Safety Data Sheet
Powder Coatings
Products and References: All products for which ***** information is provided
Published: **Month**, 2009
1 Product and Company Address
Product Name Thermoset Powder Coatings
Application Electrostatic Spraying
Company Address Huangshan City, Anhui Province
Emergency Contact Number ****
2. Ingredient Composition/Information
Substances embodying health hazards within the scope of the 1997 Chemicals (Knowledge of Hazardous Substances and Packaging) Regulations:
Name Range of Contents Representing the Symbol R-Nomenclature (*)
Isocyanuric Acid Triple Reduction 0.1 to <5.0% T R46 R23/25 R48/22
Triglycerides (TGIC) R41 R43
(*) See subsection 16 for more details
3. Hazard identification
This product is classified as toxic due to the presence of TGIC. There may be a risk of genetic damage. May cause skin contact sensitization. Harmful by inhalation and accidental ingestion.
4. First aid measures
If in any doubt or if symptoms persist, seek medical help.
Ensure that the unconscious patient has nothing in their mouth.
Move to a ventilated area and keep the patient warm and still. If the patient's breathing is irregular or stops, perform artificial respiration first aid. Ensure that there are no foreign bodies in the mouth. If unconscious, place in proper position and seek medical assistance.
Eye contact:
Remove contact eyes. Rinse with plenty of clean water for at least ten minutes, keep eyelids open and seek medical attention.
Skin contact:
Remove contaminated clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water or a suitable skin cleanser. Never use solvents or thinner.
If accidentally swallowed, seek medical help immediately. Keep the patient lying still and do not induce vomiting.
5. Fire-fighting measures
Fire-fighting media:
Recommendations: water, foam, dry powder, CO2, water spray or fog
Prohibited: high-pressure inert gases (e.g., CO2), water jets
The thick, black smoke at the scene of a fire contains many of the hazardous substances that are produced by combustion (see section 10). subsection). Exposure to this decomposing material is hazardous to your health. Self-contained breathing apparatus is required. Cool closed containers exposed to fire by spraying with water. Never discharge fire extinguisher runoff directly into a sewer or river.
6. Emergency Response to Accidental Spills
Exclude the source of the fire and ensure that the site is ventilated. Keep uninvolved persons away from the site. Avoid inhaling dust. The protective measures involved are listed in subsections 7 and 8. Spilled powder should be cleaned up using an anti-static vacuum cleaner or a wet cleaning brush and collected in a closed container for disposal in accordance with the Waste Disposal Rules (see Section 13). Do not use a broom as this creates a layer of dust and static build-up. Do not discharge directly into sewers or watercourses.
If the product enters a sewer or river, contact your local water company immediately; if it contaminates a river, stream, or lake, seek help from your local environmental protection agency.
Measures are taken to prevent dust from accumulating above the explosive or incidental explosion limit.
Electrical and lighting equipment should be protected in accordance with appropriate standards and dust should not be allowed to come into contact with hot surfaces, sparks or other ignition sources.
Ensure that the container is sealed. Exclude heat, sparks and open flames. Avoid breathing dust. Smoking, eating and drinking are strictly prohibited in storage and use areas.
Operators should wear anti-static shoes and keep the floor conductive.
Personal protection is covered in section 8.
The packaging of this product should be handed over to qualified authorities for disposal.
Read the storage measures labeling. Generally store in a well-ventilated, dry room under 35℃, not close to fire, heating, and avoid direct sunlight. Smoking is prohibited. No access without authorization. Opened packages must be resealed and properly positioned to prevent leakage.
SUBSTANCE Occupational Exposure Limits
8 hours TWA (1) 15 minutes STEL (2)
mg/m3 (3) mg/m3 (3)
(1) ) Long Term Exposure Limit - weighted average of 8-hour time period
(2) Short Term Exposure Limit - 15-minute reference period
(3) "OES" means Occupational Exposure Standard, "MEL" is Maximum Exposure Limit, and "OELS" is taken from the current version of EH40.
Exposure to TGIC can be measured using the MDHS85 (HSE) method. Exposure to TGIC can also be measured by another method that measures total inhalation particles (TIP) and then calculates how much TGIC is in the substance.
For products with a TGIC content in the range of 0.1% to 5.0%, a TIP exposure of less than 2 mg/m3 means a TGIC exposure of less than 0.1 mg/m3 MEL.
Persons with a history of respiratory disease and allergic reactions must be under appropriate medical supervision before being exposed to or handling this product. this type of product.
Technical Measures
Avoid inhalation of dust. Use on-site exhaust ventilation and extraction devices to minimize dust. If these measures do not keep dust concentrations below occupational exposure limits, appropriate respiratory protective equipment is required. (See "Personal Protection" section below)
Personal Protection
All PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), including RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment), used to control exposure to hazardous substances, must be up to standard.
Respiratory Protection:
If the exposure of the applicator or others in the vicinity to the product cannot be controlled below the occupational exposure limits, or if there is no reasonable improvement in the technical control measures, suitable respiratory protection must be worn when spraying this product.
For areas where skin exposure is likely to occur, it is recommended that the appropriate type be selected from a glove supplier.
Eye protection:
When there is a possibility of exposure to the product, appropriate protective goggles should be worn to avoid dust exposure.
Skin protection:
Cotton or synthetic cotton items are usually appropriate.
Care must be taken when choosing protective fabrics to ensure that the skin around the neck and wrists is kept away from the powder so that it does not become irritated and inflamed.
9. Physical and chemical properties
Physical state Fine powder
Specific gravity 1.2-1.9
Solubility in water Insoluble in water
Minimum temperature of ignition 400 ℃
Minimum energy of ignition: 5-20mJ
< p>Minimum Explosive Concentration: 20-70g/m310. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY
The product remains stable under the recommended storage and handling conditions (see subsection 7). In combustion, the product decomposes harmful substances such as smoke, CO, CO2 and may also produce other nitrogen oxides.
No data are available on the product itself.
The powder may cause localized irritation in skin folds or tightly wrapped clothing.
12. Ecological information
No data are available on the product itself.
This product contains TGIC, which is harmful to aquatic organisms, and therefore may cause long-term adverse effects on the aquatic environment.
This product is not permitted to be discharged into rivers or sewers or deposited where it may affect soil or surface water.
When applying this product follow the requirements of the Air Pollution Control regulations established in the Environmental Protection Act.
13. Disposal Considerations
Discharge into rivers or sewers or deposition where it may affect soil or surface water is not permitted. Waste, including empty containers, should be disposed of in accordance with the regulations set out in the Pollution Control Act and the Environmental Protection Act. Consult your waste disposal contractor for more detailed information.
Ensure that the packaging is sealed and intact when transported, and ensure that the transporter knows what to do in the event of a leak or other incident. This product is not classified as hazardous for transportation under the International Regulations.
15. Regulatory information
The safety terminology for this product, as required by the Chemicals Regulations 1997 (Hazardous Information and Packaging), is as follows:
This product is classified as toxic if it contains TGIC.
R46 May cause genetic damage
R43 May cause skin contact sensitization
R36 Irritating to the eyes
R20/22 Damaging if inhaled or swallowed
S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes
S45 In case of an accident, or if you do not feel well, ask for medical help immediately. (show label to doctor if possible)
S38 Wear suitable breathing apparatus if ventilation is inadequate
S53 Avoid exposure - familiarize yourself with the special instructions before use
The information contained in this Safety Data Sheet does not constitute an assessment of the risk to the user's own workplace in accordance with the requirements of other health and safety legislation. The Control of Substances as a Health Hazard charter should be followed for health and safety at work when using this product.
16. Other information
The information contained in this safety data sheet is provided in accordance with the requirements of the Chemicals Regulations 1997 (Hazardous Information and Packaging).
The full text of the R terms included in the second sub-section are:
R23/25 Toxic if inhaled or swallowed
R41 Risk of serious damage to the eyes
R43 R43 Risk of skin contact sensitization
R46 Risk of damage to heredity
R48/22 Harmful: risk of serious damage to health from prolonged exposure and accidental ingestion
R48/22 Harmful: risk of serious damage to health from prolonged exposure and accidental ingestion
This product must not be used for purposes other than those listed in Part I without first contacting the powder supplier and obtaining written operating instructions. If this product is to be used under special conditions other than those controlled by the supplier, the user should ensure that the relevant legal requirements are complied with.
The information contained in this Safety Data Sheet is based on the current state of knowledge and current national legislation. It provides guidance on the health, safety and environmental aspects of this product, but does not provide a guarantee of technical performance or stability for special purposes.
More detailed information and advice can be obtained from:
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Charter 1999 (SL1999:437)
British Coatings Federation Electrostatic Spraying of Powder Coatings (Safe Practice Codes) Application (01372 360 660)
Manual of Regulations for the handling of Operations 1992 (SL 1992:2793)
Incoming Storage of Chemicals: Storage of Sealed Dangerous Goods HS(G)71
Environmental Protection Charter 1992 (SL 1992:2839)
Chemicals (Dangerous Goods Information and Packaging) Charter 1997 (SL 1997:3247)
**** Powder Coating
Product and reference:
Date of Issue:***. **st, 2009
Product name and/or code: Thermosetting Coating Powder
Intended use. Product name and/or code: Thermosetting Coating Powder
Intended use: ***
Name and full address: *****
Emergency phone number: ***
Substances presenting a health hazard are not considered to be a health hazard. Substances presenting a health hazard within the meaning of the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging) Regulations 1997:
Name Conc. Range Symbol Letter R-phrases(*)
Triglycidyl(TGIC) 0.1 to <5.0% T R46, R23/25, R48/22,R41,R43
(*) For full text see section 16
(*). text see section 16
This product contains TGIC and is classified as toxic. Possible risk of heritable genetic damage. Possible risk of heritable genetic damage. May cause sensitisation by skin contact and may be irritating to eyes. Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed.
This product contains TGIC and is classified as toxic. p>General:
In all cases of doubt, or when symptoms persist, seek medical attention.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Remove to fresh air, keep the patient warm and at rest. If breathing is irregular or stopped, administer artificial respiration. If unconscious, place in the recovery position and seek medical advice.
Eye contact:
Contact lenses should be removed. Contact lenses should be removed. Irrigate copiously with clean, fresh water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eyelids apart, and seek medical advice.
Skin Contact:
Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water or use a proprietary skin cleaner. Do NOT use solvents or thinners. Do NOT use solvents or thinners.
If accidentally swallowed, obtain medical attention. Keep at rest. Do NOT induce vomiting.
Extinguishing media:
Recommended: water, extinguisher of foam, Powder and Carbon dioxide, water spray/mist.
Not to be used:
If accidentally swallowed, obtain medical attention. p>Not to be used: high pressure inert gas (e.g. CO2), water jets.
Fire will produce dense black smoke containing Exposure to decomposition products may be a major concern. Exposure to decomposition products may be a hazard to health. Appropriate self-contained breathing apparatus may be required. Cool closed containers exposed to fire with water spray. Exposure to decomposition products may be a hazard to health. Appropriate self-contained breathing apparatus may be required. Cool closed containers exposed to fire with water spray. Exclude sources of ignition and ventilate the area. Exclude non-essential personnel. Avoid breathing dust. Refer to protective measures listed in Sections 7&8. Contain and collect spillage with an anti- electrostatic vacuum cleaner or by wet brushing and place in a closed container for disposal Contain and collect spillage with an anti- electrostatic vacuum cleaner or by wet brushing and place in a closed container for disposal in accordance with the waste regulations (see Section 13). Do not use a dry brush or static electricity can be created. Do not allow to enter drains or watercourses.
If the product enters drains or sewers, the local water company should be contacted immediately. If the product enters drains or sewers, the local water company should be contacted immediately; in case of contamination of streams, rivers or lakes, the relevant environment agency.
Precautions should be taken to prevent the formation of dusts in concentrations above explosive or occupational exposure limits. occupational exposure limits.
Electrical equipment and lighting should be protected to appropriate standards and to prevent dust coming into
Electrical equipment and lighting should be protected to appropriate standards and to prevent dust coming into contact with hot surfaces, sparks or other ignition sources.
Keep the container tightly closed. Exclude sources of heat, sparks and open flame. Avoid the inhalation of dusts. Smoking, eating and drinking should be prohibited in areas of storage and use.
Operators should wear anti-static footwear and floors should be electrified.
Operators should wear anti-static footwear and floors should be electrically conductive.
For personnel protection see Section 8.
The containers of this product should be
The containers of this product should be handled in qualified department.
Observe the label precaution. Store below 35°C in a dry, well ventilated place away from sources of heat, ignition and direct sunlight. Containers which are opened should be properly released and upright to prevent leakage. Containers which are opened should be properly released and upright to prevent leakage.
Exposure Limits:
Substance Occupational Exposure Limits
8hr TWA (1) 15min STEL (2)
mg/m3 (3) mg/m3 (3)
(1) Long term exposure limit -8 hour time weighted average
(2) Short term exposure limit-15 minute reference period
(3) " OES" indicates an Occupational Exposure Standard. 'MEL' indicates a Maximum Exposure Limit. OELS are taken from the current version of EH40.
Exposure to TGIC can be measured by the method described in MDHS 85 (HSE). An estimate of exposure to TGIC can also be carried out by measuring exposure to total inhalation particulate (TIP), and then calculating how much of this material is TGIC.
For products with TGIC content in the range 0.1 to <5.0% exposure to TIP below 2 mg/m3 will mean exposure to TGIC will be below the MEL of 0.1 mg/m3. the MEL of 0.1 mg/m3.
Persons with a history of respiratory problems or allergic responses should only be exposed to, or handle, this product under appropriate medical supervision.
Engineering Measures:
Avoid the inhalation of dusts. Where reasonably practicable this should be achieved by the use of local exhaust ventilation.
Avoid the inhalation of dusts. If there are not sufficient to maintain concentrations of dust below the relevant Occupational Exposure Limits, suitable respiratory protective equipment should be worn (see 'personal protection' below).
Personal protective equipment should be worn (see 'personal protection' below).
Personal Protection:
All PPE, including RPE, used to control exposure to hazardous substances must be selected to meet the relevant requirements.
Respiratory Protection:
Suitable respiratory protective equipment should be worn when this product is sprayed if the exposure of the sprayer or other people to hazardous substances is not sufficient.
Suitable respiratory protective equipment should be worn when this product is sprayed if the exposure of the sprayer or other people nearby cannot be controlled to below the occupational exposure limit and the engineering controls and methods cannot reasonably be improved.
Hand Protection:
Where skin exposure may occur, advice should be sought from glove suppliers on the appropriate types.
Eye protection:
Eye protection designed to protect against exposure to dusts should be worn when there is a likelihood of exposure.
Skin Protection:
Cotton or cotton/ synthetic overalls or overalls are normally suitable.
Care should be taken in the selection of protective clothing. be taken in the selection of protective clothing to ensure that inflammation and irritation of the skin at the neck and wrists through contact with the powder is avoided.
Physical state: Fine powder
Specific Gravity: 1.2-1.9
Solubility in water: insolubleMinimum ignition temp: 400°C
Minimum ignition energy: 5-20mJ
Minimum explosive concentration: 20-70g/m2
Stable under the recommended storage and handling conditions (see Section 7. The following is a summary of the information contained in this document. In a fire, hazardous decomposition products such as smoke, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxides of nitrogen may be produced.
There is no data available on the product itself. Coating powders can cause localized skin irritation in folds of the skin or in contact with tight clothing. Coating powders can cause localized skin irritation in folds of the skin or in contact with tight clothing.
There is no data available on the product itself. contains Triglycidyl Isocyanurate (TGIC) which is classified as harmful to aquatic organisms, and may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic
The product should not be allowed to enter drains or watercourses or be deposited where it can affect ground or surface waters.
The Air Pollution Control System (APCS) is a system of air pollution control. p>The Air Pollution Control requirements of regulations made under the Environmental Protection Act may apply to the use of this product.
Do not allow into drains or watercourses or dispose of where ground or surface waters may be affected. emptied containers, are controlled wastes and should be disposed of in accordance with regulations made under the Control of Pollution Act.
Always transport in closed containers that are upright and secure. Ensure that persons transporting the product know what to do in the event of accident. Ensure that persons transporting the product know what to do in the event of accident or spillage.
The product is not classified as dangerous for carriage under International regulations. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION
The safety phrases of this product is identified in accordance with the requirements of the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations. Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations (1997) as follows.
This product contains Triglycidyl Isocyanurate (TGIC) and is classified as toxic.
R46 May cause heritable genetic damage
R43 May cause sensitisation by skin contact.
R36 Irritating to eyes.
R20 /22 Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed
S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show
the label where possible).
S38 In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitable respiratory equipment.
S53 Avoid exposure -obtain special
The information contained in this safety data sheet does not constitute the user's own assessment of workplace risks as required by other health care providers. The information contained in this safety data sheet does not constitute the user's own assessment of workplace risks as required by other health and safety legislation. The provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations apply to the use of this product at work.
The information in this safety data sheet is provided in accordance with the requirements of the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act. is provided in accordance with the requirements of the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging) Regulations 1997.
The full text of the R phrase contained in Section 2 is:-
R23/25 Toxic by inhalation and if swallowed.
R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes.
R43 May cause sensitisation by skin contact.
R43 Risk of serious damage to eyes. sensitisation by skin contact.
R46 May cause heritable genetic damage.
R48/22 Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged
The product should not be used for purposes other than those shown in Section 1 without first referring to the powder supplier and obtaining written handling instructions. The product should not be used for purposes other than those shown in Section 1 without first referring to the powder supplier and obtaining written handling instructions. is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of relevant legislation are complied with.
The information contained in this data sheet is The information contained in this data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and current national legislation. It provides guidance on health, safety and environmental aspects of the product and should not be construed as a "product". It provides guidance on health, safety and environmental aspects of the product and should not be construed as any guarantee of technical performance or suitability for particular application.
Further information
Further information and relevant advice can be found in:
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1999 (SL1999:437).
The Application of Powder Coatings by Electrostatic Spraying (Code of Safe Practice) from British Coatings Federation (01372 360 660).
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (SL 1992:2793).
Chemical Warehousing: Storage of Packaged Dangerous Substances HS(G)71
The Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1992 (SL 1992:2839).
The Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging) Regulations 1997 (SL 1997:3247).