Trademark registration 45 major categories of details

Provides some common classes of trademark registration:

Class 01: chemical raw materials.

Class 02: pigments, varnishes, paints, etc..

Class 03: Cosmetics for daily use.

04 Category: Fuel oil and grease.

05 Category: Medicine, etc.

06 Category: metal products.

07 category: machinery and equipment.

Category 08: hand tools and instruments.

09 Category: scientific instruments.

Category 10: medical devices.

Class 11: Lighting equipment, heating devices, etc.

Category 12: Vehicles.

Category 13: Firearms.

Category 14: Jewelry clocks and watches.

Category 15: Musical instruments.

16 Category: paper products.

Category 17: rubber and plastic products, etc.

18 Categories: leather, fur and its products, etc.

19 categories: building materials.

20 categories: furniture.

21 Class: Household appliances, etc.

22 Class: Rope, fiber materials for textile, etc.

23 categories: textile yarn, thread and other raw materials.

24 categories: textiles, such as fabrics, towels, etc.

25 categories: clothing, shoes and hats, etc.

26 categories: textiles such as lace, jewelry, etc.

27 categories: carpets, tapestries and other textiles.

28 categories: toys, recreational goods, etc..

29 categories: meat, fish, poultry and other food.

30 categories: bread, pastries, candy and other food.

31 Categories: agricultural products such as grains, fruits, vegetables, etc.

32 Categories: beer, beverages, etc.

33 Category: alcoholic beverages.

34 Category: tobacco, smoking equipment, etc.

35 Category: Commercial activities such as advertising campaigns.

36 Category: Finance, insurance and other businesses.

37 Category: Building repair and other businesses.

38 categories: telecommunications business.

39 Category: transportation services.

40 Category: material handling services.

41 Category: education and entertainment services and other businesses.

42 Class: scientific and technical services and other businesses.

43 Class: food and lodging services and other businesses.

44 Category: Healthcare services and other businesses.

Category 45: Legal services and other businesses.

Please note that the above are only common classes for trademark registration, and specific classes and subclasses may vary from country to country and region to region. When applying for trademark registration, the applicant needs to determine the specific goods or service items and select the appropriate trademark registration class for application, as well as conduct trademark search and brand planning to ensure the success rate of trademark registration and business interests.

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