Fascia gun, also known as the deep myofascial impact instrument, fascia gun is a soft tissue rehabilitation tools, through the high-frequency impact relaxation of the body's soft tissues, fascia gun can be understood as a civilian version of the DMS (Electric Deep Muscle Stimulation Instrument), in the use of the frequency of vibration will be varied, the basic role of the DMS and similar. If users can truly learn to utilize the Hypervolt Fascia Gun to care for their bodies, they can greatly improve their quality of life and productivity.?
The main tools in sports rehabilitation include manual therapy, physical therapy, functional training, and functional stretching. Fascia gun then belongs to a kind of physical therapy, through *** vibration to make the human body tissue to produce relative displacement, reduce tissue adhesion, restore the elasticity of the muscle and fascia and spreading, so as to improve the circulation of body fluids, activate the body's self-repair potential. The therapist senses areas of tension, restriction and adhesion on all planes of the user's body that may be causing pain or dysfunction, and applies continuous pressure and vibration with the help of the fascial gun to resolve tissue resistance. Of course, the user can also perform fascial release on his/her own with the help of a fascial gun or other equipment (foam shaft/massage ball).
Many of the physical problems, movement patterns, dysfunctions, and pain and swelling in our daily lives are caused by muscle imbalances, and Hypervolt helps to improve the physical (tone, stickiness, extensibility, etc.) and physiological (excitability, contractility, work efficiency, etc.) properties of the muscles, which in turn promotes venous return, inflammation absorption, and control of pain persistence factors. control, the experiencer will have a sense of relief.
However, due to the scale of the experiment and the inevitable errors, further research is needed to provide more sufficient evidence. The human body is an extremely complex system, and the exact mechanism of vibration therapy in relieving DOMS has yet to be medically explained. Some popular hypotheses in the academic community are that vibration therapy can stimulate the mechanical receptors (machineoreceptors) to affect the nervous system to achieve the effect of relaxation of soft tissues, or through piezoelectricity, thixotropic phenomena to affect tissue viscosity, so that changes in tissue hardness and softness (relaxation) can be felt. In short, vibration physiotherapy has some clinical rehabilitation effectiveness, although many mechanisms remain to be explored.
Recently, the State General Administration of Sports hardcore experiments on the hands of a fascia gun, several groups of experiments show that the fascia gun just have a certain relaxation effect, high-frequency vibration whacking does not help to lose weight shaping, in addition, it can not be easily used for cervical spine massage, manipulation of bias may even cause irreversible consequences.
The fascia gun on the market plays a relaxing role at most, and will not have a weight loss effect. It does not have a therapeutic function, not to mention that it is not a cure-all, improper use of the fascia gun, not only will not relieve the pain, but also may stimulate blood vessels, resulting in muscle spasms. Fascia gun does not belong to the medical device, to prevent and treat the function of publicity, belong to false propaganda and exaggerated propaganda, suspected of violating the advertising law and the relevant provisions of the Drug Administration Law.