IVF Costs: Differences Between Generation 1, 2, and 3

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a high-tech medical technology whose cost varies depending on the generation. This article will delve into the cost components and differences between one, two, and three generations of IVF to help readers better understand the technology.

Generation 1 IVF Costs

Generation 1 IVF costs mainly include pre-testing, ovulation stimulation medication, transplantation procedure and medication. Generally speaking, the cost of one-generation IVF is relatively low, mainly focusing on the cost of ovulation promotion drugs and surgery, with a total cost of about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

Second-generation IVF cost

The cost of second-generation IVF involves two major aspects, the surgery and the use of medication, which vary from patient to patient due to the different dosages of medication required for different patients' symptoms and the duration of the procedure. In general, the cost of second-generation IVF is about $30,000, including the cost of preliminary tests, ovulation induction, egg retrieval and culture, and transplantation.


Three-generation IVF costs are generally higher, typically between $80,000 and $110,000 dollars. This involves factors such as testing programs, medication regimens, origin, location, hospital and individualized needs. The upfront checkup costs about RMB 2,000-3,000, and the fees are charged in phases once the procedure is underway, with a budget of about RMB 90,000-100,000 for the first and second phases of medical treatment. Adding costs such as airfare and full packages, the total budget will cost around 160-170,000 RMB in China.

Choosing IVF requires caution

The choice of IVF technology requires full consideration of personal circumstances and budget in order to choose the most suitable option for you. It is also advisable to have a detailed consultation with a medical professional before deciding to ensure an informed decision.