Is Regenerative Medical Technology Development Co., Ltd. a listed company?

Not a listed company

Public listing

The differences between listing and listing are: different liquidity, different purposes, different threshold requirements, different company stages, different trading places, different control standards, different trading methods, different risk levels and different laws and regulations.

Transaction liquidity is different: the liquidity of listed equity transactions is poor, and the liquidity of listed stocks is strong.

Different purposes: the main purpose of issuing listed companies is to solve the stock liquidity, while the main purpose of issuing listed companies is to achieve financing.

The threshold requirements are different: the threshold for listing is relatively low, but there are clear regulations on listing, which have strict requirements on operation, scale, efficiency, industry and development prospects.

Companies are in different stages: listed companies are generally in the stage of innovation and growth, and the scale is small; Generally, listed companies are in a relatively mature stage, and the scale is relatively large.