High school $20,000-60,000/year High school tuition ranges from $40,000-$60,000, and $20,000-$30,000 for religious schools.
Bachelor's degree $30,000-65,000/yearThe U.S. bachelor's degree program is usually four years, but there are cases where students can graduate in three years.
Graduate (business) $40,000-90,000/year generally 1-2 years, the U.S. business school tuition increased by 5% per year.
Graduate (Science) $15,000-60,000/year generally 1-2 years, the U.S. Polytechnic Institute of tuition and fees increase at 5% per year.
Graduate (Arts and Letters) $15,000-75,000/year typically 1-2 years, tuition at American Academy of Arts and Letters increases at 5% per year.
Doctorate $15,000-60,000/year usually 5-6 years, doctoral tuition fees increase by 5% per year.
The U.S. undergraduate program costs 2-3 million yuan for four years, an average of 550,000 yuan per year! The U.S. master's degree program is two years, *** need to spend about 800,000 yuan. Including: (tuition, medical insurance, medical services, activities, room and board, books, personal expenses, transportation, etc.)
If you want to know more detailed U.S. study costs, you can browse through the U.S. study costs to know/zhuanti-feiyong.shtml?ozs=w-hf to understand the site according to the students in different stages of study, in accordance with the The website summarizes a more detailed breakdown of the cost of studying abroad according to the different stages of study, according to different overseas institutions and according to the different majors studied.
The difference in cost is mainly due to factors such as the nature of the school, its location, its reputation, and the difference in specialties. Private schools are usually higher than public universities, so if we have a tighter budget range for our expenses, we should also consider the cost piece together when choosing a school to study in the United States. From the past time, the tuition fee in the United States shows a situation of increasing year by year, the increase is about 5% per year. So if you go abroad, it is best to go out as early as possible, more or less cheaper.