If it is often dive partners, you have to buy more equipment, after all, many of their own often use there is no need to rent, and the cost of renting is not as good as going directly to buy it, the following is the recommended equipment.
Must buy equipment recommendedOpen water recreational diving road, weapons and equipment is still quite important. Wetsuit (wetsuit), diving mask, diving computer watch, BCD / back fly, breathing regulator, diving sports camera is the main personal diving equipment worth buying.
The reason for prioritizing them among diving equipment is simple:
Most of the recommended equipment is personal, comes with eyeglasses refraction, needs to be held in the mouth to breathe, and is worn close to the body for a long time. If you want to save money, you don't have to buy any of them, because basically everything you need can be rented in a "dive store".
But you know, the communal rentals are often not very well maintained, wetsuits and boots are often torn and tattered, and they don't get cleaned very well, often carrying silt, seaweed, and even
sea urchin thorns and unidentified marine debris from the last dive, and you have to worry about the previous user's dermatological problems. The public underwater rebreather is even more terrible, you can not imagine the front of the hundreds of users have tuberculosis or other
a contagious disease, can only be hard to stain the hundreds of mouth water rebreather into their mouths
Diving equipment has a strong professionalism, it is recommended that their dive instructor to guide the purchase of the PO Lord gives the brand and product links are only used to Perceptual awareness of the placeholder, after all, a lot of professionalism is very strong diving equipment can not find the appropriate Jingdong link.
Diving masksBecause the country is now myopic numerous, we had better customize their own with their own refractive diving masks, which in foreign countries may not be able to rent the right refractive diving masks, if the local dive store can not rent the right number of your refractive diving masks, then you have to risk the risk of not being able to see underwater or wearing contact lenses may be washed away by sea water dive in the sea.
So when you buy a dive mask, be sure to try it on yourself and choose one that suits your face, nose shape, or if you are nearsighted, you will need to customize it to fit a lens with a diopter.
Diving computer table
Diving computer table role is to replace the traditional paper dive planner, it can prompt you the current barometric pressure and water pressure, dive depth, dive time, according to the dive time to estimate your body's blood nitrogen saturation, the safety of the depth of the stay and the decompression time required
High-end models can even be with the Tom and Jerry inside the spy in the inside of that dive computer table as well! The higher-end models can even detect your blood oxygen level and record your dive travel routes based on GPS coordinates.
Now there are also mobile apps that can record and count your dive depth time to make more reasonable travel and rest arrangements (you can't dive 18 hours before boarding an airplane, or else you increase the risk of nitrogen bubble decompression sickness in the blood) and the next dive plan.
If you have been diving with a local dive guide, you can rely on his dive computerized gauge for dive depth control. However, in the event of unforeseen circumstances - people being carried away by underwater currents, getting separated and lost in the water and not seeing your dive
companion and dive guide as well as the rest of the group, you will need to independently surface out of the water on your own to call for help and make a safety stop for the duration of the dive, and the current depth of the dive will only be known by your own dive computerized meter, which is the only way you can find out.
Brain gauge, that is, with life in the risk, can only calculate the time, look at the bubbles to estimate the speed and depth of surfacing.
So although the dive computer watch may be the smallest and most expensive diving equipment, if you do not want to be separated from other people in the sea, there is no instrumentation that can help you survive, then the dive computer watch this equipment investment is not to be saved.
Breathing regulator (secondary head)Breathing regulator (secondary head) is for you to breathe air underwater, why do not rent recommended to buy their own reason is even more needless to say - because of the rent of other people's "dirty" ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
BCD Vest/Back FlyVest type BCD buoyancy controller, for divers is equivalent to the computer's "motherboard", whether it is a cylinder, pressure gauge, secondary head, counterweights are installed in the above, and then the diver then put on the BCD undershirt to put all the dive professional equipment worn on their own BCD undershirt to bear the weight of all the dive equipment. The BCD vest carries the weight of all the diving equipment.
Because the undershirt type BCD buoyancy controller volume is large, generally to foreign dive destinations in the dive equipment store rental can be, but the dive player's technical level advanced to a certain extent, basically will choose to buy their own "back fly"
Back fly is the diver on the wing buoyancy regulator ( WingBCD, Buoyancy Compensator
Device). The name "WingBCD" came from the fact that it looks like a pair of wings on the diver's back in the water. Compared to the JacketBCD (Buoyancy Device), the fly is relatively unknown to recreational divers, but it is an essential weapon for technical divers. The back fly is relatively new to the recreational diver, but it is one of the essential weapons for the technical diver.
Features of the Back Fly:
1. Simplicity. Compared to a jacket-style BCD, a flyback has many fewer padded airbags, and accordingly folds up smaller and weighs less when immersed in water, so it can be part of a person's dive gear because it can take a load off of their luggage and can be checked in their personal suitcase. Since the integrated harness replaces the chest, shoulder and waist front portions of the jacket, the diver is more comfortable with upper body movements in the water. However, because there are no pockets, most accessories need to be hung from the D-rings of the back fly harness.
2, tough. Jacket type BCD using a full body surround type airbag design, the whole airbag involved in the diving equipment load-bearing structure, load-bearing is too large and easy to cause the airbag rupture; while the back fly only back system to participate in the load-bearing, the airbag to remain independent. In addition, the airbag of the back fly the lowest fiber used for 1000D, jacket type BCD fiber up to only 1000D, most of the 500D or so. Therefore, the design and material selection of the backflight for load bearing greatly exceeds that of a typical jacket type BCD, and can support the suspension of several cylinders, which is suitable for long time decompression dives, cave dives and wreck dives.
3. Balance. Because the airbag is no longer wrapped around the upper body like a jacket, but all the buoyancy is concentrated in the back of the body, so when the back fly is inflated is not as unbalanced as a BCD undershirt, and even less likely to flip. Divers in the water are more likely to be horizontally streamlined than when wearing a jacket, reducing resistance to movement and contact with their surroundings. This is especially important in confined spaces.
4. and standardization. In the 1970s, Diverite, a back fly brand, established the spacing between the two bottle peg holes on the back fly backplate at 11 inches, and has since standardized the backplate standards for all back fly brands. By following a certain standard, almost all backfoils can be assembled to look the same, and parts from different backfoil brands can be combined, making underwater communication and maintenance between dive partners easier.
Please note: A backfoil requires a diver to have better neutral buoyancy techniques and diving skills to use it comfortably, and is best purchased under the guidance of your dive instructor.
WetsuitsWetsuits are clothing that divers wear to keep the cold out as well as to protect the skin of the body while they are in the water. Since heat dissipates 25 times faster in water than in air, loss of body heat can occur in warm water. Divers should choose the type of wetsuit to wear depending on the ambient water temperature and the duration of the dive. Divers should choose to wear different types of wetsuits (cold suits) depending on the ambient water temperature and the duration of the dive. Water temperatures below 30 degrees must wear a 3mm thick rubber wetsuit, water temperatures below 24 degrees should seriously consider learning to dive with a warm drysuit.
Because of the close wearing, so many friends will mind the tourist locations rented wetsuit tattered dirty more people through, so as a senior diver will still choose to tailor-made to buy their own special wetsuit. Too tight wetsuit will lead to arm and leg cramps in the cooler water, remember to try it on personally to choose the right wetsuit.