Jinhua UG software mold design training

The mold design training school just play a role in guiding and promoting the role of the training school's good and bad with the attitude of the people being trained has a lot to do.

Training content: the first stage

1, basic computer and mechanical drawing: mainly master the basic operation of the computer, familiar with the operation of common office software and skills.

2, CAD beginner: skillful application of two-dimensional drawing commands shortcuts, plane drawing of mechanical parts, master Auto-cad output engineering drawings.

3, CAD intermediate: to be able to master the method of drawing three-dimensional mechanical parts and output plane view of the skills. 4, Pro / E primary: proficiency in the use of modeling tools, mastering the skills of common mechanical product design modeling.

5, Pro / E mold design: can skillfully contain advanced surface or complex structure of the mechanical product design modeling.

6, comprehensive practical training: through this practical training to master in the design of complex products should be achieved in the tolerance / finish / curvature and other advanced requirements.

Second stage

1, UG modeling basics: the ability to skillfully apply UG three-dimensional design of mechanical products, and can be combined and assembled product models, proficiency in UG import and output data conversion, to achieve interoperability of the software, maximize savings in production efficiency. 2、UG advanced modeling:

3, can skillfully apply UG design advanced surface, and can draw advanced curves, add basic surfaces and other methods of repairing complex surfaces, complete surface smoothness in line with product demand.

4, UG mold design: skilled use of UG has been designed for molding parts for molding, production of the corresponding mold cavities, cores, generating product mold parts, and will generate the parts output into the mold frame engineering drawings.

5, UG advanced programming: proficiency in the operation of UG programming, according to the different products, select the appropriate cutting method, optimize the toolpath trajectory, so that the G code maximum savings in machine productivity.

6, UG comprehensive training: fully grasp the UG from product design to product molding process and core technical requirements and UG programming tool path optimization, improve production efficiency.

Third stage

1, mold design principles: to understand and master the two-plate mold, three-plate mold, 4 dozen system, pouring system, guiding system, demolding system, temperature adjustment system, lateral parting and lateral core extraction, exhaust structure.

2, mold structure: understand and master the common selection of materials, specifications, mold structure brand, saving equipment resources.

3, injection molding, cold punching mold principle: proficiency in stamping parts, bending parts, stretching parts of the process, the choice of gap value, punching force, row of samples, laps, bending deformation analysis