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Why is the USMC called Maroon, 4th class? And what's the third class, second class, first class?

Marine Run that is "Marin" - the U.S. Marine Corps, because counting the major U.S. wars, the Marines are at the forefront, but the equipment is the worst, when the Army with the strong>So there's a first class Navy grandpa, second class Air Force grandpa, third class Army dad, fourth class Maroon.

Expanded profile:

Extended profile:

The Marine Corps' mission is divided into three major scopes, with the primary mission being to maintain amphibious capabilities. In addition to maintaining the amphibious capability of its own forces, the Marine Corps also sends contingents at the request of the President of the United States and the U.S. Department of Defense to be deployed at U.S. naval bases in various regions of the world in various countries and aboard major warships of all major fleets of the U.S. Navy.

In addition to being assigned to bases, the Marines are required to perform additional missions as requested by the President of the United States during the final crunch of the war.

The U.S. Marines numbered up to 200,000 in 2020, with 4,000 women. They are divided into three main units, ground forces, aviation and logistics. The ground forces are divided into three Marine divisions based at Camp Pendleton, Camp Norfolk, and the Okinawa Islands; the aviation forces serve as support forces; and the logistics forces provide supplies and medical and maintenance duties.

They collaborate with each other, whether it is the ability to fight alone or collectively is very strong. There is also their equipment is very well equipped, each infantryman is equipped with M16A4 and M4A1, the troops are equipped with heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, tanks, fighter jets and other advanced equipment.