Trademark Registration Classes 1-45 are divided according to the International Trademark Classification System (Nice Classification) and are used to classify the goods and services covered by a trademark. The following is a brief description of each class:
Class 1: Chemicals, for use in industry, science, photography, agriculture, horticulture and the like.
Category 2: Pigments, paints, coating agents, etc.
Category 3: Detergents, perfumes, cosmetics, toothpaste, etc.
Category 4: industrial oils, fats, lubricants, etc.
Category 5: Pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, hygiene products, etc.
Category 6: Metal materials, metal materials for construction, etc.
Category 7: Machinery and equipment, machine tools, power generation equipment, etc.
Category 8: Hand tools, knives, scissors, etc.
Category 9: Scientific instruments, electronic equipment, computer software, etc.
Category 10: Medical equipment, prosthetics, hearing aids, etc.
Category 11: Lighting equipment, heating equipment, cooking equipment, etc.
Category 12: Transportation tools, vehicles, spare parts, etc.
Category 13: Firearms, ammunition, explosives, etc.
Category 14: Jewelry, watches, precious metals, etc.
Category 15: Musical instruments, audio equipment, etc.
Category 16: Paper, printed materials, office supplies, etc.
Category 17: Rubber products, plastic products, etc.
Category 18: Leather products, luggage, etc.
Category 19: Non-metallic building materials, non-metallic ores, etc.
Category 20: Furniture, mirrors, containers, etc.
Category 21: Kitchen utensils, brushes, cleaning utensils, etc.
Category 22: Ropes, tents, caravans etc.
Category 23: Textiles, threads, cords, etc.
Category 24: Fabrics, bedding, tablecloths, etc.
Category 25: Clothing, footwear, hats, etc.
Category 26: Lace, buttons, jewelry, etc.
Category 27: Carpets, wallpaper, mats, etc.
Category 28: Toys, play equipment, sports equipment, etc.
Category 29: Meat, fish, dairy products, etc.
Category 30: Coffee, tea, sugar, cereals, etc.
Category 31: Agricultural and gardening supplies, live animals, etc.
Category 32: Beer, non-alcoholic beverages, fruit juices, etc.
Category 33: Wine, spirits, etc.
Category 34: Tobacco products, lighters, pipes, etc.
Category 35: Advertising, business administration, office services, etc.
Category 36: insurance, finance, real estate, etc.
Category 37: Building construction, repairs, etc.
Category 38: Communication services, broadcasting, telecommunication, etc.
Category 39: transportation, warehousing, travel, etc.
Category 40: Material handling, processing, waste disposal, etc.
Category 41: Education, entertainment, sports, etc.
Category 42: Technology services, computer services, design, etc.
Category 43: Food services, temporary lodging, etc.
Category 44: medical services, beauty services, agricultural services, etc.
Category 45: legal services, personal and social services, etc.
These classes cover a wide range of goods and services, and trademark applicants need to choose the appropriate class for registration according to the specific goods or services covered by their trademarks.
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