I want to have an abortion

Which way should I use for medical abortion or abortion?

Generally, medical abortion is done within 50 days of pregnancy, more than 50 days, the fetus has grown, the medical abortion is usually not clean, will bleed more than, finally have to go to the hospital to do abortion, which is not good for the woman's body at all.

Human abortion is a more common method in the past, the drug abortion is the last decade or so only weeks, these two methods are not normal to stop the process of pregnancy, all belong to the contraceptive failure of last resort remedial measures, are not to do as well, human abortion is through negative pressure attraction, drug abortion is through the drug, destroying the lining of the uterus, so that the embryo can not grow in the uterus, so that it falls out of their own. One is the drug, one is the instrument, from the pain of the operation, certainly is the human abortion is slightly more painful, of course, now there is also painless abortion, a burst of anesthesia, sleep for an hour on the good, the drug abortion is relatively speaking, relatively speaking, more convenient, for example, just to take a few tablets, and then abortion on the abortion is complete, this is of course a good thing, but there are problems, for example, to do the abortion, if the regular hospitals, disinfectant If you are in a regular hospital with complete sterilization facilities, you can usually do a cleaner job, so there is less chance of infection. Although the drug abortion that there is no chance of infection, but often bleeding time is longer, and often rest is not good, feel no pain, also not itchy, the future caused by the chance of infection is more. There are drugs, after all, there are some side effects, such as the impact on liver function, there is, regardless of abortion abortion, that is, must be carried out in a regular hospital, especially abortion, under the guidance of the doctor to take medication, I think it is better in Beijing, the doctor went to look at you, the first to give you a checkup, it is indeed intrauterine gestation, and then to give you the medicine, the doctor asked to see, you are not in the end the miscarriage, if it is not successful! The doctor will ask to see if you are miscarrying or not, and if it is not successful, he or she will have to do an ultrasound. There are some small hospitals, the drug sent to others, take home, there is an ectopic pregnancy hemorrhage shock, not at all in the uterus, the process of discharge, which a large blood vessel rupture bleeding, don't think that the drug flow is very easy. He is two kinds of medicine, take the first kind of medicine, usually take six days of medicine, and then use another kind of medicine, and then discharge. In the hospital to do a series of tests, take the second drug must be taken in the hospital, regular hospitals are so prescribed. Some places do not follow the rules, so they take it home and eat it themselves, which saves time, but it is dangerous. Now some people, one is not willing to tell people, this is a kind of, two, she does not think that this matter is very important, she may be very busy at work, life is very busy, think, but not afraid of people know, is to hope that this is easier to carry out. If you go and you're given medicine, a few minutes of work, of course she'd like that, but it's not that simple. The requirements of abortion and medical abortion, first of all, is your willingness, medical abortion requirements within seven weeks of pregnancy, the first day of the last menstrual period counting to the time you are now looking for a doctor, to be within 49 days, too big is not easy to do, big will have to do the instrument of abortion, if it is a relatively small month, too small, 40 days or less, to do the instrument of abortion will be earlier if you are willing to do a painless abortion, if you are willing to do the painless abortion. If you are willing to do scraping abortion, so that the effect is more certain, and also less painful, generally require you to 40 days to 7 weeks, if you do too early, the embryo can not see, do not do clean, sometimes the doctor is not good to judge.

All in all, the medication is less traumatic, less painful, but it has a bad side, that is, the chances of incomplete flow is high, if the flow is incomplete, the following will continue to bleed, and then have to go to scrape the uterus, it is very painful, and the medication has a limit of time, that is, it can not be more than 49 days (counting from the time of the last period of menstruation), the shorter the time the higher the rate of success; the human abortion of the harmful effects of the I do not say anymore. I'm not going to talk about the disadvantages of abortion, which are pain, trauma, and high risk! If you want to get the best out of your life, you can do it with the help of a doctor, a doctor, a medical doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor, a doctor or a doctor. For the sake of future happiness, it is better to take precautions! Lastly, I wish you all the happiness and joy!!!




Is a painless abortion really painless?

Anne is in a lot of pain: she's in the middle of her PhD in law, and she's caught up with an unsuccessful attempt at birth control; she was going to go with a medicated abortion, which is less painful, but reading the last issue's article, "Medicated Abortion Actually Hurts," really freaked her out!

At the gynecology clinic, the doctor told her, "Suction abortion is the safest. This is the most technologically mature method. "

"Technologically mature?" Annie drew a cold breath. The tone was too professional, too rational, running straight to the subject of technology while skimming over the excruciating pain on the operating table!

The abortion experience two years ago was still a lurking piece of nightmare. The pain is real, physically felt, and psychologically triggered great fear and anxiety, which can never be downplayed or even ignored because of "technological sophistication"!

Fortunately, I have heard that several major hospitals have recently introduced a painless abortion procedure. This was like a life-saving straw for Annie. After some detailed counseling, Annie had a pretty good understanding of painless abortion.

Painless abortion, why is it painless?

The reasoning behind "painless" is actually very simple: on top of the suction abortion, intravenous general anesthesia is added. There is not a trace of pain during the procedure, and the imaginative can even dream a beautiful dream under the anesthetic!

Anne was concerned, as many people are: would the anesthesia be safe?

The doctors answered unanimously and positively: yes.

The anesthetic used for painless abortion is isoproterenol, a drug that is metabolized quickly and stays in the body for only a short time without any after-effects. Only in the anesthesia process, a very small number of people have allergies and other reactions, but under the supervision of anesthesiologists can also be safe.

Painless abortion, 48 hours under first-degree martial law

In fact, the entire procedure takes only about 15 minutes, but with prior preparation, it takes at least two days even if everything goes well.

Here's Annie's detailed 48-hour schedule, as instructed by her doctor.

When preparing for surgery

To prepare before going to the hospital:

*Stop having sex to avoid increasing the risk of contracting vaginitis.

*Take a shower the morning of the day you go to the hospital, focusing on washing the vulva, but being careful not to let the water enter the vagina.

*Wear underwear and pants that are easy to put on and take off. Bring enough cash. If you have regular hospital records bring them as well.

*It is best to be accompanied. Shuttling through the registration desk, outpatient clinic, laboratory, bill pay, and pharmacy is faster with two people than with one.

*Bring a few sanitary pads and some clean tissues before you leave the house. The doctor will have to disinfect the vulva with disinfectant during the examination, and if you don't have these preparations, you'll be embarrassed if you're wet after the examination.

To get to the hospital:

*Register, buy a pad and a vaginal speculum, and wait for your appointment.

*Answer every question the doctor asks in detail.

If the doctor asks "How many times have you been pregnant?" "How many miscarriages?" , don't ever hide the truth because you are embarrassed, always tell the truth. The doctor needs to know this information to make a proper evaluation of your uterine condition.

*The doctor asks you to lie down on the gynecological examination bed.

This position with one side of your clothes off and your legs spread apart and framed at your sides can be very embarrassing and nerve-wracking, but try to be more relaxed. If you feel any pain or discomfort during the exam, be sure to say so right away and ask the doctor to go easy on you.

*Get dressed, take the lab order from your doctor, go to the payment counter to pay the fee, go to the Laboratory to have your blood drawn and tested, and go back to your doctor's office to make an appointment for your procedure.

Appointments can be made as soon as the next day and as late as a week. Some people will be found to have vaginitis during their checkups - this is a really common condition - and the doctor will help the patient treat the vaginitis first, and then make an appointment for the procedure after it is cured. In some hospitals, painless abortions require hospitalization, and you'll be given a hospitalization slip.

When the procedure takes place

*Go to bed early the night before and make sure you get enough sleep.

*Never use breakfast that morning, and don't drink water if you're thirsty.

Otherwise the anesthesiologist will refuse anesthesia. So it ends in one of two ways: either postpone the surgery or do a regular abortion without anesthesia.

This is because: there may be gastrointestinal reaction after anesthesia, if there is food in the stomach, it will be vomited out and enter the trachea, causing choking. However, you can bring along some high-calorie, easily digestible food and water to eat after the surgery.

*Put a pill into your vagina that morning, as your doctor asks.

This medicine softens the cervix and reduces trauma when it is dilated. Use sterilized gloves (available over the counter) to place the pill in the deepest part of the vagina, preferably touching the cervix, for best results.

*Bring sanitary napkins and tissues. There will be some bleeding after the procedure.

*If you went to the hospital alone last time and everything was fine except for feeling a little lonely, then this time, someone must go with you.

Because it's likely that you'll still feel a little light-headed after waking up from the anesthesia, and it's not safe to go home alone.

*After entering the operating room, lying on the surgical bed that is very similar to the gynecological examination bed, the anesthesiologist tied a vein, ready to transfuse fluids and anesthetics; the nurse disinfected the vulva and the vagina; slowly, sleepiness invaded, which is the anesthesia in effect; about ten minutes later (of course, they do not know how long), suddenly woke up, very happy, and even want to sleep again. At this point the doctor and nurse help you out of bed, get into a wheelchair, push to the rest room to rest for a while, you can go home.

What else happens after a painless abortion?

How long will the vaginal bleeding last?

A few days, up to two weeks. The bleeding should not be more than your usual menstrual flow. If the vaginal bleeding is too much or lasts too long, it means that the pregnancy sac tissue may not have been aspirated, or there may be problems such as poor uterine contractions or clotting disorders. It's important to go to the hospital for a recheck.

How long does it take for my period to return to normal?

Normal menstruation will occur in about 28 to 32 days from the day of surgery. When normal menstruation returns, you will have to go back for another checkup to make sure your uterus is back to normal.

How long does it take to resume sex?

Until after your period has returned. And you can't take a pelvic bath during this time. This is to avoid reproductive tract infections. If the vaginal discharge has a distinct odor, or if there is yellow or green pus-like leukorrhea, an infection may have occurred.

"Painless" does not mean "easy"

It is interesting to note that some time ago, many newspapers reported a news story about a husband who took his wife to court for refusing to give birth to a child and having an abortion without authorization. : Men do not have birth control. Indeed, this is almost entirely in our hands, and the choice should be in our hands.

Modernly, while many Western women have fought for the freedom to have an abortion, Chinese women have long enjoyed that right. At the same time, medical advances and a relaxed social environment have brought us more freedom:

The suction abortion procedure, pioneered by Chinese obstetricians and gynecologists, is now the world's easiest and safest way to terminate a pregnancy;

And then, in addition to the pain of the procedure, we don't have to be subjected to the "morality" or "discipline" of needing medical help.

And then, in addition to the pain of the procedure, we don't have to be judged by "morality" or "discipline" when we need medical help;

And painless abortion minimizes the pain even further, which means: we have more autonomy over our own bodies: to have a baby or not; when we want it; or whether we want to have a baby, or to do something else that we like better.

This technology has certainly been absolutely welcomed. But many doctors are concerned that such an "easy" solution might give people the illusion that abortion is as easy as a period, and therefore a cavalier attitude toward their bodies.

In fact, the damage to our bodies from this procedure is almost exactly the same as from a regular abortion. Even with the most advanced methods and the most trusted hospitals and doctors, abortion can only be a remedy when contraception fails.

While we have this freedom, we should utilize it more carefully. The root of freedom comes from our respect for our body, which is a unique treasure, we regard it as the dependence of our life and happiness, and we have the responsibility to take care of its perfection and health.


How much does it cost to have a painless abortion?

According to different consumption areas, different pregnancy weeks, the price is different

Generally, hospitals above the second grade can carry out the above procedures

For an early pregnancy within 49 days:

Ordinary abortion is about 100 yuan

Medicinal abortion is about 150 yuan

Painless abortion is 700 -$1000 or so

Up to 24 weeks - grade up to 6 months are possible, details below.

The best time to do abortion and postoperative convalescence attention

Abortion generally refers to pregnancy within 24 weeks, due to family planning, disease, prevention of congenital anomalies, genetic diseases and illegal pregnancy, and other reasons, to take artificial methods for abortion. Birth control relies mainly on contraception, and abortion is only a complementary method when contraception fails. There are medicated abortions and instrumental abortions. The smaller the pregnancy, the easier, safer and less bleeding the method is. The appropriate time for abortion is generally within two and a half months after menopause, because the uterus is not too large, the pregnancy tissue is not too much, the fetus is small, easy to suction, the operation time is short, less bleeding. Pregnancy less than 49 days can be oral medication abortion, but to stay in the hospital to observe whether the pregnancy tissue is clean. Otherwise improper abortion can lead to hemorrhage.

The abortion is a "small month", but also should be full-term birth "big month" as well as nourishment, should eat eggs, milk, ribs, chicken, fish and other nutritious and easy to digest diet, contraindication of cold water to wash your hair, bath, wash your hands and laundry and vegetables, etc., otherwise the cold water stimulation can induce joints and joints, but also the cold water stimulation can induce joints and joints. Otherwise, cold water stimulation can induce arthritis, leaving the cold parts of the joints, muscle pain.

Post-operation should pay extra attention to hygiene, change underwear, underwear daily wash the vulva, often change, disinfected toilet paper, blood is not clean absolutely prohibit irrigation of the vagina and sitz bath, so as not to cause the upward infection, 4 weeks after the operation is prohibited from having sex, after the resumption of life, should be adhered to contraception.

Why must I rest for 3-4 days after an abortion?

The 29-year-old Zhang has been married for four years, the stomach has not been moving, to the hospital for a checkup, but found that the bilateral fallopian tubes are completely blocked. After questioning, the doctor found that she was pregnant once before marriage, due to the fear of acquaintances bumped into, chose a small clinic in the middle of nowhere to do an abortion, abortion also did not have much rest on the unit back to work. Xiao Zhang felt very puzzled, she said, "My body has been very normal after the abortion, and there is no change in menstruation, why would such a problem occur?"

Inadequate care after abortion can lead to infection

Recently, the reporter interviewed a number of hospitals in the city, a doctor exclaimed: "In recent years, because of fallopian tube blockage leading to infertility more and more women, the beginning of the time we think it is very strange to ask to find out that nearly 1 / 3 of them have had an abortion. " They said, most of them do not understand the damage caused by abortion on the body, thought it was just a small matter, some people even morning surgery in the afternoon back to work, do not pay attention to the health care after abortion and too many abortions, making today's infertility and a variety of gynecological disorders of women are more and more.

According to the introduction, in the clinic, because of tubal obstruction, hydrocele due to infertility, accounting for about 30% to 40% of the entire infertility population, most often in women who have given birth or abortion. The cause of the disease is overwhelmingly related to inflammation and infection, and the formation of inflammation is often related to menstruation, post abortion do not pay attention to hygiene and health care, vaginitis or cervicitis is not treated in a timely manner, resulting in the spread of inflammation upward.

The incomplete or untimely treatment of acute tubalitis can lead to tubal adhesion, which then develops into chronic tubalitis, making the tubes thicken, harden, and the lumen of the tubes adheres to the tubes, or even adheres to the surrounding tissues, so that the tubes will be blocked. It is understood that patients with tubal blockage usually experience pain on one or both sides of the abdomen, falling, discharge, back pain and other symptoms.

After abortion, you must rest for at least 3 to 4 days

From a medical point of view, one abortion causes more damage to the body than a normal delivery. If you have a lot of abortions, your body's immune system will decline, you will not be able to concentrate, and the lining of the uterus will become thinner and thinner, affecting the environment in which the fertilized egg will be placed, making it easier for you to get pregnant and have a miscarriage. Not only that, modern medicine has a lot of evidence that in recent years the incidence of increasing cervical cancer and early sex, early childbearing, abortion and multiple sexual partners closely related.

Therefore, some unavoidable abortion, must pay attention to good care maintenance. First of all, you should choose a regular hospital for abortion, abortion should have sufficient rest, according to the provisions of the abortion should be rested for 14 days, there is really no conditions at least 3 to 4 days of rest. Secondly, anti-inflammatory drugs must be taken on time, according to the amount of adherence.

How to avoid infection after a medical abortion?

Since the majority of patients do not need to undergo removal surgery in a medication abortion, the chances of pelvic infection are less than for those who undergo abortion surgery. However, it does not mean that the drug abortion will not occur in the uterine cavity infection. If the patient after the drug abortion in life do not pay attention to the drug abortion do not pay attention to the precautions, the same may suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease.

(1)Prohibit sexual intercourse: some people have a long bleeding time after medication abortion, some have a short bleeding time, and some have bleeding sometimes. In either case, sexual intercourse is prohibited before menstruation. This is because the cervical opening is in a loose state during a medication abortion, and the effect of preventing bacteria from entering the uterine cavity is weakened. When having sex, the bacteria hidden in the male foreskin and the bacteria in the female vulva, vagina and cervix can take the opportunity to go up to infect the uterine cavity; at the same time, the blood sinuses are open after the embryonic tissues are stripped off, which is easy to be infected by bacteria.

(2)Don't wash the basin, don't do vaginal douching, and prohibit swimming within one month after the medication abortion.

(3) The sanitary napkin and toilet paper used should be qualified products; the sanitary napkin should be changed frequently; do not wear chemical fiber fabric underpants; and the underpants should be changed and washed daily.

(4) When vaginal bleeding exceeds seven days, antibiotics should be taken under medical supervision to prevent infection. If bleeding continues for more than two weeks, you should go to the hospital to find out the cause, and have the uterus removed if necessary.

(5) Anyone who undergoes a purging operation due to failure of medication abortion or incomplete abortion or hemorrhage must take antibiotics after the operation.

(6) After drug abortion, you should also pay attention to rest and avoid exertion. You can take motherwort cream and other medicines to promote uterine contraction, discharge embryonic tissue, reduce vaginal bleeding and shorten bleeding time.

(7) Pay attention to dietary supplementation. Eat more high-quality protein to strengthen your body, but don't eat too much grease to prevent nourishing the stomach.

Pharmacological abortion can not be quietly "flow"

The introduction and use of abortion drugs in the 90s, undoubtedly to the accidental conception of the woman brought a great gospel. "This is a good thing, just as a cold," so taking anti-pregnancy drugs has become a fashionable thing. There is a need to have a market, "early pregnancy specialists" sign everywhere, not only the hospital set up a specialist, even the jungle doctor also peddled around.

Are abortion drugs really that good? And listen to the doctor to give you a "say" - in fact, the drug abortion is not so easy and optimistic. Because of the individual differences between pregnant women or medication irregularities, coupled with the limitations of the drug itself, if not used properly, the light can not achieve the purpose of abortion, the heavy loss of life into the youth.

Pharmacological flow away

In recent years, mifepristone (polyphenylene) with the card pregnancy pessary and other anti-early pregnancy drugs in the clinic is widely used, and achieved more satisfactory results. Without moving the "gun" (surgery) can make the dream of stopping pregnancy become a reality, can not let people happy. Indeed, compared with artificial abortion, drug abortion to avoid the damage of surgical instruments on the reproductive organs, and less pain, side effects, less sequelae, the psychological pressure of the drug user is not big, easy to let people accept. There are modern medical technology "escort", no trouble, no worries, what is there to be afraid of? So the drug abortion has naturally become a fashionable thing. Due to the influence of traditional thinking, many people are pregnant dare not publicize, they will feel at home quietly with the drug, and some "over the past" is not to be taken seriously by their own medication. These are all very dangerous.

Anti-morning-pregnancy drugs also have a name called "urge menstruation to stop pregnancy drug", look at the meaning of the word, from which you can also see the developer's good intentions - have a sexual history of women, as long as the menstruation for more than a few days do not come, there is a possibility of pregnancy, then while it is "not yet stable", immediately take the drug to urge menstruation, the "uninvited guests" armed "expulsion", so as to achieve the purpose of termination of pregnancy. However, the majority of people's awareness still stays in the level of checking whether they are pregnant, only to think of choosing abortion. At this time, "the wood is already gone," the gestational sac has long been "settled", the growth of the meconium also "flourished", under the action of drugs, although the gestational sac can be discharged, but the meconium is not necessarily

Drugs are a "double-edged sword" that protects you at the same time, but may also give you a hard knife in the back, anti-early pregnancy drugs are no exception. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to pay for the services you need, and then you have to pay for the services you need. Even if you regret it in the end, it doesn't make much sense to you, but only as a lesson for others to learn. Moreover, whether it is artificial abortion or drug abortion, in terms of health, there is a certain degree of damage, after all, is the cost of health as a stopgap measure. In view of this, obstetricians and gynecologists have repeatedly warned: once you choose a drug abortion, keep in mind the following two points: First, we must strictly control the number of days of pregnancy, the shorter the pregnancy the better; Secondly, it is best to go to the hospital with emergency treatment of drug abortion, and in the doctor's guidance with the medication, in case of accidents. The first thing you need to do is to take a chance and quietly "flow"!

Medicine abortion also has a forbidden area

Because abortion often brings a lot of physical and mental pain, so many people chose the drug abortion.

Medicinal abortion, as the name suggests, is a method of terminating early pregnancy by taking oral medication. It avoids some of the problems associated with surgical abortion, the rate of complete abortion has reached 90% -95%, and if the abortion fails, then the pain of surgical removal is also lighter than artificial abortion, because the uterus has been opened, do not need to dilate the uterus. However, the drug abortion also has its scope of application, women in the drug abortion before, must first find out whether they are within this scope.


1. Those who require termination of pregnancy for various reasons without contraindications;

2. Suitable for high-risk pregnancies within 8 weeks of pregnancy, those who need to terminate the pregnancy with difficulty or high risk of negative pressure suction, and those who are concerned about or fearful of surgical abortion.


What kind of abortion is safer?

Three steps to safe abortion

Unwanted pregnancy and do not want children, perhaps, to do abortion is the inevitable choice. To know, abortion more or less on the female body has a certain harm, how to do abortion safely? The following is the Boai gynecological abortion room to do abortion young women proposed three safe steps, called safe abortion three steps:

The first step, first of all, to determine the pregnancy. According to the history of menopause, a positive pregnancy test can generally be diagnosed as pregnancy, but must exclude ectopic pregnancy and trophoblastic diseases such as hyperemesis gravidarum. Ultrasound at 45 days after menopause shows that the pregnancy sac is seen in the uterus, which can be identified as intrauterine pregnancy; if there is no pregnancy sac in the uterus, but there is outside the uterus, it can be diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy; if there is no pregnancy sac in the uterus, but there is snowflake shadow, it can be considered as a gravidarium. Only if the diagnosis of intrauterine pregnancy is confirmed, can pedestrian abortion. Some rural hospitals are in poor condition, no ultrasound facilities, this time must be carefully check the scrapings. The scraping out of see embryo or chorionic villi, can only be diagnosed as intrauterine pregnancy; if not, must consider the possibility of ectopic pregnancy.

This step, if not done as prescribed, can cause additional damage to the patient. Ms. Chen went to a staff hospital to request an abortion when she had stopped menstruating for more than 40 days, and the outpatient doctor diagnosed early pregnancy and admitted her to the ward for a painless abortion based only on a positive urine report. No embryonic chorionic tissue was seen during the operation, which meant that she was not intrauterine, so she had an ultrasound done, which showed an abnormality in her left ovary, but the attending doctor did not do any further treatment at that time and sent her home. 5 days later, Ms. Chen woke up with a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, and went to the hospital in a hurry, where she was diagnosed as having a left tubal pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy). On the same day, she was wheeled into the operating room and underwent a partial tubectomy, resulting in damage to her fertility.

The second step is the surgical period. Removing the embryo from the uterus, either surgically or with drugs, is a critical step. There are various surgical methods, the most used methods are painless abortion, microtube painless abortion and visual painless abortion, which is suitable for early pregnancy within 3 months. This is especially true for those who are between 1.5 and 2 months pregnant. Painless abortion puts the patient under anesthesia, and the operation is over when the patient "wakes up". Experts in the painless abortion room of the gynecology department of Boai Hospital summarize its advantages as follows: strong visualization, because the operation is carried out under the guidance and monitoring of visual technology, the doctor has a clear view of the situation in the uterine cavity, and can accurately and quickly take out the gestational sacs without damaging the normal tissues, and the operation can be completed safely within a short period of time. It can effectively avoid the occurrence of complications, effectively avoid the occurrence of uterine perforation, incomplete suction, leakage of suction, abortion syndrome and other complications caused by tension, fear, restlessness and struggle during traditional abortion, and can easily complete the surgery in the sleep state.

The second is medical abortion. There are two kinds, one is used for early pregnancy, the other is used for large months. Less than 49 days to use for early pregnancy for the use of medical abortion method may have hemorrhage, residual, scraping again, time-consuming and long bleeding time after the abortion may be, so not preferred. Patients with glaucoma and cardiovascular disease should avoid medical abortion as much as possible. Secondly, in the middle stage of pregnancy, i.e. 3-5 months of pregnancy, the amniotic cavity can be injected with drugs to make the pregnant woman produce contractions and expel the fetus. Because sometimes the placenta is not fully discharged, it is often necessary to scrape the uterus, this point should be noted.

The third step is the postoperative recovery period. This period is not well handled. The author has met such a patient. Ms. Liu, who works for a foreign company, is a person who works hard, and on the day after the abortion, she not only went to work as usual, but also worked overtime as if nothing was wrong. As a result, a week later, first felt some hidden pain in the abdomen, then abdominal pain aggravated, sudden high fever, the frightened husband sent her to the hospital emergency room. Gynecological examination, I found her pelvic inflammatory mass, abnormal pressure pain, diagnosed as acute pelvic inflammatory disease, hospital treatment. 3 weeks after the fever subsided, but the inflammatory mass has not disappeared. After being discharged from the hospital, Ms. Liu still did not pay attention to rest, resulting in an acute attack of pelvic inflammatory disease, diagnosed as pelvic abscess. After the doctor's consultation, he removed both of her suppurating fallopian tubes and the right ovary, leaving the left ovary adherent and losing her fertility.

Artificial abortion (abortion for short), as a remedial measure after the failure of contraception, has been accepted by the majority of women of childbearing age. According to a recent conservative estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO), there are about 25 to 55 million abortions worldwide each year. The number of abortions in China each year has been around 10 million. The large number of abortions and the wide range of abortions involved have made it a medical and social problem of global concern, and it directly affects the reproductive and mental health of the majority of women.

For many years, abortions in China have been performed almost exclusively without anesthetic analgesia. The patient must endure the agony of pain and fear. At the same time, because the intraoperative stimulation of the vagus nerve can cause bradycardia, blood pressure drop, nausea, vomiting, chest tightness, pallor, cold sweating and other symptoms; in severe cases, it can cause fainting and convulsions. Relieving pain during abortion is the desire of family planning workers. Historically, a variety of methods have been used, such as subperitoneal cavity, epidural, sacral nerve block, cervical surface anesthesia, a variety of analgesic, sedative drugs, although they can more or less reduce and relieve the pain of abortion, but the effect is not yet satisfactory. Because of the abortion technology has been significantly improved, the general operation can be completed in only three to five minutes. So the ideal "painless abortion" must have the following requirements: First, easy to operate, rapid onset of action, with ultra-short effect. Second, analgesia and no memory effect is accurate. Third, quick and complete awakening, i.e., complete recovery of consciousness after the operation, and can leave the hospital within 30 minutes. No after-effects. Drugs can be excreted quickly. Happily, due to the development of science, the above requirements are no longer patients and medical personnel fantasy, the current clinical has been able to fully achieve.

"Painless abortion" not only enables women of childbearing age to solve the physical pain and fear of the soul, but also reduces the psychological pressure on the doctor because of the patient's intraoperative smoothness, and the surgical complications have been significantly reduced, which is very popular with doctors and patients.