Vacuum pump exhaust gas and wastewater how to deal with
Medical waste high temperature steam treatment process is the most difficult to deal with the secondary pollution is the exhaust gas and malodor, exhaust gas and odor control is the key to medical waste pollution control treatment technology. At present, the common domestic method is to extract the air with bacteria, the use of activated carbon adsorption, spray deodorant and membrane filtration and other methods to deal with, but no matter adsorption, filtration or spray deodorant, it is difficult to really remove the bacteria and odor. At the same time the airborne bacteria are adsorbed on the filter membrane and activated carbon, the secondary pollution of the filter membrane and activated carbon is unavoidable, and these devices and activated carbon will have to be treated as hazardous waste and sent to a hazardous waste disposal site for reprocessing. Not only is it very complicated, but the secondary pollution potential is very serious. Therefore, in developed countries in Europe and the United States, these methods are usually used as auxiliary methods. The mature experience in Europe and the United States is to use steam-powered vacuum pumps to pump out the bacteria-carrying air, and in the process of pumping out, use high-temperature steam for sterilization and deodorization through a special mixing structure. Rapid condensation is then carried out, and the odor of the air after passing through the condenser is basically eliminated and can be discharged directly. Of course, if the owner is willing, you can also add activated carbon + filter membrane adsorption device for further processing, as the air at this time has been high-temperature sterilization process, the filter membrane and activated carbon will not produce secondary pollution.