How many meters is the safe distance of injury detection

The damage range of flaw detection radiation is limited, there is a certain distance limit, the general range of flaw detection radiation is between five and ten meters, so if you stand in a place of fifty meters, you will not be exposed to radiation at all.

Detection is the detection of metal materials, to derive its internal crack condition and the existence of defects, there are many methods of detection, the most common methods of X-ray detection, magnetic particle detection, γ-ray detection and light ray detection. In the detection of injury, the need to do the necessary safety measures, otherwise it will cause serious harm to the human body, some people will suffer from a variety of cancers, such as breast cancer, brain cancer, as well as liver cancer, can also cause infertility symptoms.

Safety requirements for flaw detection operations:

1. Flaw detection instruments and ancillary electrical equipment lines should be well insulated, the shell should be reliably grounded. Inspection, should first cut off the power supply.

2. Ray flaw detection operators, must wear protective gear and regular body checks.

3. Radiation flaw detection workplace should be set up fences and warning signs.

4. X-ray detection, should be used in a timely manner, timely withdrawal. Detection operations should be mechanically operated, it is strictly prohibited to use the hands to directly contact the ray source.

5. X-ray flaw detection, there should be a lead protective screen, or other protective measures. Before exposure, the operator back away from the X-ray machine "window", exposure should be evacuated to the safety zone after exposure.

6. Ultrasonic instruments are energized, it is prohibited to open the protective cover to prevent high-voltage electric injury.

7. Fluorescence flaw detection, should wear protective glasses. Fluorescent powder on the workpiece, showing powder, prohibit direct touch with hands. Preparation of coloring flaw detection agent or sieve fluorescent powder, magnetic powder, apparent powder, should be carried out in a well-ventilated place.