What is the approximate salary for working at a nuclear power plant for radiological accident response, prevention or radiation protection? Will it be better than the attending physician of the radiot

What is the approximate salary for working at a nuclear power plant for radiological accident response, prevention or radiation protection? Will it be better than the attending physician of the radiotherapy department of a tertiary hospital? Provide two suggestions***You reference:

1, go to the nuclear power plant to do radioactivity accident emergency, prevention or radiation protection work treatment about graduate students 5k (just joined the work), undergraduates should be about 3.5, in view of your specialty is not much fun, nuclear engineering, nuclear technology, radiation protection of the graduates of the last few years as many as the hair, you go to the health care aspects of it, and the doctor in the nuclear power are not much room for development. The dosimeters are sent and received and so on, and the doctorate in the nuclear power are not much room for development, nuclear power is the operation of the machinery, junior college, college can complete the switch valve only. And nuclear power are state-owned enterprises, so you have to be a worker for a long time before you can have some small promotion.

2, you said the hospital is three A or three B I do not know, just one word, the annual state funding support a world of difference, the same start-up phase is also very difficult, do the job is always the most tired, take the money is always the least, the need for the daughter-in-law boiled into a grandma, but in scientific research, as long as you are willing to do, compared to nuclear power to be easy, and the hospital is a public institution, as for the rest of the income, the short-term Can not be calculated, layers of peeling to your hand not a few cents, when you become a leader in the consideration of it, and radiology and equipment section are separate. So no matter what kind of unit you choose don't consider money as the first priority.

If you can provide you said the medium developed area is where the words, I can help you ask more detailed, my alumni do a lot of physicists, I studied nuclear energy and nuclear technology engineering, graduated from my choice of environmental protection