Hangzhou Xiasha water quality

The tap water in Xiasha is from Hangzhou city. Currently there is no water plant in the region of Xiasha, Xiasha water quality and the main city of Hangzhou is the same, or even better than some parts of the main city water quality, because of the pipe \ construction age and so on relatively new. Xiasha water pressure in the 6 floors below the floor are used in the direct supply, water pressure is enough. High-rise housing has a pressurized equipment. Households in the renovation of the home can be installed regulators to reduce pressure fluctuations, especially when using water heaters. Whether you buy a water purifier or not is up to you. It may feel better, but it will cost you more. I think the water purifier is a filtration function, but it will also eliminate some of the beneficial substances in the water, long-term drinking may not be good. Personal opinion, for reference.