Is there a scientific basis for sprinkling white sugar on a bleeding wound to help it recover?

Sprinkling white sugar on bleeding wounds is okay and more scientific. So there's no need to worry about it not being rigorous.

Because sugar can still promote the healing of the wound, if it is very serious, we still have to rely on the doctor's advice to determine, do not blindly figure out their own, after all, we are not a professional, there are some things do not want to think, of course, the doctor's answer in order to give us a good guide.

Because white sugar, then, can still help us inhibit the growth of bacteria. It is still very useful, and what many people may not understand is because sugar is a seasoning for daily life, not a medical drug. White sugar can really help us restore skin tissue, can help us dry and dehydrated, and seem to be in a great, but also more can be used safely.

But there are some cases can not be used, if our wounds pus is serious, we should not think that the effectiveness of white sugar has how much more magical, this situation will greatly reduce the effectiveness of white sugar.

We should first drain the pus from the wound, and then bandage it. Many people used to use this method because some medical equipment was not popularized, but now if the wound is very serious, we should go directly to the hospital for effective and correct sanitary bandage.

And there are many kinds of sugar, some of which may not be suitable, you need to find a better quality of sugar, if it is the inferior ones, the effect may not be so good. Instead of taking such a risk, it would be better to go straight to the hospital.

While some hospitals also use white sugar, they will know a lot more than we do about how to use it properly, and nowadays the medical level is so advanced that there's no need to bandage it yourself.