The conditions of the blood bank license?

A blood station license examination a good test how many points and qualify I'm not a scholar a professional, can test out

A class of relatively good test, the most difficult test is the second class. A class as long as the blood station should know the things that should be known, there are laws and regulations, other too specialized generally do not test. But if the luck is not good, it is difficult to say, because the questions are drawn from the question bank.

Second, the blood station nurse examination is not to take a class of induction certificate

The blood station induction certificate mainly has the following categories, nurses are generally enrolled in a class.

First, each training should be read through the object of the "safe blood and back to blood products" to answer the full set of materials.

Second, blood collection and supply institutions should be in accordance with the Office of the Ministry of Health, "Health Office medical hair [2002] No. 41, read the corresponding part.

(A) blood station

1. Class I: blood donation organization, blood collection personnel and managers, read the introduction to the book, the first book.

2. Class II: testing, quality control, blood research personnel, read the second book, book three, the fourth chapter of the introduction to the book (quality and quality assurance).

3. Class III: blood bank, component preparation and other personnel, intensive reading of the introductory volume, supplementary materials (component transfusion).

4. Category IV: Logistics personnel related to blood collection and supply operations, read the introduction book.

(B) single plasma station

1. V: plasma collection personnel and management, intensive reading of the Introduction, Book I.


2. VI: testing, quality control personnel, intensive reading of Book II, Book III, Chapter 4 (quality and quality assurance) of the Introduction Book.

III Where can I take the blood station license

The examination is held in October every year. Exam Textbook: Complete set of Safe Blood and Blood Products. Examination classification: (a) blood station Ⅰ back class: blood donation answer to the organization, blood collection personnel and management personnel, read the introduction book, the first book; Ⅱ class: inspection, quality control, blood research personnel, read the second book, the third book, the fourth chapter of the introduction book (quality and quality assurance); Ⅲ class: blood bank, components of the preparation of the personnel, read the introduction book, supplemental materials (components of the blood transfusion); Ⅳ class: with the collection of blood business related to logistics personnel, read the introduction book, supplementary materials (components of blood transfusion) (ii) single plasma station V: plasma collection personnel and management, read the Introduction, Book I; VI: inspection, quality control personnel, read Book II, Book III, Chapter 4 of the Introduction (quality and quality assurance).

IV Blood Station Nurse Induction Test Questions

I. Single-choice Questions MF;Gh?

1. Regarding the Code of Practice for Quality Management of Quality Management in Blood Stations, the following descriptions are correct: (b) < i]Q$8E

a/ A code formulated in accordance with the People's Republic of China **** and the National Law on Blood Donation. AW \-ba

b/ The norms are the basic guidelines for quality management of blood stations and are applicable to general blood stations providing blood collection, supply and related services. `vf\K;

c/ The norms are the basic guidelines for quality management of blood stations and are applicable to all blood stations providing blood collection and supply and related services. <U^EMq

d/ The Code is the highest guideline for quality management of blood stations and applies to blood stations in general that provide blood collection, supply and related services. >KR88CnV-

2. Regarding quality management responsibilities, the following descriptions are incorrect: (d) AT>F>.R";

a/ The legal representative is the person who is primarily responsible for the quality of the blood station, and the legal representative shall be responsible for the establishment, implementation, monitoring, and improvement of the quality system. 4F* 5&

b/ The legal representative shall audit the quality management system at planned intervals; monitor the quality management system improvement to ensure its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 4 X8?e +

c/ All employees are responsible for quality in their areas of responsibility. ^[yq7/%

d/ All employees document and retain the status and content of management audits. {M.sK <br>3. The following descriptions are correct with respect to organization and personnel:(d) u6+/fm <br>a/ Set up a department that caters to the promotion of blood donation and recruitment of blood donors. The authority must be largely adapted to the duties. &n\RM(>T5H <br>b/ The proportion of personnel qualified for senior, middle and junior health professional and technical positions is pyramidal. wv`uWT` <br>c/ The legal representative or the main person in charge of the central blood station shall have a college degree or higher. They must also have received training in blood station quality management and passed the examination. =\pK -v# <br>d/ Patients of infectious diseases and carriers of pathogens of blood-borne diseases are not allowed to engage in the business of blood collection, preparation of blood components, and blood supply. oaFaJ+Ee-< <br>4. Regarding organization and personnel, the following descriptions are incorrect: (a) ! /C*n:&) <br>a/ The person in charge of blood collection operations and the person in charge of quality shall have a medical or related specialty degree or above, and shall not be concurrently appointed with each other. In the absence of the person in charge of blood collection and supply operations or the person in charge of quality, an appropriate person shall be appointed to act in his/her place. mQ0P{>Og <br>b/ Continuing education and training programs must be formulated in accordance with the actual situation to ensure that employees receive continuous and effective education and training. $'?} 1^a_O

c/ Employees must be trained in documents related to the duties and responsibilities of the proposed position and in practical skills and be evaluated and shown to be competent. ? ;Q5Q|v

d/ Employee signatures must be registered and retained and regularly updated as required as well as previous records filed. B8@8Y

5. With respect to quality system documentation, the following descriptions are correct: (a) AXr^ u6A

a/ The quality system documentation should include the quality manual, process documentation, operating procedures, and records. @Qu: MI*w

b/ Establish and implement a sop to form documents and document management. \u5azaa*

c/ The original and copy of the voided documents should be marked for filing, and voided documents should not be present at the work site. ';d*d]a}E#

d/ Ensure that employees have easy access to documents related to their jobs within the organization and that they use the documents correctly. $|GA

6. Building, Facilities, and Environment, the following descriptions are correct: (c) ;Ty4bw ]m

a/ Blood donor solicitation area and medical examination area that allows for effective medical examination of blood donors to correctly determine donor eligibility. {U~ZZklL

b/ Blood collection area to safely place and discard blood bags in designated areas to avoid reuse, contamination, and errors. e.If!w

c/ The rest area after blood donation shall ensure that blood donors get proper rest. hgdB*<-

d/ Blood storage area, there should be a segregated storage area for blood to be tested and a segregated storage area for scrapped blood. 7#"6pCl@

7. equipment, the following descriptions are incorrect: (d) (Fw=zb.

a/ A management system for the identification, maintenance, calibration, and continuous monitoring of equipment must be established and implemented to ensure that the equipment is in compliance with the requirements for its intended use. b/ Measuring instruments should comply with the requirements for calibration, and there should be a visible marking of compliance with the periodic calibration. c/ The equipment should have the following characteristics. |VO&j=7

c/ Large and critical equipment should be labeled with unique labels, clear maintenance and calibration cycles, the file should be managed by a person, with records of use, maintenance and calibration. Q,,WVq@

d/ All emergency standby critical equipment requires special management. 3&VvcGGMu

8. materials, the following descriptions are correct: (b) pA7G "R(&x

a/ Materials used for blood collection and supply comply with the relevant national standards, and shall not adversely affect the quality of blood. MDy*:tA+,

b/ The manufacturers and suppliers who purchase key materials have the corresponding qualifications stipulated by national laws and regulations, and they should be evaluated once a year. v"`Zo

c/ Materials with special requirements for temperature, humidity or other conditions should be monitored for temperature and humidity 4 times a day. 4>wq1#g%G\

d/Material storage period and validity period from the date set as the date of entry into the warehouse, generally half a year, up to one year, and labeled. 6YVS9wgY

9. Safety and health, the following descriptions are incorrect: (c) 4@w7^

a/ Develop and implement a safety and health management system, which should include, at a minimum, the responsibilities of the organization and the employees to ensure safety and health in the workplace. E_pf%(

b/ There is a person responsible for safety and health who is directly accountable to the legal representative. ft&(Mvw

c/Establish employee health records and test employees every two years for infection by blood-borne pathogens. Employees who are negative for hepatitis B virus surface antibody should be vaccinated against hepatitis B virus. ]pbyyB<#)t

d/ Take effective measures to protect blood donors and employees; avoid contamination of blood, blood specimens, and the environment during blood collection, testing, preparation, storage, packaging, and transportation. sMz&Vm5

10. computerized information management system, the following descriptions are correct: (b) \p "

a/ must be applied to computer management of the main process of blood collection and supply. }9 eDy#`9

b/ The development, design, modification, and validation of a management information system should follow the basic principles of development, design, modification, and validation of software engineering. |E|X sC8

c/ To ensure blood supply. Dual circuit power should be set up. !1r_!"

d/Clear user authorization settings to prevent users from changing permissions on important data. 9D ;d'Tau

10. Labeling and traceability of blood, the following descriptions are incorrect: (c) {lr ;+ <br>a/ The base color of the label should be white, firmly affixed to the blood bag, waterproof and abrasion-resistant, and the adhesive glue on the back should not affect the quality of the blood. The label information is recommended to be in solid black font, produced by printing or imprinting. 7k/m *** CK <br>b/ The content in the blood label should be in accordance with the relevant provisions in the "Management Measures of Blood Stations" and "Quality Requirements for Whole Blood and Component Blood", and contain at least four parts, namely, blood donation number, variety identification, blood type identification and expiration date identification. z8V]'7J<E <br>c/ The coding procedure of the blood donation barcode shall ensure the uniqueness of the blood donation code, and the same blood donation code shall not be repeated for at least 30 years. Qg T ~RDHo <br>d/ The steps and requirements for affixing the barcode should be clearly defined, only one bag of blood and homologous blood sample tube should be affixed at a time, and the affixed barcode should be checked against the solicitation form. hmL]tuh <br>11. records, the following descriptions are correct:(d) #S{>JU+z^! <br>a/ Includes the entire process from blood collection, testing, preparation, storage, distribution and transportation. 9QZod*Ir <br>b/ Original records of blood donation, testing and supply should be kept for about ten years. n "XLD-xO <br>c/ Data messages should be available for access at critical times. h6tPry <br>d/ The personal data of blood donors, information on blood donation, blood test results and corresponding information on blood use shall be kept confidential to prevent unauthorized access and external disclosure. ku^g^fdpfA <br>12. Monitoring and Continuous Improvement, the following descriptions are correct: (a) bCk(gg r <br>a/ Confirmation shall be performed according to a predetermined schedule. A validation report shall be generated after completion of validation. The validation report should include the validation plan, the validated data, and the conclusions of the validation. en*DM^{/ <br>b/ Mainly to ensure timely detection of non-compliant blood and to prevent abnormal use of non-conforming blood. `Sr/3;" <br>c/ Ensures that recurrence of all nonconformities is prevented. +RX(D ` <br>d/ Internal Quality Auditors shall be nationally trained and generated from internal auditing parties. KP[L~;H <br>13. With regard to the management of blood donation sites, the following descriptions are incorrect: (c) Xv([95_ <br>a/ Blood donation sites should have adequate facilities that are well laid out to meet the requirements of the blood donation process and the health and safety of the donors and the staff. mhfV:cf7W <br>b/ The pre-donation solicitation and physical examination shall keep the privacy and relevant information of blood donors confidential. d0MlTZH5 <br>c/ There should be a place to deal with adverse reactions to blood donation. |S`&vI38 <br>d/ There shall be separate operating facilities and meticulous processes for blood collection, sample retention, recording, and labeling at each blood collection station to eliminate the potential for errors in donor recording or labeling. ~b~D* <br>14. The following descriptions of blood donor recruitment are correct: (d) 'Z//? ;'` <br>a/ Establish and implement guidelines for blood donor recruitment, 9\1Syid' <br>b/ Target recruitment to low-risk groups who are voluntarily unpaid, _MwSj]'o <br>c/ Encourage voluntary and regular unpaid blood donation. 'rD|O]? | <br>d/ All of the above. x8V$^("E <br>15. Blood donors undergo health counseling and assessment, which is incorrectly described as (a) #0xLBUj" <br>a/ being performed by trained medical technologists in accordance with the Requirements for the Health Examination of Blood Donors. n |,BIX#.4 <br>b/ To ensure that the health of the donor and the safety and validity of the blood are not compromised. *3~_u|b <br>c/ The health solicitation and health examination shall be signed by both the blood donor and the examiner*** upon completion. 2&Ho0/@ <br>d/ The examiner shall make a judgment as to whether the donor is able to donate blood. {y'@TMAe <br>16. The following descriptions are incorrect regarding the administration of blood collection:(d) }? |)qtO

a/ Blood donor information should be verified prior to collection to ensure that blood is collected from donors who comply with the Requirements for Health Examination of Blood Donors. 'YsYtt x

b/ The appearance of the blood bag and blood preservation solution should be checked before blood collection to ensure that the blood bag is not damaged or moldy and is within the validity period. VwISP-g#

c/ The labeling process should be strictly controlled to ensure that the blood bags, specimen tubes, and blood donation records of the same donor correspond to each other and are labeled correctly. 8\ qLl

d/ At the end of blood collection, make the relevant records. [/goh9?\s

17. Regarding the blood donation record, the following descriptions are incorrect: (d) 6a@Y0}E

a/ The blood donation record should include at least the donor's personal information. G"~T9t~`

b/ The result of health enquiry is signed by the donor and the enquirer. 7bFNt:Q

c/ The result of the health examination is signed by the examiner. z}XaQ93

d/ Date of blood donation, amount of blood donated, and reaction to blood donation have the signature of the traveling physician. J R3;U /@

18. Blood component mono-collection, the following descriptions are correct: (c ) "V5eEJCuv

a/ The work must be performed by trained nursing staff, and should be supervised by trained medical staff. #e_=4 SIa

b/ The blood cell separator should be maintained and monitored daily to ensure safety and effectiveness. Xf!>fB\4b

c/ Disposable blood component separation tubing that meets the State Food and Drug Administration's approval for registration must be used. 8Mue)YW^

d/ Timely disposal and destruction of all used disposable component separation lines in the unit. . =S_!b'

19. blood testing, the following descriptions are correct: (c) XH,=Rh> g

a/ Blood stations that carry out blood testing business, the blood testing laboratories must be certified to practice under the Code of Practice for the Quality Management of Blood Stations. 5C p~hSO7

b/ Blood stations that do not carry out blood testing business, only need to do the handover procedures to ensure that the blood specimens are correct. %=HtBJW

c/Establish and implement procedures for the receipt and utilization of test reports to ensure that they are received and utilized correctly. zUdA!C}}

d/ The blood station quality control laboratory shall comply with the relevant requirements of the Code of Practice for Quality Management in Blood Stations. TFb[xE

20. blood preparation, the following descriptions are incorrect: (a) e,Z

a/ The prepared blood must comply with the Requirements of the Code of Practice for the Quality Management of Blood Stations. Z5#MT\sF

b/ Perform blood preparation, labeling, packaging, and warehousing procedures. ;Za'9lq\

c/ The blood preparation environment should be neat and hygienic, with regular and effective disinfection, and environmental temperature control to ensure the safety and effectiveness of blood. W me Q

d/ Blood preparation should be carried out in closed systems wherever possible. If preparation can only be performed in an open system, it should be strictly controlled to avoid microbial contamination. ?T CI~7)

21. blood preparation, the following descriptions are correct: (d) NGNn{]m

a/ All equipment used for blood preparation should be maintained and calibrated as required to ensure reliable and stable operation. b/ The blood preparation equipment should be maintained and calibrated as required to ensure reliable and stable operation. c/ Blood preparation should be performed in a closed system. d/ Blood preparation should be performed in a closed system. EY 53/udC

b/ Procedures and methods of blood preparation are not subject to audit confirmation. f4= 7'Q+h

c/ The single-use plastic blood bags used in the blood preparation process can be used after the quality control department confirms their eligibility. ! ,%gFS^

d/ Implementation of routine blood sampling procedures and statistical analysis and deviation investigation of sampling results with corrective and preventive measures. 5#r.5_4

22. With regard to blood and its package marking, the following descriptions are correct: (b) Cw}'<6

a/ When using coupled bags, the consistency of the donor bar code on the original bag should be checked before separating the original bag from the transfer bag. :kxx#8n'

b/ When non-integral bags are used for blood, it must be ensured that the correct donor barcode is attached to each bag. -kxWVX

c/ When using one-piece blood bags for blood, you must ensure that the correct donation barcode is attached to each bag. g,B1?8

d/ When labeling qualified blood, the information on the solicitation form should be checked again. 3Z! X9`bS

23. With respect to blood preparation records, the following descriptions are incorrect: (b) B#'Ut c

a/ Traceability should be ensured of information related to personnel, equipment, blood sources and raw materials, method steps, and environmental conditions of the blood preparation process, ;ww1 VD`lA

b/ Traceability includes, at a minimum, the handover of blood, the component preparation process, instrument use, maintenance and calibration, and environmental control of component preparation. za~r?*>xo

c/ Traceability includes, at a minimum, the handover of blood, the process of component preparation, routine sampling and analysis of quality results of the components, the use of instrumentation, maintenance and calibration, environmental control of component preparation, and the disposal of medical waste. 'v'>qK#z

d/Records should be signed by the person performing the operation. d "st7x`

24. The procedure for release of qualified blood complies with the following principles, and the following descriptions are incorrect:(d) ~^x9OIB$+

a/ The release personnel should be trained and qualified and authorized to undertake the release work, and the quality management personnel should monitor the release of blood. b/ The quality management personnel should be trained and qualified to undertake the release work, and the quality management personnel should monitor the release of blood. c/ The quality management personnel should be trained and qualified to undertake the release work, and the quality management personnel should monitor the release of blood. oMJ "4d['

b/ Inventory all unqualified blood in each batch of blood, accurate and safe transfer and disposal before releasing qualified blood. Pb ;7eohg

c/ Identify all prepared qualified blood in each batch, label it as qualified blood, and approve its release before it is transferred from the isolation bank to the qualified blood repository for clinical distribution. ;x~XmTMs{

d/ All non-qualified blood is counted and verified and then immediately incinerated. mTv!}L^

25. Procedures for the management of blood preservation shall meet the following requirements, except: (c) ?1Qo|@rCB

a/ The location where the blood is preserved shall be protected from fire, theft, and rodents, and shall be off-limits to unauthorized persons. ) "Vs8 ^F

b/ The equipment for the preservation of blood shall operate reliably, have a balanced temperature, have a temperature recording device and an alarm device. j5BVRS2J

c/ The preservation status is monitored to ensure that the blood is preserved under effective conditions. 'H@r- I`t

d/ Separate storage of different varieties and blood types according to the storage requirements, with obvious marking. u|5Zcr

26. Blood distribution and transportation, the following descriptions are correct: (d) (6Do}gwP

a/ Establish and implement blood distribution procedures. The first-in, first-out principle should be followed. h{7<y

b/ Establish and implement procedures for the management of blood transportation to ensure that blood is always transported in 4°C. bOB?^7d_0

c/ There should be uninterrupted monitoring of the storage temperature of blood throughout transportation. o||VQZ

d/ Blood transport boxes should be labeled to indicate the type of blood and the destination of transport. `%{j;F <br>27. With regard to the requirements of the blood inventory management program, the following descriptions are incorrect: (c) LBg/,=% <br>a/ Ensure that there is an adequate supply of blood while maximizing control of the expiration of the blood at obsolescence. eLc4g2(_+: <br>b/ Minimum stock levels of different types of blood should be determined according to clinical needs. S1:vuMp@:A <br>c/ Blood in the process of preparation is not included in inventory management. }x`PuZ1

d/ Blood stocks should be inventoried periodically. MMRb >

28. With regard to blood retrieval, the following descriptions are incorrect: (c) oJnW<*K,

a/ A blood retrieval procedure should be established and implemented that identifies the blood that needs to be retrieved, the person responsible for the retrieval, and his/her duties. FJ1[ g

b/ Ensure that a person is available at all times to receive and deal with blood quality complaints and defect findings, and is able to quickly retrieve blood that has been dispensed or trace the whereabouts of the blood, and notify the relevant unit in a timely manner to take appropriate action. Okqa

c/ In the event of recovery of blood with serious quality defects, immediate action should be taken. e!M*m[j&

d/ Records of blood retrieval should include the retrieval, tracking, analysis, evaluation and disposal of defective blood, as well as corrective and preventive measures taken. >3a>aK(Cz

29. Regarding the procedure for handling blood quality complaints, the following description is correct:(c) :}! ^X2-

a/ Designate a person in charge of the blood bank. =l_!SPG

b/ Designate the quality control laboratory personnel responsible. #^I<M^o`}

c/Designate QC lab and QC department personnel responsible. u@. #fET

d/Report to the provincial health administration in a timely manner upon receipt of a complaint of a major problem with the quality of blood. =Q`oF d

30. The following descriptions of the qualification requirements for the staff of key positions in the blood station are correct:(d) 6DT)Oci5Mi

a/ Medical examination physician post, bachelor degree or above, assistant physician or above, trained in blood safety and first aid. Wf nHRs$

b/Examiner's post, college graduate or above, junior title or above, trained in blood safety, specialized training or further training in line with the work for more than 3 months. bKT^)ml

c/Information management post, college degree or above in computer-related majors, junior title or above, with relevant qualifications or professional (training) certificates, and blood safety training 94$cS6 xW

d/Quality management post, college degree or above in related majors, junior title or above, blood safety training. c#-bJ

II. Multiple Choice Questions Kl u;N

1. Quality management responsibilities, the following descriptions are correct: (abcd) 8E=XJ{

a/ The quality system should cover all the processes carried out in blood collection and related services. b/ The quality system should cover all the processes carried out in blood collection and related services. c/ The quality system should cover all the processes carried out in blood collection and related services. d/ The quality system should cover all the processes carried out in the blood collection and related services. 8K+2|l'@ 9

b/ The legal representative is the first person responsible for the quality of the blood station, and the legal representative shall be responsible for the establishment, implementation, monitoring and improvement of the quality system. R}'rj/

c/ The legal representative shall audit the quality management system at planned intervals; supervise the improvement of the quality management system to ensure its appropriateness, adequacy and effectiveness. k*\MB'B%p$

d/ The quality system complies with the requirements of laws, regulations, standards and specifications. bJfc Vc

2. Organization and personnel, the following descriptions are correct: (acd) 0.\7nZ+M[

a/ It is necessary to establish an organizational structure appropriate to its business. . @(qUeM

b/ Health technicians should constitute more than 85% of the total workforce. P , 3

c/ The legal representative or the main person in charge of the blood center and central blood station shall have an undergraduate degree or above from a higher education institution. SL&+hf

d/ Newly added technical and managerial staff with undergraduate degrees or higher should be no less than 60%. =A\4 T

3, quality system documents, the following description is wrong: (ab) k:Pav/+W

a/ The quality system documents cover the main processes of the blood collection business carried out. &hbD'3 "h+

b/ The documents used should be the relevant approved versions. b0)%gJL1

c/Documents should be reviewed periodically, with a list of document revision status, and a list of document issuance. qU'C'XNt3

d/ Prior to the formal implementation of the document, relevant employees should be trained, competency levels evaluated and records maintained. `ZnX

4. Building, facilities and environment, the following descriptions are correct: (abcd) g|n h&ed

a/ The general layout of the blood collection and supply operations, living, management, logistics and auxiliary areas should be reasonable and should not interfere with each other. ?FY%43

b/ The layout of the blood collection and supply operation place should meet the business needs, and the process should be reasonable and orderly to prevent personnel and blood from being contaminated. 7p46JL~f

c/ With safe and effective emergency power supply facilities. ^0)p |]&

d/ Facilities for fire fighting, sewage treatment, medical waste disposal, etc. are in accordance with relevant national regulations. .} HS)-73qN

5, equipment, the following description is correct: (acd) :5q vd

a/ The configuration of the equipment should be able to meet the needs of the blood station's business work. o$+)I0-

b/ Measuring instruments should be calibrated every two years. RTRNi&4l

c/ Faulty or out-of-service equipment should be clearly labeled to prevent misuse. s$sb &N6

d/ Emergency measures for critical equipment should not affect the normal operation of the blood station and the quality of blood. ?vh.[~NGi

6. materials, the following descriptions are correct: (abc) RI8)PY

a/ A management system should be formulated to clarify the list of key materials, and regulate the purchase, acceptance, storage, issuance, and use of materials for blood collection and supply. /6fH[ D<3

b/ Control the quality of key materials to ensure that only qualified materials can be put into use. iX|-A

c/ Qualified, to be inspected, unqualified materials should be strictly managed, partitioned storage. For the inventory area of similar critical materials, there are obvious and easy to identify the status category of the logo. =1-1DJl/

d/Materials should be stored according to the specified period of use, follow the principle of first-in-first-out, to ensure that the use of materials in the expiration date. i <U~U:

8. Safety and health, the following descriptions are correct: (abcd) !ZCPqaX

a/ Establishment and implementation of procedures for prevention and control of occupational exposures, including prevention and treatment of occupational exposures, registration of occupational exposures, monitoring, and reporting. 8`PdXLOjW

b/ Eating, drinking, smoking and wearing jewelry that affects safety and hygiene are not allowed in the work area. *sFvA[ vu

c/ Develop disinfection and cleaning procedures, specify areas, equipment and items to be disinfected and cleaned as well as their disinfection and cleaning methods and frequency, and keep the work area hygienic and tidy. --! >Fg4^

d/ Shall implement the relevant regulations on medical waste management, and collect and dispose of medical waste. T)I$@L

9. computerized information management system, the following descriptions are correct: (abcd) [2!=fH6r,

a/ Maintenance of the management information system should include all the components in the system, such as hardware, software, documentation, and training of personnel; Q1rI%1~o?^

b/ Measures must be taken to ensure the security of data. Perform regular backups of the database and ensure that the backup inventory point is effectively and securely separated from the main database. /o 4r!$y

c/ Users should ensure the security of electronic passwords, and should prevent, check and remove computer viruses. {:^0`3

d/ Detailed records should be kept of the date, time, and content of all login and operation activities of the operator. L. "V.`-

10. Identification and traceability of blood, the following descriptions are correct: (abd) TgVYi"(

a/ A management procedure for blood identification must be established and implemented to ensure that all blood can be traced back to the appropriate donor and his/her process of donation, the lot number of the key material used, and a complete record of all preparations and tests performed. b/ The blood must be labeled with a blood identification number. c/ The blood must be labeled with a blood identification number. d/ The blood must be labeled with a blood identification number. e/ The blood must be labeled with a blood identification number. R "T_+pc+

b/ The background color of the label should be white, firmly affixed to the blood bag, waterproof and resistant to abrasion, and the adhesive glue on the back must not affect the quality of the blood. The label information is in bold letters and must be produced by printing. ~}4aDAP ,Z

c/ The identification of the blood should be based on barcode technology to ensure that each bag of blood is uniquely identified and traceable. ARWq|){kv

d/Barcoding technology should be able to identify different types of blood and blood groups in different process states. It should be ensured that each blood donation has a unique barcode identification and can be traced back to the donor. lM-Sknuq.U

five blood station induction license a class of exams and three types of exams is what, I am a blood bank nurse is how many types of

Hello, I want to take the test this year, I'm not in the blood station, I do not know what the test, can you tell me

six blood bank induction license how to get

The test in October of each year.

Examination materials: "safe blood and blood products" full set of teaching materials. Examination classification: (a) version of the blood station Ⅰ class: the right to donate blood organization personnel, blood collection personnel and management personnel, read the introduction to the book, the first book; Ⅱ class: inspection, quality control, blood research personnel, read the second book, the third book, the introduction to the book of the fourth chapter (quality and quality assurance); Ⅲ class: the blood bank, the components of the preparation of the personnel, read the introduction to the book, the supplementary materials (component blood transfusion); Ⅳ class: with the collection of blood business related to the logistics personnel, read the introduction to the book, supplementary materials (component blood transfusion); Ⅳ class: with the collection and supply of blood business-related Logistics personnel, read the Introduction; (b) single plasma station V: plasma collection personnel and management, read the Introduction, Book I; VI: testing, quality control personnel, read Book II, Book III, Chapter 4 of the Introduction (quality and quality assurance).

VII test passenger qualification certificate to what requirements

Valid driver's license, ID card, three years without major traffic accidents certificate, one-inch red bottom photo several, to the local transport authority, or training institutions to enroll in the local regulations a little bit of difference, please consult the local transport authority.

Eight Hello! Please ask the medical testing blood bank blood transfusion technology license how to enroll

There are hospitals out of the certificate can be enrolled

Nine test truck license what conditions are required

(a) application acceptance

The applicant first to the jurisdiction of the transport management authorities to apply and fill out the application for a certificate of registration form in triplicate, with identity card, driver's license, certificate of completion and the "license" (limited to additional driving). Qualification Certificate" (limited to additional driving) original and two copies, the same version of the 1-inch color photo 5. The application form registration form by the jurisdiction of the Transportation Management Bureau of the initial examination, qualified seal can be effective.

Application conditions:

1, passenger transport (bus): should have more than five years of driving experience and more than 100,000 kilometers of safe driving experience, holding A license to drive a bus more than 2 years of driving experience, with the corresponding certificate. Driving license for A A1

2, passenger transport (passenger): should have more than five years of driving experience and more than 100,000 kilometers of safe driving experience, with the corresponding certificate. Driving license A A1 A2 B B1

3, passenger transportation (micro): should have more than one year of driving experience. Driving license for A A1 A2 A3 B B1 B2 C C1

4, cargo transportation (train): should have more than 2 years driving experience in driving trucks, with the appropriate proof. Driving license for A A2 B

5, cargo transportation (general cargo): driving license for A A1 A2 B B2 C C1 C2 C3

(B) registration acceptance

applicants to the municipal transport management authorities to register, the training section of the review of the application registration form (two) and related information, review of the allocation of qualified training qualification to the training of driving school training, and collect the examination fee and cost of work. The first time I saw this, it was a very good time for me to go back to the office.

(C) vocational training

1, the applicant to the training qualifications of the driving school to enroll in the license application registration form and ID card, driver's license, a copy of the certificate of completion to the driving school archives.

2, the application program for additional driving, the original license to the driving school, the driving school back to the training section.

3, the driving school according to the "operating car driver vocational training program and syllabus," the content, hours and the relevant provisions of the Municipal Transportation Administration for training.

(D) qualification examination

1, organized by the municipal transport management organs of the theoretical examination and practical examination. The end of the test results announced after the test, the theory of the test failed to participate in the practical examination.

2, the test failed, you can make up a test; make-up test is still unqualified, 30 days after re-enrollment for the test.

Second, based on

1, the Chinese people **** and the State Road Transportation Regulations

2, commercial road transport driver vocational training regulations

3, the rules of automobile passenger transport

4, the rules of automobile cargo transport

5, the Provincial Transportation Bureau of Shaanxi Jiaotong Transportation [2003] No. 105 document "forwarded". Chongqing Municipal Price Bureau of Chongqing Municipal Department of Finance on the approval of the operating road transport driver qualification charges notice

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