Single enrollment 01 Nursing 496 320 358.3
02 Midwifery 621 330 394.2
03 Pharmacy 429 322 364.2
04 Traditional Chinese medicine 382 324 353.6
05 Optometry 427 347 387
Polytechnic 23 Nursing 457 391(390) 409.4
24 Midwifery 439 393(392) 407.3
25 Pharmacy 469 364 386.9
26 Traditional Chinese Medicine 409 365 379.8
27 Medical Laboratory Technology 435 364 384.6
21 Pharmaceutical Management and Administration 395 365 380.3
22 Clinical Medicine 462 369 393.7
28 Optometry 430 364 383.1
Literature and History 02 Nursing 487 427(426) 440.7
03 Midwifery 492 433( 432) 446.1
01 Pharmaceutical Business and Management 485 419 430.8 Prosecution
Respondent's Additions 2009-07-11 14:54 (07) Section Category Enrollment Specialty Highest Score Lowest Score Mean Score
Literature and History 01 Nursing (Direction of Integrating Chinese and Western Medicine) 495 436 453.9
02 Nursing 492 406 431.4
03 Health Information Management 495 406 450.6
04 Midwifery 494 406 437.8
Science and Engineering 01 Nursing (Integrative Medicine Direction) 494 365 408.8
02 Nursing 482 334 380.6
03 Dentistry Technology 473 322 363.8
04Health Information Management 446 319 377.3
05Ophthalmology 475 320 384.8
06Pharmacy 470 319 369.5
07Medical Laboratory Technology 485 319 372.9
08Chinese Medicine 483 320 391.1
09 Midwifery 487 363 403.0