What is required to open a beauty store

The documents required to open a beauty salon: health permit, business license, corporate code certificate, tax registration form, fee license and fire acceptance certificate.

The specific process is as follows:

1, for the health license: bring my ID card, induction certificate and staff grade certificate, property license or lease contract to the location of the health administration department for health license.

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2, the store manager to take the staff to the health epidemiological department for a health check, for personal health certificate. Then bring the health license and other valid documents to the local Public Security Bureau for special industry permits, wait until these documents are issued down to the next step.

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2, apply for a business license: salon business license belongs to the registration of the opening of individual households. The normal process is to apply first, the Trade and Industry Bureau for acceptance and approval, the approval of the license can be issued after the passage.

The applicant must first take a copy of the ID card, real estate license or lease contract, induction card (staff beauty card), health license, industry license to the location of the industrial and commercial administration department to submit an application. Then wait for the review of the industrial and commercial administration department.

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3, for the legal person code certificate: in order to protect the power of the legal person of the enterprise is not infringed upon and according to the modernization of the management of the needs, the operator is also required to the local authorities for corporate code certificate.

Organization code certificates, enterprises must submit the business license issued by the industrial and commercial sector, carrying the official seal of the unit, the legal representative (person in charge) and the identity card of the person in charge, the code certificate of the next level of competent authorities or a copy.

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4, apply for tax registration: individual licensees are required to bring the original identity card, to the tax branch to receive and fill out the Individual tax registration form, accompanied by a copy of the original business license, to the "tax registration" window for tax registration procedures.

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5, for the fee license: the relevant documents of the fee license is sent to the Price Bureau for approval, and then according to the fee standards to receive the application form for the fee license. After filling out the signature and seal by the business director, the price bureau audit no problem will be issued after the fee license.

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6, for the certificate of fire acceptance: just bring your ID card, induction certificate, house lease contract or property certificate To the local consumer brigade or detachment to open the fire acceptance certificate can be.

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/baike.baidu.com/ item/medical-beauty-service-management-measures/6512776?fr=aladdin "target="_blank "title="Baidu Encyclopedia - Medical Beauty Service Management Measures">Baidu Encyclopedia - Medical Beauty Service Management Measures