What is a land use balance sheet

Planning Land Balance Table

2004-06-29 11:06:56.0

Serial No. Nature of Land Use Land Use Code Area of Land Use (ha) Percentage (%)

1 Residential Land Use

Class 1 Residential R1 4.2

2 General Residential R2 2080.5

3 Middle and Primary Schools, Childcare R5 298.9

4 Land for Public **** Facilities

Administrative Office C1 291.9

5 Commercial and Financial C2 717.4

6 Culture and Recreation C3 143.5

7 Sports C4 172.5

8 Medical and Healthcare C5 87.7

9 Education, Research and Design C6 412.7

10 Cultural Relics and Monuments C7 4.6

11 Religion, Social Welfare C9 4.0

12 Industrial Land Industrial Land M1 668.7

13 Village and Township Enterprises M2 31.3

14 Warehouse Land W 274.6 274.6 2.9

15 Railway Land T1 177.8 177.8 1.9

16 Transportation Facilities S3 20.4 20.4 0.2

17 Municipal Facilities U 403.6 403.6 4.3

18 Green Spaces Public **** Green Spaces G1 318.7

19 Protective Green Spaces G2 565.1

20 Special Uses Security Land D3 1.8

21 Foreign Affairs Land D2 126.9

22 Water E1 103.9 103.9 1.1

23 Roads Road Plaza S1, S2 2517.3 2517.3 26.6

Total 9426.3 9426.3 100

Comparison of the Current Situation of the Chaoyang District and the Planned Site 14.18

2 C Land for Public*** Facilities 1175.93 1834.3 12.5 19.5 10.40 10.92

3 M Land for Industry 1662.94 700 17.6 7.4 14.72 4.17

4 W Land for Warehouse 379.26 274.6 4.0 2.9 3.36 1.63

5 T Land for External Transportation 149.7 177.8 1.6 1.9 1.32 1.06

6 S Land for Roads and Squares 1396.87 2537.7 14.8 26.8 12.36 15.10

7 U Land for Municipal Facilities 352.4 403.6 3.7 4.3 3 3.12 2.40

8 G Green space 562.22 883.8 6.0 9.4 4.98 5.26

9 D Special land 59 128.7 0.6 1.4 0.52 0.77

10 E Watershed and other land 2018.03 103.9 22.5 1.1 17.93 0.62

Total 9426.3 9426.3 100 100 83.42 56.11

Comparison Table of Current and Planned Floor Area in Chaoyang District

Serial No. Site Code

Site Name Floor Area

(10,000 m2) Percentage

(%) Floor Area Per Capita


Current Status Planning Current Status Planning Current Status Planning Current Status Planning

1 R Residential land 2650.75 4444.7 50.6 45.5 23.46 26.45

2 C Public **** facilities land 1195.76 4114.1 22.8 42.1 10.58 24.49

3 M Industrial land 1073.19 583.1 20.6 6.0 9.50 3.47<

4 W Warehouse Land 55.98 200.9 1.1 2.1 0.50 1.20

5 T External Transportation Land

6 S Road and Square Land 14.6 0.1 0.09

7 U Municipal Facilities Land 142.91 261.9 2.7 2.7 1.26 1.56

8 G Green Space 2.0 0.01

9 D Special Land 115.6 148.1 2.2 1.5 1.02 0.88

10 E Water and Other Land

Total 5234.19 9769.4 100 100 46.32 58.15

Hope this helps