Translation of Literary Texts for the 06 College Entrance Examination - Beijing Volume (Yanzi Chunqiu)
[Original text]
In the time of Duke Jing, there was rain for ten or seven days. The Duke drank wine, day and night. Yenzi asked him to give out corn to the people, but after three requests, he was unable to do so. The king's order was to make a tour of the country, and to send a man who could sing. Yanzi heard, do not say, so the family corn in the hooligans, to the Renqi ① in the street, in vain to see the public said: "rain for ten or seven days carry on, the bad room dozens of townships, starving hooligans in a number of households, the people are old and weak, freezing and cold can not be short of brown, starvation can not be chaff, my withdrawal ② no walk, look around without telling. And the king is not compassionate, day and night drinking, so that the country to the joy of endless, the horse eating Fu corn, the dog to eat ruminants, the three rooms of the concubines are enough sorghum meat. Dogs and horses room concubines, not already thick? The people of the people, not thin? Therefore, the poor and no report, no music ③ have on the carry on; hungry and no report, no music has the king carry on. Infant with a hundred officials, so that the people are hungry and poor about without notice, so that the top of the obscene indulgence lost the original and do not care, the baby's crime is great." Again bow bow, please body and go, so go and out.
The public from the, and in the Tu and can not catch, make fun driving after Yanzi's home, not as good as. The public got off the car from Yanzi said: "I am guilty, Fu Zi times abandoned not help, I am not enough to have a contract, Fu Zi do not care about the gods of the earth and grain people? I hope you survived the widow. I please offer Qi's corn and goods, entrusted to the people, more or less, but the order of the husband's son." He then bowed in the road. Yanzi is back, order endowed patrol rogues, the family has the cloth of the book and hunger, so that there is the end of the month of the commission; the family of the book, so that there is a period of years of food; no commission of the accumulation of rogues, with the salary of the rain, so that enough to Bi Lin Yu. If the family can't protect themselves from the rain, they will be given gold. Patrols seeking rogues with little wealth, three days and finished. The latter, if you do not use the crime of order.
The public out of the house, the loss of meat and wine withdrawal. Three days, the officials told Bi Shang: poor rogues 10,000 seven thousand families, with corn 970,000 bells, the payroll 13,000 multiplied; bad room 2,700 families, with three thousand gold. Then he retired to his room and ate, with no music, no bells and no drums. He asked the left and right sides to entertain the king with songs and dances, and then he retired.
--Taken from Yanzi Chunqiu (Spring and Autumn Annals of Yanzi)
In the time of Duke Jing of Qi, it rained for seventeen days in a row. But Duke Jing of Qi drank wine night and day. Yan Zi requested to distribute grain to the flood victims, and he did not get permission from Duke Jing of Qi for his repeated requests. Duke Jing of Qi ordered Bo Ma (柏馬)("Pa遽" is the name of a person who was a close minister of Duke Jing of Qi. One says that "Bo" is an official name, and "遽" means "hurry". In this case, it is the latter) toured the whole country and recruited people who were good at singing and dancing. When Yan Zi heard about this, he was very unhappy, so he distributed the grain in his house to the victims, put the utensils containing the grain by the roadside, and went to see Duke Jing of Qi on foot, saying, "It has rained continuously for seventeen days, and the houses of dozens of families in a township have been damaged, and a few families in a mile have no food to eat, and the elderly and weak people cannot get short clothes to protect themselves from the cold when they are cold, and they cannot get the husk of grain to feed themselves when they are hungry, and they cannot walk with difficulty, and they cannot go around with their feet. They could not walk with difficulty, and looked around with no place to tell their grievances. However, the king had no pity for the people, drinking wine day and night, ordering the whole country to recruit people who were good at singing and dancing without stopping, the horses in the palace ate the grain in the treasury, the hunting dogs ate the meat of the cows and sheep, and the concubines in the harem had plenty of grain and meat. Isn't it too generous to treat the dogs and horses and concubines? Isn't it too mean to treat the people? If the people in the countryside are poor but have nowhere to complain, they will not like the king; if they are hungry but have nowhere to ask for help, they will not like the king. I (Yan Ying) have followed the hundred officials around, let the people be hungry and poor but have nowhere to tell them, and made the king indulge in wine and sex and abandon the people but have no mercy; my (Yan Ying's) sin is really too great." Yan Zi knelt down twice, bowed y, asked for resignation and left, and walked out of the palace door quickly.
Duke Jing of Qi followed Yenzi, and was prevented by the muddy road from catching up with him, so he ordered a car to chase after him, and when he reached Yenzi's house, he did not catch up. When he arrived at Yanzi's house, he could not catch up with him, but he saw that all the grain in Yanzi's house had been distributed to the victims, and the utensils for loading grain were placed by the roadside. Duke Jing of Qi drove after him again and caught up with Yanzi on the main road. Duke Jing of Qi got out of his car and followed Yanzi, saying, "I have sinned, and you have abandoned me and not assisted me, so I am not enough to ask you to do me a favor. I hope you will give me the honor of preserving me. I request to take out the grain and property of Qi and distribute them to the people, giving as much or as little as you like, and whoever is lighter or whoever is heavier, it is all up to you, sir, to arrange." So Duke Jing of Qi paid his respects on the road. Yanzi then returned to the capital and ordered Yu to visit the victims; those who had seeds of agriculture and mulberry but no food to eat were given enough food for one month; those who had no seeds of agriculture and mulberry were given enough food for one year; those who had no firewood were given enough firewood to tide them over the rainy and rainy season. He ordered Bo to visit the victims and give money to those whose houses had collapsed and could not withstand the wind and rain. The inspections were to be completed within three days to find out who among the people were in need of food and in financial difficulty. If the deadline is exceeded, it is the same as not carrying out the order, and should be punished.
Duke Jing of Qi left the palace, reduced meat consumption, and canceled the banquet. Within three days, the visiting officials accomplished their mission and reported the situation: 17,000 poor victims***, distributed 970,000 bells of grain and 13,000 carts of firewood; 2,700 houses were damaged, and 3,000 gold was given as relief. Duke Jing of Qi then returned to his palace, reduced his food, did not play the zither or the bells and drums. Yan Zi requested that the maidservants on the right and left of Qi Jing Gong and those who entertained him with songs and dances be repatriated.
Editor's Note
Recorded in the Siku Abstract
2. Text and Translation of Yanzi Chunqiu (晏子春秋)The original text reads: "At the time of Duke Jing, there were rainstorms for ten or seven days. The king drank wine, day and night. Yenzi asked him to give out corn to the people, but after three requests, he was not allowed to do so. The Duke then ordered Bo to make a tour of the country and send a man who could sing. Yanzi heard, do not say, so the family corn in the hooligans, to Ren ware in the strangers line to see the public said: "ten seven days! Huai Bao dozens of townships, starving hooligans have a number of families, the people of the old and weak cold can not short brown, hungry can not chaff, I withdraw no go, look around without telling. And the king is not compassionate, day and night drinking, so that the country to music, the horse to eat the government corn, the dog to eat the ruminants, the concubines of the three insurance, all sufficient sorghum meat. Dogs and horses to protect concubines, not already thick? The people of the people, not thin? Therefore, the poor and no tell no joy have on carry on hunger and no tell, no joy have the king carry on. Infant Feng number of? The baby is a number of, in order to follow the hundred officials of the officials, the people are hungry and poor about without notice, so that on the lewdness of the loss of the original and do not sympathize with, the baby's crime is great." Bowed again, bowed, please body and go, and then walked out. The public from the, and in the Tu and can not catch, make fun driving after Yanzi, his home, not as good as. Corn in the hooligans, any ware stored in the stranger, the public drive and the Kang Nei. Public off from Yanzi said: "I am guilty, Fu Zi times abandoned not help, I am not enough to have a contract, Fu Zi do not care about the people of the countryside? I wish you survived me, I would like to serve the corn and goods of Qi, entrusted to the people, more or less important, but you order." He then bowed in the road. Yan Zi is back, order endowed patrol rogue, the family has the cloth of the book and hunger, so that there is the end of the month of the commission; the family of the book, so that there is a period of years of food, no commission accumulation of rogues, with the salary, so that enough to Bi Lin Yu. The family can't be imperial, give the gold; the patrol seeks the hooligans with little money lack of people, die three days and the latter if you don't use the order of the crime. Public out of the house, loss of meat and wine withdrawal, the horse does not eat the House of corn, the dog does not eat the meat of cannibalism, the open whisk mouth and Qi wine people to reduce the gift. Three days, the officials told Bi Shang: poor hooligans 17,000 families, with corn 970,000 bells, pay 13,000 times; Wyatt treasure 2,700 families, with gold 3,000. After that, he retreated to the interior to eat, and the qin and sepals were not opened and the bells and drums were not displayed. Yanzi asked the left and right to sing and dance enough to stay in Si Yu's retreat, and the three thousand, thank you in the next Chen, people to stay three, the soldiers to stay four, out of the Guanwai also.
The translation is: When Duke Jing of Qi was in power, it rained continuously for 17 days. The king of Qi did not think so, and spent his days in the palace drinking and feasting. Yan Ying asked to open a storehouse to provide relief for the victims, but his repeated pleas were not met with success. Duke Jing ordered his minister, Bo Hanyan, to visit the capital and recruit people who were good at singing and dancing. When Yan Ying heard of this, he was so unhappy that he distributed his family's grain stocks to the flood victims, and put the containers of corn on the paths in the fields (for the victims to use and take). (After doing these things) Yan Ying went on foot to pay a visit to Duke Jing, and said to him: "It has been raining continuously for 17 days, and there are dozens of families in one township whose houses have collapsed, and there are many families in one mile who are deprived of food and food. Many people are old and weak, can't get rough clothes to cover their bodies when they are freezing and cold, can't get chaff to feed their hungry stomachs, and have no place to flee for food when life is hard, and no one can talk about their hardships when they look around. But you do not sympathize with the hardships of the people, and you drink wine day and night, and you order a constant search for singers and musicians in the capital of the country. Your horses eat grain from the state treasury; your dogs eat beef and mutton and are well-fed; and the servants and concubines of the dignitaries have an endless supply of grain and meat. What the dogs and horses, the servants and concubines enjoyed, was not too rich? What the common people received was too meager, wasn't it? Therefore, when the people in the countryside are in dire straits and starving, and have no place to tell their sufferings, they do not like their ruler. I have followed the hundred officials, so that the people are hungry and poor to the extreme and have nowhere to complain, and I have allowed you to indulge in drunkenness and merrymaking, forgetting your own duties; my fault is too great!" When he had finished speaking, he bowed respectfully to Duke Jing and begged himself to leave the court. So, he left the palace quickly and stood for a while, and Duke Jing said, "Strange! It has snowed heavily for three days and yet the weather is not cold." Yanzi replied, "Is it true that the weather is not cold?" Yanzi smiled. Duke Jing said, "I have heard that the ancient virtuous kings could know that someone was starving when they were well-fed, that someone was cold when they were warmly dressed, and that someone was hard at work when they were at ease. Now the king does not know the hardships of the people!" Duke Jing said, "Rightly said! I have heeded your teaching." So he ordered that clothing and grain be taken out and distributed to those who were hungry and cold. He ordered that anyone who saw a hungry or cold person on the road should not be asked which township he was from, and anyone who saw a hungry or cold person in a village should not be asked which family he belonged to, and that he should tour the whole country to count the number of people who had been given food, without having to report their names. Those who were already in office were given two months of relief grain, and those who were sick were given two years of relief grain. When Confucius heard of this, he said, "Yanzi was able to understand what he should do, and Jing Gong was able to do what pleased him."
--- Yanzi Chunqiu, Full Translation, Volume 1.
3. Literature about Yanzi ChunqiuVolume 1 Inner Chapter Admonition on the First Zhuang Duke reserved his courage and strength, and disregarded the line of righteousness, Yanzi admonished the First Zhuang Duke excited his courage and strength, and disregarded the line of righteousness.
The courage and strength of the people, no fear of the state, the noble relatives do not recommend good, forced to the near and far do not lead to the past, so Yenzi to see the public. The public said: "There are also ancient people in the world in the name of courage and strength, right?" Yan Zi said: "Infant heard, light death in order to perform the ritual is called the courage, to punish the violence does not avoid the strong is called the force.
Therefore, the establishment of the courage and strength, in order to carry out its rituals and righteousness. The military and the state are not rebellious, and the state is not greedy, and the reason of benevolence and righteousness is also.
The execution of violence does not avoid the strong, the punishment of crime does not avoid the crowd, the behavior of courage and strength. In the ancient times, those who were brave and strong were also practicing righteousness and justice; nowadays, when there is no benevolence and righteousness at the top, and when there is no act of punishment for crimes and violence at the bottom, and when they are only brave and strong in the world, the vassals are practicing it for the danger of the country, and the people are practicing it for the disability of their families.
Previously, the decline of Xia, there is the push of the luxury, the drama, the decline of Yin, there is Fei Zhong, evil to, foot walk thousands of miles, hand cracked rhinoceros bull and tiger, let the force, overrun the world, Wei kill innocent, advocate courage, regardless of righteousness, is Jiezhou and Zhou to the destruction of the decline of the Yin and Xia. Today, the public from the courage, regardless of the line of righteousness, courage and strength, no fear in the country, the body set up strong, line of this obscene and violent, your relatives do not recommend the good, forcing the near and far do not lead to the past, the opposite of the saint king's virtue, and follow the line of the destruction of the king, with this recommendation of the person, the baby has not heard of also."
Jing Gong drink wine soundly, wish all the big doctors no for the ritual, Yan Zi admonished Second Jing Gong drink wine soundly, said "Today, I would like to drink with all the big doctors for the music, please no for the ritual." Yan Zi cu ran changed his face and said: "The king's words are too much! The ministers certainly want the king's impoliteness.
The power is more than enough to win, and the courage is more than enough to kill the king, but not the rituals.
The group of ministers to force for politics, the strong offenders weak, and the day easy to master the king will be safe to carry on! Where the reason why people are more expensive than the beasts, in order to have etiquette; therefore, the poem says: 'People without etiquette Hu not Trent death! Manners can not be without." The public wallowed and did not listen.
A little while, the public out, Yenzi not; public into, not; cross lifting is the first drink. The public anger, color change suppression hand fast look: "to the husband's son of the teachings of the widow without the gift of can not be, the widow in and out of not, hand lifting is the first drink, the gift also?" Yanzi avoided the seat and bowed again bowed and please said: "Infant dare to say with the king and forget it? I have to be rude to the truth.
If you want to be impolite, this is already!" The public said: "If so, the crime of lone also. I have heard the orders."
The goblet three lines, so stop drinking. After this, the law and rituals of the state, and the people are clean.
Jing Gong drinking wine, alcoholic, three days and then hair, Yanzi remonstrate Third Jing Gong drinking wine, alcoholic, three days and then hair. Yanzi said, "Is the king sick of wine?" The Duke said, "Yes."
Yan Zi said: "The ancient drinking wine, enough to pass the gas and good just carry on. Therefore, men do not group music to hinder things, women do not group music to hinder the work.
Male and female group music week goblet five offerings, over the person to be put to death. The king's body is served, so there is no external grudge, no internal disorder.
Today, one day to drink and three days to sleep, the state rule of the grudges outside, around the chaotic inside. The punishment of self-defense, persuade for the wrong; to reward the self-propelled, inert for the good; on the away from virtue, the people light reward and punishment, lost so for the country is carried forward.
I hope that you can save it!" Duke Jing drank wine for seven days, do not accept the words of the string chapter, Yanzi remonstrated Fourth Duke Jing drank wine, seven days and seven nights more than. The king's advice was: "If you want to drink wine for seven days and seven nights, I hope you will abolish it! Otherwise, the chapter gives death."
Yenzi entered the room, and the Duke said, "The chapter remonstrated with me, saying, 'I wish you would abolish the wine! Otherwise, the chapter gives death.' If so, and listen to it, then the minister for the system also; do not listen to it, and love its death."
Yanzi said: "Fortunately, the chapter met the king also! Make chapter meet Jie Zhou, chapter death is long gone!" So the public attempted to abolish the wine. Jing Duke drinking wine, not sympathetic to the natural disasters, to be able to sing, Yanzi remonstrated with the fifth Jing Duke, the rain ten seven days.
The king drank wine, day and night. He asked Yenzi to send corn to the people, but he did not see him.
The king ordered Bo to make a tour of the country to find someone who could sing. Yan Zi heard, not to say, so the family corn in the hooligans, to Ren ware in the strangers line to see the public said: "Ten seven days! Huai Bao townships have dozens of starving rogues have several families, the people are old and weak cold can not short brown, starvation can not chaff, I withdrew no walk, look around without telling.
And the king is not compassionate, day and night drinking, so that the country to music has not been, the horse to eat the House corn, the dog to eat the ruminants, the concubines of the three guarantees, all sufficient sorghum meat. The dog and the horse are not thick enough to protect the concubines. The people of the people, not thin? Therefore, the poor and no tell no joy to have on carry on hunger and no tell, no joy to have Jun carry on.
The baby is a number? Again bowed to the head, please body and go, and then walked out.
The public from the, both in the Tu and can not be caught, make driving after Yenzi, his home, not as good as. The corn is exhausted in the hooligans, any ware stored in the stranger, the public license, and the Kang Nei.
The public off from Yanzi said: "I am guilty, Fu Zi times abandoned not to help, I am not enough to have a covenant, Fu Zi do not care about the people of the gods and cereals? I hope that the husband of the surviving widows, widows, I please serve Qi's corn and goods, commissioned by the people, more or less light, but the husband of the order." So he worshiped in the road.
Yan Zi is back, the endowment patrol rogues, the family has a cloth and the book and hunger, so that there will be the end of the month of the Commission; the family of the extinction, so that there will be a period of years of food, without the Commission of the rogues, and the salary, so that enough to Bi Lin Yu. The order cypress patrol rogues, the family can not Royal, give the gold; patrol seek rogues with little money lack of people, die three days, the latter if not use the order of the crime.
The public out of the house, the loss of meat and wine withdrawal, the horse does not eat the House of corn, the dog does not eat the meat of cannibalism, the open whisk mouth and Qi wine people to reduce the gift. Three days, the officials told Bishop: the poor rogues 17,000 families, with corn 970,000 bells, pay 13,000 times; Huai Bao 2,700 families, with gold 3,000.
Gong then retired to eat, the qin and se, bells and drums do not show. Yanzi asked the left and right and can make the song and dance enough to stay Si Yu retreat, the whisk of three thousand, thank you in the next Chen, the people to stay three, the soldiers to stay four, out of the Guanwai also.
The Duke of Jing listened to the new music at night and did not face the Emperor. I'm not sure why I'm not going to be able to go to court." Bibimbap said, "Why don't you do it?" He said, "Liang Qiu is bibimbap, and he has changed the sound of Qi."
Yannzi retired from the court and ordered Zongzhu to repair the rituals and detain Yu. Yan Zi said: "To new music obscene king." Gong said: "the vassals, the government of the hundred officials, I would like to invite the son.
The flavor of wine and sweet, the sound of gold and stone, I hope that the husband is not with. If you are happy, why do you want to be the reason?" Said: "If the music is dead and the ritual from it, the ritual is dead and the government from it, the government is dead and the country from it.
State decline, I am afraid that the king's line of countervailing policies have song, Zhou made the north of the Li, the sound of the ghostly, GuFu obscene to despise and die together. Jun Xi light to change the Fu Fu is?" The public said: "Unfortunately, there is the cause of the gods of the earth and grain, do not choose words and out of it, please be ordered to carry on."
Jing Duke Yan reward without merit and crime, Yanzi remonstrated Seventh Jing Duke Yan reward in the country, ten thousand bells of three, a thousand bells of five.
4. "Yanzi Chunqiu" original (in Chinese)When the Duke of Jing, rain and snow for three days without clearing up, the public was fox-white fur, sitting on the side of the ah.
Feizi into see, standing between, the public said: "Strange! Rain and snow for three days and not cold." Feizi said: "The sky is not cold?" The public laughed.
Fei Zi said: "Infant heard, the ancient wise ruler, satiety and know people's hunger, warm and know people's cold, and know people's labor, escape and know people's labor, now you do not know." Gong said: "Good! I have heard the order."
It is ordered out of the fur hair corn, and hunger and cold. Now, those who see the way, do not ask their townships; those who see the mile, do not ask their families; follow the state count, do not say their names.
士既事者兼月,疾者兼岁。 Confucius heard this and said, "The banquet son can clarify what he wants, and Jing Gong can do what he wants."
Translation: When Duke Jing of Qi was on the throne, it snowed for three days without stopping, and Duke Jing, clad in a white fox fur coat, sat on the side steps of the hall. Yan Zi entered the palace to pay his respects to Duke Jing, and after standing there for a while, Duke Jing said, "It's strange! It has snowed for three days and the weather is not cold."
Yanzi replied, "Is it really not cold?" Yanzi smiled. Duke Jing said, "I have heard that ancient virtuous kings could know that someone was starving when they were well-fed, cold when they were warmly dressed, and hard when they were comfortable.
Now the king does not know the hardships of the people!" Duke Jing said, "Rightly said! I have heeded your teaching." So he ordered to take out clothes and grain and distribute them to the hungry and the cold.
It was ordered that anyone who saw a hungry or cold person on the road should not be asked which township he was from, and anyone who saw a hungry or cold person in a village should not be asked which family he belonged to, and that they should go around the whole country counting the number of people who were given food, without having to report their names. The people who were already in office were given two months of relief grain, and those who were sick were given two years of relief grain.
When Confucius heard of this, he said, "Yanzi was able to understand what he should do, and Jing Gong was able to do what pleased him." .
5. 《晏子春秋》文言文阅读╮(╯▽╰)╭,你没说清楚什么题目,我就网上搜了一些相关题目及答案,希望对你有帮助~一、 1. Explain the significance of the following punctuated real words.
(1) Yanzi will make the Chu Make: (2) Yan Ying, Qi's Xi rhetoric also Xi rhetoric: (3) said, "Sit thief." Sitting thief: (4) the mandarin two tied a person at the king at: (5) the Qi people are good to steal the solid: (6) in fact, the taste is different in fact: (7) the widow against take the disease to take the disease: (8) the leaf in vain similar to the 徒: 2. Explain the meaning of the following punctuated false words.
(1) Fang came to Fang: (2) where is the bondage where: (3) when the orange is born in Huainan, then it is an orange, then: (4) why is it so natural, then: (5) why is it also in order to: (3) to explain the meaning and usage of the word "之" below. (1) the son will be safe ( ) (2) Qi's practice of rhetoric ( ) (3) the king of Chu heard ( ) (4) to get no Chu water and soil so that the people are good at stealing ( ) (4) Translate the following sentences.
(1) Yan Ying, Qi's customary rhetorician. (2) to get no Chu of water and soil so that the people are good at stealing? (3) The wine is sound, the officials two tied a person to go to the king.
(4) So what is it? 5. Why did the king of Chu want to insult Yanzi? (Answer in your own words.) 6. How did the Chu ruler and ministers arrange the scheme? (Answer in your own words.) Second, synchronized interpretation of Yanshi to, the king of Chu gave Yanyu wine. The king of Chu gave Yanyu wine. When he was drunk, the officials fetched a man to the king.
The king said: "Where is the bondage?" He said: "Qi people also, sitting in the theft." The king looked at Yan Yu and said, "Are the Qi people good at stealing?" Yan Yu avoided the table and said: "Infant heard, orange born in Huainan is orange, born in Huibei is Hovenia, the leaves are similar, but in fact the taste is different.
So what? The water and soil are also different. Today, the people's livelihood is long in Qi do not steal, into the Chu is stolen, no Chu soil and water so that the people are good to steal?" The king laughed and said: "The saint is not with the XI also, I counter take the disease."
7. Yan Zi, the famous family and family of the country during the period. Yanzi Chunqiu (Spring and Autumn Annals of Yanzi) is one of the works.
8. In response to the teasing and insults of the king of Chu, how did Yan Zi hit back at the other side? 9. Summarize the selection, please say Yan Zi's diplomatic characteristics. Third, the beauty of reading Diliang Gong ① and Lou Shide ② the same as the phase.
Dixie excluded Shide for more than a day, Zetian asked Dixie said: "I'm going to use the Secretary, the Secretary know from?" He said: "I am a straight road to the article ③ into the body ④, not a bumbling countryman into things." Zetian said: "I am more than ⑤ do not know the Secretary, the Secretary's encounter, the real Shi De force."
Then ordered the left and right to take the basket ④, got ten or so recommended table ⑦, to give Dixiong. The first is a new one, which is a new one, and the second is a new one, which is a new one.
Because of the external reading: "I do not want to be covered by Lou Gong." And Lou Gong did not have a belt color.
Note: ① Tang Wu Zetian famous minister Dee, Yu Huaiying. ② Tang famous minister, for the general minister for thirty years, famous for being able to tolerate people.
③ Being of good character. ④ Appointed.
⑤ Than, past. The original.
⑥ Suitcase, small box. ⑦ The recommended zhengben.
10. The following sentence in the punctuation of the word interpretation error is ( ) A. I greatly use the Secretary (with: reuse) B. Secretary of the encounter (encounter: meet, here refers to do great officials) C. fear of citing the blame (blame: to admit the wrong) D. and Lou Gong did not have a dickey color (dickey color: the performance of the sadness) 11. the following sentence punctuation of the word has the same meaning of the word is ( ) A. to: ① I to the article of the straight road into the body ② to the B. Xu: ① to get ten Xu Tong recommended table ② miscellanea C. due to: ① non-bloated due to people to achieve things ② because of the order of the left and right to take the baskets and suitcases D. for: ① I do not want to be Lou public culpability ② the world for the deception of the people are not few, but only I also have to be 12. Explain the meaning of the following sentence.
① Secretary of the encounter, the actual teacher of virtue.
② I do not want to be Lou Gong contains. 13. Tang Lou Shide, despite the repeated rejection of Di Liang Gong him, still insist on recommending the Dixon, that Lou Gong is what kind of a person? (Reference Answer: 1, 1) mission (2) good at rhetoric (3) committed theft (4) to ...... go (5) originally (6) its fruit (7) to take its own shame (8) only, only 2, (1) will be (2) with the same "Ho", what (3) on (4) so (5) with 3, (1) verb, to go, to (2) auxiliary word, cancel sentence Independence (3) pronoun, substitution (4) auxiliary, of 4, (1) Yan Ying, is a good rhetorician of Qi.
(2) Could it be that the water and soil of Chu can make the people know how to steal without authorization? (3) When the wine was being drunk, two small officials tied a man to the king of Chu. (4) Why is this so? 5, Because he knew that Yanzi was very good at talking and diplomacy, and wanted to find an opportunity to humiliate him and test him.
6, first preset to catch the Qi people stealing, when Yanzi arrived, deliberately brought to the Chu king, so as to insinuate that all the Qi people are good at stealing, thus teasing Yanzi. 7, Spring and Autumn, Qi, politics, diplomacy, record Yan Ying's words and deeds 8, to the orange tree grows in a different place, but the essence of the same to set up a metaphor, to conclude that one side of the water and soil feeds one side of the conclusion that the environment creates people.
9. Diplomatic characteristics: good at rhetoric, clever and witty, to maintain the dignity of the country. 10.D (proud look) 11.A (B about; C rely on, so; D was; carried out) 12.① You can be an official, it is really by the power of the teacher's virtue.
② I did not expect to be accommodated by Lord Lou. 13. to put the affairs of the country first, regardless of personal grudges, but talent is the only thing that counts.)
That said ...... is really long ah, I hope that LZ do not see eye blurred, although I myself also see eye blurred ...... ~~.
6. 求《晏子春秋》文言文原文和翻译原文 晏子使楚,楚人以晏子短,为小门于大门之侧而延晏子。
Yenzi did not enter, said: "make the dog country from the dog door, now I make Chu, not from this door." The bridesmaid changed the road and entered through the gate.
See the king of Chu. Let the son be the ambassador."
Yanzi said: "Qi's Linzi three hundred coccyx, open arms into the shade, sweating into rain, than shoulder to shoulder and in the next, why no one?" The king said: "Then why make the son?" Yan Zi said: "Qi order to make, each has its own master. Its virtuous make make virtuous master, its unworthy make unworthy master, baby most unworthy, so it is appropriate to make Chu carry on."
Yanzi will make Chu. The king of Chu heard, said around: "Yan Ying, Qi's practice of rhetoric also.
This party to come, I want to humiliate, why also (inverted sentence)?" The left and right said: " for its coming, I please tie a person, past the king. The king said ' why is the person also? The king said, 'Who is he?
'The king said, 'Why are you sitting (inverted sentence)?' He said, 'Sit and steal. "The king of Chu gave Yanzi wine.
The wine is sound, the officials two tied a person to the king. The king said: "Where is the person who is bound (inverted sentence)?" He said, "The Qi people are also thieves."
The king looked at Yanzi and said, "Are the Qi people good at stealing?" Yanzi avoided the seat to say: "Infant heard, orange born in Huainan is orange, born in Huibei is Hovenia, the leaves are similar, in fact, the taste is different. So what? The water and soil are also different.
Today, the people's livelihood is long in Qi do not steal, into the Chu is stolen, no Chu soil and water so that the people are good to steal?" The king laughed and said: "The saint is not with the XI also, I counter take the disease ." The king laughed and said: " The sage is not with Xi also, I take the disease instead ." Translation Yanzi went on a mission to Chu.
The people of Chu (wanted to insult him,) and because he was short in stature, the people of Chu purposely opened a small gate beside the city gate and asked Yanzi to go in through the small gate. Yanzi said, "Only those who go on a mission to a dog country go in through a dog hole.
Today I am on a mission to the state of Chu, so I should not enter the city through this gate." The people of Chu had to ask Yanzi to go in through the gate instead.
Yanzi paid a visit to the king of Chu. The king of Chu said, "I am afraid there is no one in Qi, right?" Yanzi replied, "There are more than 7,000 households in Linzi, the capital of Qi, with people next to each other, shoulder to shoulder, unfolding their sleeves to cover the sky, and sweating as if it were raining under the sky, how can one say that there are no people in Qi?" The king of Chu said, "In that case, why did you send such a person as you as an envoy?" Yanzi replied, "Qi sends its envoys, each with his own mission; the wise man sends him to the wise ruler, the incompetent man sends him to the incompetent ruler, and I am the most incompetent of all, so I had to go to the state of Chu."
Yanzi was about to go on a mission to Chu. When the king of Chu heard this news, he said to his men, "Yan Ying is a man of Qi who is good at rhetoric, and now that he is about to come, I want to humiliate him, so what is the best way to do it?" The men under his command replied, "When he comes, allow us to walk past the great king with a man tied up.
The Maharaja (then) asked, 'What does (he) do?' (I then) replied, '(He) is a man of Qi.' The king then asked, 'What is the offense? (I replied, '(He) has committed theft.
'" Yenzi came to the state of Chu, the king of Chu invited Yenzi to drink wine, and when he was drinking happily, two officials tied a man to the king of Chu. The king of Chu asked, "What does the tied man do?' (The officials) replied, "(He) is a native of Qi and has committed theft."
The king of Chu looked at Yanzi and asked, "Were the people of Qi originally good at stealing?" Yanzi left his seat and replied, "I have heard this: an orange growing south of the Huai River is a tangerine, and growing north of the Huai River is called a hedgehog; only the leaves are similar, and the flavors of their fruits are different. What is the reason for this? (Because) the soil and water conditions are not the same ah.
Now this man grew up in Qi and did not steal, but as soon as he arrived in Chu he stole, could it be that the water and soil of Chu make the people good at stealing?" The king of Chu laughed and said, "A saint cannot joke with him; I am rather making a fool of myself." .