What is Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) feature?

The Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) feature is a newly developed technology that utilizes the Bluetooth low power feature.

To utilize Bluetooth low power technology on a cell phone, it is generally used in conjunction with a BLE accessory and its accompanying APP released by the BLE accessory manufacturer.

For example: BLE?sports bracelets, sports watches, weight meters, pedometers, smart wristbands and so on.

BLE low-power Bluetooth has applications with the following requirements:

1. Communication distance up to about 100 meters. Many low-power Bluetooth requires a coin cell battery to operate. Many IoT devices need to run on standard coin cell batteries for many years.BLE Low Power Bluetooth enables ultra-low power consumption in peak, equalization and idle modes. In addition, low duty cycle devices save even more power.

2. Multi-intelligent vendor interoperability. As a standard protocol, BLE Low Power Bluetooth, like previous versions of Bluetooth, has been widely adopted by master device manufacturers. There are also many IoT slave devices that support BLE Low Power Bluetooth as well. Android, iOS, Windows?10, Linux and other major operating systems natively support BLE Low Power Bluetooth. It is predicted that by 2020, 95% of smartphones will support BLE low-power Bluetooth. And this ecosystem will help enable multi-vendor interoperability.

3. BLE low-power Bluetooth is the best choice for building collective, home, and personal networks that wirelessly connect powered smart devices to a cell phone or computer. As a result, more and more smart wearable devices, computer/cell phone peripherals and medical monitoring devices regard BLE Low Power Bluetooth as the communication protocol of choice. Many different products and Bluetooth smart device products that support the Smart Bluetooth protocol are also listed on the Bluetooth SIG website. This is a direct indication of the importance of the BLE low power Bluetooth communication protocol in IoT applications.