Transformers model toys G1 genuine where to buy, replica version of the line, to logo can be temperature-sensitive color-changing kind, the best to give me a link!

The G1 original and replica toys have been out of production for years.

Similar to the G1 original toys, there is now the MP series still being manufactured and sold. Japan Taraka also launched the imitation G1 version of Hercules

To you said the temperature-sensitive color-changing logo, Taobao are sold everywhere, that logo has long been not en that as a genuine logo.

Toys in general are sold on Taobao. If you want to make sure it's genuine, you can go to Toys R Us in a big city, where genuine Transformers are sold, but the price is a lot more than Taobao. Or get a friend to buy them on behalf of you from Japan or the United States