Yu Wenhao gave birth to the highest filial piety, the German queen collapsed, the funeral ceremony was destroyed, and the sweatshop respected but differed. Dedi (Yuwen arm) and Wei Ke fought alone in the south river of Wuchuan, and got cold feet and fell off the horse. They ran for help with a few riders, killed dozens of people, and the thieves were invincible. Dide had to mount his horse and lead them. Suddenly the thief came after him, and Yu Wenhao died in battle.
At the beginning of Baoding, ten states, such as Taishi, Zhu Guo Jiangjun, Otsuka Jae, and DuDu Hengshuo, were chased by Shaoguogong, Wan Huhou and Yuehui. Leave the third son, Yu Fei, Yu and Yuwen Hu.