What is the after-sales phone number for Yvonk servers

4000800197 is the after-sales phone number for Yvonk servers. If you are interested, click here to learn about it for free

Yewank server after-sales service covers most of the provinces and cities in the country, and they require 24 hours to respond to customer requests. Yvonk has been in the field of servers and storage devices for 26 years. During this period, Yvonk has given powerful and secure assistance to customers in many industries and fields, such as party and government, finance, healthcare, education, telecommunication, electric power, transportation and manufacturing, in the development of informatization and digital transformation.

Yewank originated from the "Jiao Yun Program" launched by Advantech High-Tech Holding Group, one of the top 500 enterprises in China, in 1996. After winning the first prize of "Scientific and Technological Progress" issued by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce at that time, it was listed as the "Key Development Project of Industrial Products". "Industrial Products Key Development Program". It is also because of this standout, so that the billion grams of "auger get clouds and rain, a leap will become a dragon", become an emerging force in the industry, the establishment of Advantech - Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Computing Longchip CPU Embedded Application Joint Laboratory, won the "National Key New Product Certificate, Become Intel Embedded Alliance Associate level members, and finally in 2021, the brand of Yvonk formally appeared as a wholly owned subsidiary of Advantech.