department or insurance company for details on the policy.