Are medical devices the same as medicines?

Lidocaine hydrochloride mucilage belongs to drug control, not to medical devices. The Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices stipulates that medical devices refer to instruments, equipment, appliances, in-vitro diagnostic reagents and calibrations, materials and other similar or related items, including the required computer software, which are directly or indirectly used in human body; Its effectiveness is mainly obtained by physical means, not by pharmacology, immunology or metabolism, or although these means are involved, they only play an auxiliary role; Its purpose is:

(1) Diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of diseases;

(2) Diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, mitigation or functional compensation of injury;

(3) Examination, substitution, adjustment or support of physiological structure or process;

(4) supporting or maintaining life;

(5) Pregnancy control;

(6) provide information for medical or diagnostic purposes by examining human samples.

This is different, although it is completely controlled by the Food and Drug Administration.