In order to meet the market demand for investment underlying, the exchange will from time to time introduce new indexes to enrich the market investment underlying, in November 9, the CSI Index Company Limited will release a number of indexes, including the CSI medical technology index, so what is the CSI medical technology index?
What is the CSI Medical Technology Index?
The CSI MedTech Index is an index that reflects the overall performance of the MedTech Index, with an index code of 931592 and an index abbreviation of MedTech. The CSI Medical Technology Index selects 30 listed companies from the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets whose business involves in-vitro diagnostics, therapeutic equipment, high-value consumables, high-end medical devices such as mobile medical devices, as well as medical service technology, medical information technology and other fields as the index sample.
Here's how CSI Medical Technology selects its stocks:
1 Firstly, it eliminates the securities in the sample space that are ranked in the bottom 20% in terms of turnover in the past year;
2 From the remaining securities in the sample space, it selects those that fit the theme as the sample to be selected;
3 In the listed samples to be selected, it selects the top 30 stocks in terms of total market capitalization over the past year as the index sample.
The index sample is adjusted semi-annually on the next trading day of the second Friday of June and December each year.