Equipment has general equipment, special equipment, general equipment, including machinery and equipment, electrical equipment, special equipment, office equipment, transportation vehicles, instruments, computers and network equipment, etc., special equipment, including mining equipment, chemical equipment, aerospace equipment, public security and firefighting equipment.
Special equipment refers to the safety of life, the danger of boilers, pressure vessels (including cylinders), pressure piping, elevators, cranes, passenger ropeways, large-scale amusement rides, the field (plant) of special motor vehicles.
Boiler, refers to the use of various fuels, electricity or other energy sources.
Pressure vessel, is the gas or liquid.
Pressure piping, is the utilization of a certain pressure.
Elevator, refers to power-driven, the use of rigid rails running along the box or along the fixed line running steps (steps), for lifting or parallel transportation of people, goods, electromechanical equipment, including manned (goods) elevators, escalators, moving walkways.
Lifting machinery, is used for vertical lift or vertical lift and horizontal movement of heavy mechanical and electrical equipment, the scope of its rated lifting capacity greater than or equal to 0.5t lifts; rated lifting capacity greater than or equal to 1t, and lifting height of greater than or equal to 2m cranes and load-bearing forms of fixed electric hoist.
Passenger ropeways, refers to power-driven, the use of flexible rope traction box and other means of transporting people's mechanical and electrical equipment, including passenger aerial ropeways, passenger cable cars, passenger towing ropeways.
Field (factory) special motor vehicles, is in addition to road traffic, agricultural vehicles only in the factory, tourist attractions, amusement parks and other specific areas of the use of special motor vehicles, including the field (factory) special motorized industrial vehicles (such as forklifts, porters, tractor, push the top of the car, etc.) and the field (factory) special tourism vehicles (such as combustion sightseeing vehicles, battery touring car).
Lift equipment is an independent device, does not belong to the elevator or a certain type,
Equipment (Equipment) is usually a group of medium and large-scale machinery and equipment assemblies, can not be held in the hands of the operation and must have a fixed pedestal, the use of power such as power operation rather than manpower.
Equipment is generally placed in the exclusive room such as machine rooms, workshops, factories, because the operation will produce noise or exhaust, in addition to information equipment is input and output are intangible information, many equipment to input and output of tangible materials, so more need to be specially designed places to operate smoothly.