In the aircraft, the use of these electronic devices will interfere with the aircraft's communication, navigation, maneuvering systems, will interfere with the aircraft and the ground wireless signal contact, especially in the aircraft takeoff and descent interference is greater, even if only a small angle of the deviation of the heading, may lead to the consequences of the destruction of the aircraft is a threat to the flight safety of the "It is a threat to flight safety. Take cell phone as an example: cell phone not only in the process of dialing or answering will transmit electromagnetic wave signals, in the state of waiter is also non-stop and ground base station contact, although each time to transmit signals of a very short period of time, but has a very strong continuity. Aircraft in smooth flight, from the ground 6,000 meters to 12,000 meters, at this time the cell phone simply can not receive the signal, can not be used, in the process of takeoff and landing, the cell phone may be able to get in touch with the ground base station, but at this time interference with the navigation system produces the most serious consequences. Article 88 of the Civil Aviation Law of the People's Republic of China restricts the use of portable electronic devices by passengers on board, and Article 200 stipulates that violators shall be subject to public security management penalties and even criminal penalties. The airlines have also added the requirement for passengers to turn off the power of portable electronic devices on board the airplane in the broadcasting words, and the electronic devices prohibited to be used on board the airplane include cell phones, pagers, remote controls for game consoles, amateur radio receivers, laptop computers, and CD players. When we enjoy the convenience of modern technology, do not ignore the relevant national regulations, especially when it comes to their own lives and the safety of others. When you step on the plane, you may want to ask yourself, have not turned off the cell phone, pager, game console.
I. Reasons not to use cell phones:
Radio waves from cell phones may also cause explosions or affect the navigation system of airliners flying at 9,500 meters.
1. Scientific evidence also shows that using a cell phone on board a plane is, indeed, potentially dangerous. If the frequency of electrical appliances, the greater the difference between the frequency of some aircraft, the interference caused will be minimized, or not interfere at all. In addition to the strength of the electrical signals transmitted by cell phones, computers, radios, etc., which can affect aircraft, the frequency at which they are transmitted, if it happens to be the same or similar to that of the aircraft, together with the amplitude (or amplitude of the wave), will produce the greatest damage and a dangerous situation.
2, in the aircraft, the use of cell phones will interfere with the aircraft's communication, navigation, maneuvering systems, is a threat to flight safety "killer". Aircraft in the entire flight process, flight has been the use of airborne radio navigation equipment and ground navigation station to maintain real-time contact, control flight path. In the case of low visibility, the need to activate the instrument landing system for landing, that is, the use of the runway on the blind landing platform to the aircraft to transmit electromagnetic wave signals to determine the location of the runway. The cell phone not only emits electromagnetic wave signals during the process of making or receiving calls, but it is also in constant contact with the ground base station in standby mode. In its search process, although the time of each emitted signal is very short, it has a strong continuity. So the electromagnetic waves emitted by the cell phone will cause interference to the aircraft's navigation system.
Two, the plane can not play the cell phone has become history:
1, since 2000, the dream of playing the cell phone on the plane has been realized. In the British Virgin Atlantic flight from Shanghai to London, passengers became the first guests were allowed to use their cell phones to talk on the flight, which is the first time in the world's airlines.
The latest in-flight phone service technology is equipped with an on-board mobile communications system developed by British Telecom, which gives passengers the freedom to make calls to their cell phones on board the plane, with the cost of the call automatically transferred to the user's GSM cell phone account. Passengers simply place their SIM card in a specially provided handset on board, enter their registration number and they are free to communicate.
2, August 14, 2004, People's Daily - Jiangnan Times: The battle between the two major carriers, China Mobile and China Unicom, has risen higher and higher, from the ground to the sky! Unicom has taken the lead in revealing that it will soon launch a commercial airborne CDMA wireless phone service, and that it will be history that cell phones cannot be used on airplanes.
According to the relevant person in charge of Unicom, in order to achieve the purpose of using cell phones on the plane, as long as a built-in CDMA base station installed on the plane, the base station can be realized using communications satellites and ground?
On the issue of shooting DV on the plane
DV, DC, MP3 without FM radio function, as well as laptop computers and other personal electronics, as long as there is no acceptance and emission of radio shortwave can be, and takeoff can also be. Strictly speaking, it is not allowed, because the takeoff is quite bumpy, and the items in your hand may become dangerous in case of emergency, which may lead to injuries.
1. Who can't fly on an airplane?
1. unaccompanied children, disabled passengers, pregnant women, blind, deaf or prisoners and other special passengers, only in accordance with the conditions set by the carrier, by the carrier's prior consent and, if necessary, to make arrangements for the carrier to carry. 2. infectious diseases, mental illness, or the health of passengers who may endanger their own safety or affect the safety of other travelers, the carrier will not be transported. The Carrier shall have the right to refuse to carry passengers who are unable to travel by air in accordance with relevant state regulations. Purchased passenger tickets shall be treated as voluntary refunds.
2. Who should not travel by air?
With the development of the economy, the frequency of people traveling abroad by air is also increasing year by year; however, some people may wonder if they are physically able to take an airplane, or how to cope with discomfort such as airsickness, ear discomfort, or dry mouth. In fact, it is not difficult to solve these problems.
What kind of people are not fit to fly? According to medical research, pregnant women, the elderly, children are not really suitable for air travel; however, experts pointed out that pregnant women within 36 weeks of pregnancy, in fact, as long as after the physician's assessment, you can still take the plane. However, they should do regular leg exercises to improve blood circulation and fasten their seatbelts.
Pregnant women, the elderly, infants and young children are not appropriate As for the elderly, if there is no cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, of course, you can travel by air; however, suffering from the above diseases but have to take the plane, the experts believe that, you can try to climb a floor of the steps to see if there is no discomfort, it should be no harm, but still should be evaluated by a physician, and ask for guidance on how to The newest addition to the list is the newest addition to the list, the newest addition to the list, the newest addition to the list, the newest addition to the list.
Recently operated, otitis media patients are also best avoided In addition, recently operated people, such as eye surgery, or suffering from bleeding gastric ulcers, otitis media people, is not suitable for air travel. Experts point out that this is because after surgery, the affected part of the recovery level varies, it is best to avoid flying just in case; and otitis media patients are prone to airsickness, so it is also not suitable for air travel. As for when you can fly after surgery, you need to be evaluated by a physician.
The low oxygen environment at high altitude is also not suitable for infants, and many airlines require infants to be born after 14 days before boarding the plane, so as to prevent their respiratory organs from adapting. As for older children, because of the sensitivity of the middle ear and the Eustachian tube, it is easy for them to experience ear discomfort and airsickness, so they can be guided by their parents to puff up and gulp down water.
Drinking water in moderation, artificial tears to replenish the body's dry symptoms In fact, in addition to the above, the average person flying on an airplane may also experience discomfort, such as dry mouth, dehydrated skin, swollen feet, dry eyes, gastrointestinal discomfort, earache, airsickness and vomiting, etc.; these are not only the method of solving the problem, but also can be prevented in advance.
Because the airplane cabin air pressure is slightly lower than the ground, and at the same time the oxygen is less, the degree is not high, so it is easy to make people lose water, resulting in dry mouth, dry skin and other situations, but as long as often drink the right amount of water, you should be able to avoid this symptom. As for dry eyes, you can use artificial tears to moisturize them with your physician's consent; it's worth noting that it's best not to wear contact lenses on long trips.
Drinking a lot of water in order to replenish water, but drinking too much water may cause leg edema; it is understood that due to a long period of inability to stretch, the legs tend to swell due to pressure and water relations, therefore, it is necessary to do leg stretching exercises at the right time, and it is important to go to the urinary toilet as soon as you feel like it; don't hold back your urine because of the distance of the toilet, or because of the fear of disturbing the neighboring passengers.
Don't eat bloated food for gastrointestinal discomfort, airsickness is a reliable self-training to overcome In addition, in order to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort, in addition to carrying medicines, it is best to avoid eating beans, fibers, beer and other easily bloated food; such as diarrhea and other situations, it is best to avoid continuing to eat, so as to avoid worsening of the symptoms. If you have ear discomfort due to stress, you can try swallowing and chewing gum to "unclog" the Eustachian tube, which should allow the middle ear to be "liberated".
As for the problem of airsickness, you can take airsickness medication beforehand to reduce the sensitivity of the central nervous system. In fact, according to medical research, this kind of symptom can be overcome by self-training, for example, by increasing the number of times of taking the plane, and doing some limb stretching exercises regularly under the safety permit, which should be able to avoid the sunshine.
All in all, people with physical illnesses who want to fly should consult a physician beforehand to understand the relevant precautions. As for the general public, as long as they are more hydrated, do stretching exercises at the right time, and pay attention to urination, they should be able to avoid the symptoms mentioned above.
3. What does it mean to be an "unaccompanied child"?
"Unaccompanied children" is a special service introduced by civil aviation in recent years to enable children to travel by air alone. The so-called "unaccompanied children" refers to children between the ages of 5 and 12 years old who are not accompanied by an adult and are traveling alone. Since the introduction of the "unaccompanied children" service, China's major airlines have safely transported tens of thousands of children, greatly facilitating those who are too busy to get away from work, and the child must travel by air parents, saving the parents to accompany the children out of the transportation costs, thus receiving unanimous praise by all sectors of the community. Every year during the summer and winter vacations, a large number of young travelers with signboards on their chests traveled thousands of miles, becoming a unique scenery on the flights,
From the perspective of aviation medicine and the maintenance of passenger health, passengers suffering from the following conditions are generally not suitable for air travel: shock in the rescue state, coma, increased intracranial pressure, etc.; craniocerebral injury, skull fracture accompanied by coma or respiratory arrhythmia, inflammation of the brain, tumors, and recently done the pneumocephalus; severe heart failure, myocarditis disease, myocardial infarction within one month, within six weeks of the myocardial infarction had occurred, Recent angina pectoris frequent attacks, serious arrhythmia, cerebrovascular accident within two weeks after the disease, hypertension patients with systolic blood pressure more than 24KPa (180mmHg), diastolic blood pressure of more than 17.4KPa (130mmHg); heavy bronchial asthma, tuberculosis cavities, emphysema, pulmonary insufficiency of pulmonary heart disease, large mediastinal tumors, design of congenital cystic thorax, lobectomy of the lungs, the recent sufferers of spontaneous pneumothorax, pneumothorax, hemopneumothorax, exudative pleurisy with respiratory dysfunction; severe anemia, traumatic hemorrhage, hemoglobin below 60G/L; acute appendicitis, gastrointestinal ulcers with deep ulcers, very large tumors, intestinal obstruction, cranial, cerebral, abdominal, ophthalmic, and other organs or tissues injury with pneumoperitoneum, fracture with tube-type plaster fixation and hanging weight hammer traction, abdominal surgery less than 48 hours after surgery, tetanus, pneumoconiosis, and other diseases. hours after abdominal surgery, tetanus, gas bad replacement, severe otitis media with Eustachian tube blockage, severe sinusitis with nasal ventilation obstruction, fixed jawbone surgery; infants less than 14 days old and pregnant women more than eight months of gestation; AIDS and the state regulations of the first and second category of infectious diseases; manic psychosis, epilepsy; drunkenness or narcotics and other drug intoxication; with severe hemoptysis, vomiting, bleeding and groaning Patients with severe hemoptysis, hematemesis, bleeding and moaning symptoms; those with severe facial trauma and special conditions that may cause other travelers to be disgusted.
5. Can pregnant women fly?
The factors that affect pregnant women traveling on airplanes are low air pressure, low oxygen, and tight space in the cabin. Although studies have proved that it is safe for women to fly during any period of their pregnancy, as a precautionary measure, it is usually stipulated that there is no restriction for healthy pregnant women up to the eighth month of pregnancy to travel by air, except for checking the prenatal certificate at the time of ticketing. Pregnant women who are more than 8 months pregnant should not travel by air under normal circumstances. If there are special circumstances, they should submit two copies of the "Diagnostic Certificate" signed by a doctor and stamped by a medical organization within 72 hours prior to the flight, which includes the passenger's name, age, date of pregnancy, expected date of delivery, voyage and date of the trip, fitness to travel by air and the need for special care on board, etc. At the same time, they should fill in the "Special Care Certificate". Special care, etc., while filling out the "special passenger application for air travel" in duplicate, the carrier agreed to purchase tickets for air travel.