Zhengzhou 1200 host configuration

Intel configuration:

Celeron dual-core E1200, G31 motherboard (integrated 3100 graphics card), 1G memory, 160G hard drive, the chassis comes with a rated 300W power supply.

CPU Intel Celeron dual-core E1200 (box) 1 ¥ 275

Motherboard MSI G31M-F 1 ¥ 399

Memory Kingston 1GB DDR2 800 1234 ¥ 79

Hard drive Seagate 160G 7200.10 8M (serial port/5-year box) 1234 ¥ 300

Chassis ASUS TT-67 with power supply 1 ¥ 170

Total 1223 yuan


1200, N73 motherboard (integrated 7300 graphics card), 1G memory, 160G hard drive, and the chassis comes with a 250W power supply.

CPU Intel Celeron dual-core E1200 (box) 1 ¥ 285

Motherboard Meijie SY-N73V-RL 1 ¥ 280

Memory ADATA VDATA 1GB DDR2 800 (colorful) 1234 ¥ 79

Hard drive Hitachi 160G 7200 rpm 8M (serial port/3-year box) 1234 ¥ 260

Optical drive Pioneer DVD-129 ¥125

Chassis Parkson Gaming C404 1 ¥ 80

Keyboard and Mouse Set Double Smart Star Double Hand 1 1 Set 1 ¥ 40

Speaker Colorful DLS-2005 1 ¥ 35

Total amount: 1184 yuan

AMD configuration:

AMD Sempron dual-core 2100, 780G motherboard (integrated 3200 graphics card, three-phase power supply)

CPU AMD Sempron dual-core 2100 AM2 (65nm/box) 1 ¥ 295

Motherboard ASUS M3A78-EMH HDMI¥499

Memory ADATA 1GB DDR2 800 (colorful) 1234 ¥ 79

Hard drive Hitachi 160G 7200 rpm 8M (serial port/3-year box) 1234 ¥ 260

Chassis Parkson Gaming C404 1 ¥ 80

Keyboard and mouse installation double Qiaoxing double Qiaoshou 1 1 set 1 ¥ 40

Speaker Colorful DLS-2005 1 ¥ 35

Total amount: 1288 yuan

Video card: ATI 780G chip integrated HD3200 The performance is strong enough, and it is currently the strongest for low-end machines. The stronger one is 790GX, but it is much more expensive. The one that is slightly worse than 780 is the single-chip 8200. It is recommended to use 780G.