What is the working principle of the floor scrubber sweeper of Jiangxi Jiechi Environmental Protection Equipment Co.

Jiangxi Jiechi Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. floor scrubber sweeper working principle is:

To know the working principle of floor scrubber is actually very simple, the main first of all, you need to know the components of the floor scrubber: brush disk motor, brush head, suction pickup, power supply.

Brush head in the brush disk motor and the role of the agent to clean the ground, so that the brush washed the ground clean as new. The role of the suction steak is mainly to dry the ground sewage, mainly driven by the suction motor and scraping the role of the belt to gather water. All of the above work of the scrubber needs a support point, that is, the power supply. In the early days of the emergence of the scrubber, almost all the scrubbers on the market are wire type, until the rechargeable batteries are applied to this industry, rechargeable batteries become the power source of the scrubber.