New Coronavirus testing is too expensive for the average person to afford, how much does it really cost to test for New Coronavirus in the United States?

According to research studies the cost of testing for the new crown virus in the United States is 570 times that of our country, where the cost of a single test in a public hospital is roughly 40 dollars. This comparison should give you an idea of how expensive it is to test for New Crown in the United States! It is simply killing people! Consider that 570 times $40 is $22,800, which is considered a relatively large expense for the average family!

And it's not like their health insurance is anything substantial. After all, the average person's health care in the US has to pay a very large fee every year or even every month, and these fees go through various organizations to make some profit out of them, so they have to pay a particularly large amount every month. This is fully commercialized health care in the United States, and this is what most people choose to have. What's even more frightening is that this kind of health insurance will triple in cost when a person reaches the age of 60. That's really going overboard.

Besides this kind of health care, there are other kinds of health care that are guaranteed by the government, but of course, the government guarantees it to a very small percentage of the population. So most people in the United States choose the first type of health care, which is expensive, but if you don't have health care and you get sick, the cost of treating the illness can be so high that you or your family can't afford to live.

So the hospitals in the United States are the most expensive hospitals in the world, and although the medical conditions are really good, the prices are really sky-high. The average person can't really afford to go to the hospital, and when they get sick they have to figure it out on their own. The new coronavirus test is very expensive and understandable, after all, the U.S. medical consumption is really sky-high. But I'm still against it, it's very harmful to the health of the American nation and the protection of the epidemic.

Many people in the United States will give up a lot of good time to cure the disease because of the sky-high medical expenses, and will also declare bankruptcy because of the sky-high medical expenses is also very common in the United States. So the cost of health care in the United States and some of the health insurance system is really very surprising.