Winter is the integrated wastewater treatment equipment failure rate is higher in the season, the low temperature is easy to trigger the water pipe freeze, affecting the effect of sewage purification.
Before the winter, integrated wastewater treatment equipment needs to carry out a comprehensive overhaul and maintenance, including the replacement of equipment lubricants and add filler and bacteria, these preparations need to be done in advance. In order to avoid problems in the sewage network, all sewage lines and rainwater lines in the pipe network system need to be thoroughly dredged and cleaned.
Winter integrated sewage treatment equipment inspection frequency and inspection matters:
1, winter inspection frequency should be reasonably adjusted, the village sewage treatment station location of the lowest temperature below 0 ℃, it is appropriate to increase the frequency of inspection. In case of exceptionally heavy rain or snow, operation and maintenance personnel should be arranged to site inspections on a regular basis.
2, the temperature is below zero when you need to check the grille and pretreatment devices, grille grating whether there is icing pitch becomes smaller, rake teeth deformation fracture and other phenomena, found that the icing in a timely manner to clean up; grating slag in a timely manner in order to avoid the occurrence of freezing;
3, operation and maintenance personnel need to check the integration of sewage treatment equipment in the low-temperature condition of the operating condition is good, the intermittent operation of the equipment whether there is a risk of freezing, find problems in time to eliminate There is a risk of freezing, found that the problem is eliminated in a timely manner;
4, integrated wastewater treatment equipment should focus on checking whether the water valve seepage, leakage phenomenon, all the valves, pipeline insulation measures are intact and effective, and found that the problem is eliminated in a timely manner;
5, low temperatures will lead to microbial stagnation, the camp in winter should be to increase the integration of wastewater treatment equipment, the frequency of water quality testing, pay close attention to the water inlet and effluent water quality, water temperature changes, through the site rapid detection of water temperature, DO, the treatment efficiency of each process unit for qualitative judgment, make a record, find abnormalities in a timely manner and report.