Do you need a chaperone to remove the IUD?

During the family planning period, women had to go to the ring after giving birth to a child, but nowadays the opening of the second child, some women began to remove the ring to prepare for the second child program. So, does one need to be accompanied when removing the IUD? The removal of the ring is only a minor surgery, so it does not require special chaperones, but the procedure will still produce discomfort and need to pay attention to rest after the procedure.

Do you need a chaperone for an IUD removal

The IUD removal procedure involves the doctor hooking and pulling out the IUD with an IUD removal hook. If you have a nylon tail, you can remove the IUD by pulling on the nylon tail that is left inside the vagina. The procedure usually takes about 10 minutes. If it is difficult to remove the IUD, the procedure can be done under B-mode ultrasound or, if necessary, under hysteroscopy. The IUD can be removed when a woman is planning to have another child, does not need contraception, or when the IUD has expired and needs to be replaced.

IUD removal can be a little uncomfortable, but for most women the pain is not too severe and can be tolerated. Therefore, you can go to the hospital on your own and do not need to be accompanied.

If you are really afraid of pain, you can have a painless procedure. The procedure is the same as a normal IUD removal surgery, just inject a little anesthetic into the vein, fall asleep and then start the surgery, you will wake up soon after the surgery. If you have been menopausal for a long time and your uterus has begun to atrophy, you can use some medication to improve the atrophy of the uterus before the IUD removal surgery, so that the surgery will go more smoothly and the pain may be less severe.

How long after the removal of the ring can cohabit

1, 2 weeks after the removal of the ring prohibit cohabit

After the removal of the ring, women are recommended to completely relax and rest for 3 days, in order to prevent infection, it is best not to cohabit and sit in the bath within 2 weeks. Some women who have had the IUD for a long time may experience a small amount of vaginal bleeding or bloody leukorrhea after the IUD is removed, which may disappear naturally after a day or two. This is because the removal of the IUD will cause irritation to the lining of the uterus and the cervix, and this will lead to bleeding. If the bleeding is heavy or lasts for a long time after IUD removal, you should go to the hospital in time to avoid bacterial infection.

2, the best interval after the removal of the ring before pregnancy

The general recommendation is not to get pregnant immediately after the removal of the ring, an interval of six months before pregnancy is more appropriate. This is because the birth control ring placed in the uterine cavity, will lead to endometrial sterile inflammatory reaction, proliferation of leukocytes and macrophages, the embryo teratology has a destructive effect, fertilization difficulties.

If the IUD placed is made of copper, the copper released is also very unfavorable to the implantation of the fertilized egg and has an effect on the development of the embryonic sac. If the IUD contains progesterone, it can cause the lining of the uterus to shrink. Regardless of whether the IUD is placed for a long or short period of time, it will affect the membrane tissue of the uterus, making it prone to producing defective babies. For mothers who are planning to have a second child, at least two to three normal menstrual cycles after removing the IUD before getting pregnant, so that the uterine lining has time to recover, but also conducive to the health of the baby.


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