The animal kingdom does have the distinctive characteristics of "natural selection, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest", and in our reality, most of them can also be applied, including reading and learning, work and employment, various large, medium and small industrial and commercial enterprises, self-employed laborers, athletic sports, and white-collar workers in national units, etc., on the laborers themselves and the leaders. Macro speaking, all feel the cruelty of social competition, but also have to recognize the positive aspects of social competition, I will not say.
Competition also has its drawbacks, as mentioned above, it will cause duplication of construction, and it will also cause a relative surplus of products, milk will be poured into the river, plant and equipment will be damaged due to the shutdown or bankruptcy of the enterprise, which will be a great waste of the whole society. GDP maintains rapid growth The growth rate of GDP reached 9.9% in the first quarter of 2003, and although it was affected by SARS, the first half of the year still maintained a level of 8.2%, a period of relatively rapid growth since 1996. Among them, the primary sector grew by 2.7%, the secondary sector by 11.6% and the tertiary sector by 4.2%, with economic growth realized mainly by the growth of the secondary sector. As a matter of fact, the GDP growth rate began to reverse its downward trend in the first quarter of 2002, and the growth rate turned to accelerate, and continued until the first quarter of this year, when the GDP growth rate was close to 10% at one time, but in the second quarter, due to the impact of SARS, the growth rate turned downward, and the trend of growth was almost interrupted. Nevertheless, we believe that the trend of accelerated GDP growth has not changed because the impact of SARS was mainly concentrated on the growth of some export industries and the tertiary industry, and did not cause a general decrease in the growth rate of all industries. In fact, the growth rate of industrial value-added has been growing at a high rate in the first eight months, with the growth rate of industrial value-added reaching 16.5% in August. Moreover, due to the stabilization of the impact of SARS, the tertiary industry will show a resumption of growth, and the possibility of falling below the level of the same period of last year is very small, all of which indicates that the economic growth in the third quarter will still be in the form of a high-speed growth trend.