1, Taxi: the distance is about 87.1 kilometers, taking about 1 hour and 11 minutes.
2, Public transportation: the distance is about 111.88 kilometers, taking about 4 hours and 50 minutes, and you need to walk 2.3 kilometers. It takes 10 minutes to walk 698 meters to reach Union Hospital Station. Take Zhouzhi 103 from United Hospital Station to Jiufengcross Station (direction of Jixian Town), ***40 stops, takes about 57 minutes. Walk 73 meters to Jiufengcross Station, taking 2 minutes. Take Shaanxi 801 from Jiufengcross Station to Catering Street Station (direction of Shaanxi South Bus Station), ***29 stops, takes about 44 minutes. Walk 198 meters to Catering Street Station, taking 3 minutes. Take Shaanxi 905 from Eating Street Station to Soaring Town Metro Station (direction of University District), ***38 stops, takes about 53 minutes. Walk 208 meters to Soaring Town Station (Exit B1), taking 3 minutes. Take Line 5 from Soaring Town Station (Exit B1) to Nanyaomen Station (Xi'an East Railway Station direction), ***20 stops, takes about 49 minutes. Walk 239 meters to Nanyaomen Station by station access transfer, taking 4 minutes. Take Line 2 from Nanyaomen Station to Administration Center Station (Cao Tan direction), ***9 stops, takes about 21 minutes. Walk 868 meters to Xi'an, taking 13 minutes.
3. By car: the distance is about 87.1 kilometers, taking about 1 hour and 11 minutes.
4. Walking: distance is about 77.9 kilometers, taking about 18 hours and 59 minutes.