What is a medical cold compress

Summary: Medical cold compress is a cold compress applied to the medical field, mainly used in direct or indirect contact with the face with trauma, to provide a suitable environment for wound healing, also known as the medical mask, it is relatively mild, does not contain irritating ingredients, mainly contains hyaluronic acid, collagen, EGF, Centella Asiatica Glycoside and other ingredients. According to the "Medical Device Classification Catalog", medical cold compresses belong to the first class of medical devices, through routine management is sufficient to ensure its safety and effectiveness. Here is a look at what medical cold compresses are. First, what is a medical cold patch

Medical cold patch, commonly known as "medical mask", also known as the mechanical size of the mask, between skin care products and medicines, and foreign "medicine" concept is similar.

Medical cold compresses can be in direct or indirect contact with the traumatized face, to provide a suitable environment for wound healing, its composition is simple, non-irritating, suitable for medical cosmetic surgery wound recovery, acne allergies and other inflammatory diseases, generally in the repair of post-laser cosmetic surgery, sensitive skin and other barrier damage to the care of the skin and other cases.

Two, medical cold patch ingredients are mainly

Medical cold patch belongs to the category of pharmaceuticals, a class of masks, production requirements are high, its ingredients have been strictly controlled to ensure safety, more gentle, does not contain preservatives, colors, fragrances and other substances that are easy to make the skin allergic.

Specific medical cold compress components vary according to different product formulations, to a brand of medical cold compress products, for example, contains hyaluronic acid, collagen, EGF, Centella Asiatica glycosides and other ingredients, hyaluronic acid can moisturize; collagen can be supplemented with subcutaneous damage to collagen; EGF can promote the repair and regeneration of the epidermis; Centella Asiatica glycosides have to promote the role of trauma healing.

Three, medical cold compresses belong to several categories of medical devices

Medical devices are divided into three categories, the first category of medical devices is through routine management is sufficient to ensure its safety, effectiveness of medical devices; the second category of medical devices is its safety, effectiveness should be controlled medical devices; the third category of medical devices are implanted in the human body; used to support, life-sustaining; the human body has the potential danger, its safety, effectiveness must be controlled. Dangerous, its safety, effectiveness must be strictly controlled medical devices, then the medical cold patch belongs to several categories of medical devices?

According to the "Medical Device Classification Catalog", medical cold compresses belong to the first class of medical devices, category 09-02-03 physical cooling equipment.