Discarded metal sharps, such as medical needles, suture needles, acupuncture needles, probe needles, puncture needles and all kinds of guide wires, steel nails, surgical saws and so on.
Discarded glass sharps, such as coverslips, slides, glass ampoules, broken glass test tubes.
Discarded sharps made of other materials, such as disposable forceps, disposable probes, and single-use plastic pipette tips.
Correct collection method:
Waste medicines that are expired, obsolete, deteriorated or contaminated in bulk should be centrally collected by the pharmacy department according to the type and registered, and then returned to the manufacturer or handed over to the hazardous waste disposal organization for disposal.
Small quantities of pharmaceutical waste, including discarded vials of cytotoxic and genotoxic drugs, can be placed directly into infectious waste bags and medical waste bins, but should be indicated on the label.