Plant chromosome karyotyping, how to make chromosomes more dispersed

The morphology, structure and number of chromosomes in various organisms are relatively stable. The specific chromosome composition within each biological cell is called the chromosome grouping type. Karyotype analysis is also known as karyotype analysis. A slide specimen of a mitotic chromosome is prepared by a certain method, and a photograph of the chromosome is obtained by digital micrography. From the comparative analysis of chromosome slide specimens and chromosome photos, chromosomes are grouped and morphological features such as length, location of mitotic site, arm ratio and presence or absence of follower are observed and described to elucidate the chromosome composition of the organisms and to determine the chromosome genotype, which is a process known as karyotype analysis. As we all know, genes are located on the chromosomes, genes are the direct control factors of plant genetic traits, learning and mastering the methods of plant chromosome genotyping can lay the foundation for cytogenetics and genetic breeding research.