Looking for: a computer single player game where green model armies go on missions!

It's called Toy Soldiers vs!

There are seven of them, and the one you're talking about should be 4. Here's the description: Toy Soldiers Wars 1

This is a strategy game featuring plastic toys, produced by 3DO Studio. The game is available on 1 CD and runs on Win 95. The game is inspired by memories of childhood, and arguably by the plot of the cartoon Toy Story. The game requires controlling a team of active plastic people in three major campaigns and performing more than 30 different tasks. The opening animation, which features the protagonist Sarge and other toy veterans, is brilliantly animated. The game supports 3Dfx, and the 3D effect is very good. All units are framed in 3D MAX and then colored with textures. The sound effects in the game were recorded by the production team during the U.S. military maneuvers, and are certainly realistic.

The game features a wide variety of weapons, including machine guns, flamethrowers, and rockets, with pleasing pyrotechnic effects. There are not only fighters on the battlefield, but also tanks, half-tracks and jeeps. The campaign involves a series of battles across deserts, mountains and bays. The battlefield contains not only your own troops, but also friendly troops, and the enemy troops are brown, gray and blue soldiers. It is necessary to eliminate the troops of the Tang (Tan) encountered, rescue prisoners and even seize enemy tanks. Weapons in the game are divided into 3 categories: standing weapons, special weapons and special equipment. These include grenades, mortars, mines, minesweepers, flamethrowers, rockets and first aid kits. You can only carry one of each type of weapon on a mission. You have to use it up before you can pick up the same type of equipment. No one weapon is invincible, and it is necessary to choose the appropriate weapon for each situation in order to gain the initiative on the battlefield. Shaggy doesn't operate in isolation; he can call for air support, mobilize paratroopers, and conduct aerial reconnaissance flights against enemy positions. Shaggy can drive four types of vehicles, including tanks and trucks, and can mobilize friendly forces to attack or hold positions in times of crisis. Each mission picks up equipment left over from the last mission, giving the game a sense of continuity.

[edit]Toy Soldiers Wars 2

Toy Soldiers Wars 2 features Sarge leading his green army in battle against the brown enemy. Sarge can carry up to six types of equipment, and there is an upper limit on the number of each type of equipment, so the more you have, the more you have to throw away, but the first weapon he carries can't be thrown away, but don't underestimate it, it can be upgraded! Yo. Most of the soldiers led by Sarge are soldiers with rifles, but there are also soldiers with bazookas, flamethrowers, and grenades. The weapon system has bazookas, grenades, flamethrowers, small cannons, mines, time bombs, and the funniest of all, the magnifying glass, which melts the enemy away, as well as the ability to call for support with bombers, paratroopers, and scout planes. There are also props, including mine detectors, camouflage devices, and bulletproof vests (which are a little bit useful for fending off bullets). And of course there's the medkit, which also comes in two varieties, the gray one that medics all on pickup, and the red one that is able to be carried and can only heal one person at a time. In battle, grenades and flamethrowers are useful in the first few levels, but in later battles they are not very useful and can be thrown away, while the bazookas and small cannons are the most useful, and they are very powerful throughout. There's plenty of ammo in the game, so players can feel free to use it and beat the crap out of their enemies.

There aren't too many keys to use in operation, just read the help, just use the number keys 1 through 6 to quickly select a weapon, which is not explained in the game. One of the serious shortcomings I found in this game lies in the maneuvering, the soldiers are simply terrible at finding their way around, the ranks are often in disarray and sometimes so angry that I wanted to kick it out, I think it's because they're too lazy to drill the ranks. When it comes to narrow aisles and doors, it's hard to get through, and the soldiers often can't get past them or put Sarge in a corner and won't let him out, which is where the keyboard comes in handy. Because only Sarge has a strong ability to find the way, you just use the keyboard's A, S, D, W as the arrow keys to manipulate Sarge, the soldiers will obediently follow him, which is a good way to solve the problem. The game's training system is well-designed, and for the game's maneuvering and weapon use, the player can get the hang of it pretty quickly with a trip to the training camp.

Second, over the strategy

"Toy Soldiers War II" *** set twelve levels, a level of a map, each level includes two to three tasks. Here there is a problem have to make it clear to you first, this game fully embodies the duty as an officer is to care for the lives of soldiers, because if your soldiers die, (unless in some specific tasks) the game is not going to give you an increase in soldiers, so if you do not want to be a bare-knuckle commander, then you must protect your soldiers.

Mission 01-1

Objective: Dodge the enemy and reach a safe area

This level is very simple, you just have to be able to not get killed by the brown soldiers that are catching up to you, and then reach the safe area next to the pool, and then you'll be victorious. In fact, as long as you run forward from the start, the brown soldiers won't be able to catch up with you anyway. In this level, you can pick up bazookas, grenades, and get your first upgrade to your rifle to become an automatic rifle, and of course the most interesting magnifying glass, which you can use to attack anything on the map (but you have to be careful with it so you don't burn yourself), and see how interesting it looks when the soldiers are melted away! If you want the brown soldiers to stop trying to catch up with you, you can pass by the fireplace and shoot the switch on the fireplace a few times so that the switch is pointing to the left, and the fire in the fireplace won't go out, so that as many brown soldiers as possible will die, and there will be no coming back.

Mission 01-2

Objective: find the entrance out of this area

This level isn't too hard to find the entrance to that magical time-transporter, it's in that tall clay pot on the table. You can attack both cups on the table by using the forced attack method (hold down the shift key) on it, but of course don't let the falling debris crush you as you do so. For those pesky cockroaches, don't be afraid, there's a bazooka, just fire a few rounds at it and you'll be done with it, not as scary as some of the game's descriptions make it out to be, it's quite fun!

Mission 02-1

Objective: Retrieve the radio station

You can start by going to the lower-right house and rescuing the soldier captured by the enemy; he's a bazooka-carrying soldier, which will be important for later battles. Then take the speedboat in the lower right (be careful not to let the enemy break it) and go to the island in the lower left, which has a lot of supplies, including a blocking gun. After filling up your combat power, you can easily head straight for the radio station in the center of the map and take it back from the enemy. During the battle, woods hit by weapons like RPGs and grenades will burn up in flames, and if you're not paying attention you'll be burned to death, but of course you can use this condition to burn your enemies to death in the woods (which saves you some ammo, which you'll use more than a few times later in the battle).

Mission 02-2

Objective: Find the wrench and fix the radio station

The wrench isn't that hard to find, it's in the house in the upper left corner. Throw a grenade at the oil drums around the house, and once the house is blown up, you can go in and get the wrench. Take it and go back to the radio station and use the wrench on the iron box on the wall to the left of the station and you'll see the radio working again.

Mission 02-3

Objective: Get to the train platform and jump on the train that's coming

This mission is simpler, just head straight to the train station in the upper left corner. There are two large groves of trees underneath the station with just a few crates of weapons in them, so you can leave them alone and walk around the top of the tunnel on your right to get to the platform, where you can get on a train that's coming to get you. Then you can get on the train that will pick you up and take you to the next level. If you want to kill more enemies, the woods below are a good place to do so, but be careful not to let the burning trees kill you, and watch out for enemies popping up at any time on your way back and forth.

Mission 03-1

Objective: neutralize the threat from brown enemies and stop them from blowing up bridges and tunnels

This time the mission is to protect the bridges and tunnels on the upper left side of the map. Enemies coming down from the speedboats will blow up the bridges and tunnels very quickly, so you have to immediately parachute the paratroopers that you just got into the tunnels to the mouths of the tunnels. Immediately lead the troops to the bridge. Note that you must leave the soldiers by the river at the top, and once you get the bomber caller at the bottom left, you will arm the mines and tanks at the two intersections coming down from the top right, and take out the soldiers by the river, and wait for the rest to move on to the next mission. You can also fix the radar station in the center of the map with a wrench, which doesn't help the battle much either.

Mission 03-2

Objective: Protect the train from the brown armor

Because of the preparation for the last mission, this one is too easy, so you'll just have to wait to take the enemy tanks head on!

Mission 04-1

Objective: Capture the Maynard airfield

Lead your troops to the right first, dodging the patrolling tanks, and charge down the ravine above all the way to the airfield. When you first arrive at the airfield, be aware that there is a veteran running towards you from the right, you can't let him die or the game will count you as having failed the mission. You can also fix the radar station located in the center of the battlefield before attacking, so you'll always know where the enemy is in future battles.

Mission 04-2

Objective: Rescue the blue agent from the brown enemy and get the agent to the heliport

The blue agent is in the valley at the bottom of the map, so be careful not to let the burning trees set you on fire in the battle in the valley, but the rest isn't that difficult. Mission 04-3

Objective: Escort the blue agent to the heliport

When rescuing him and returning to the airport, watch out for the enemies that drop down as you exit the valley, and don't let them kill you, the veteran, or the agent; you can have Sarge go out and lure the enemies out first, and have your men take them out.

Mission 05-1

Objective: retrieve scout captured by enemies

The scout captured by the enemies is on the first island counting from left to right, and for the green soldiers in the other cages, the only way to get rid of them is by forcing an attack. On the way up from the starting point, there are many mines in the sand in front of the small bridge, use the mine detector in the house in front of the bushes to find and remove the mines. Sarge's automatic rifle can be upgraded to a submachine gun at the house on the second island counting from left to right.

Mission 05-2

Objective: Find the Army Colonel and take him back to Command

The Army Colonel is the man standing in the center of the compound in the lower left, so just rush in and walk up to him, then you can follow him into the time portal in the center of the compound to move on to the next level. There is a paratrooper caller in the large wooded area in the lower left, which makes your team even stronger.

Mission 06-1

Objective: find and kill the Green Side's Army Colonel

This Army Colonel is hidden under the frog on the left. As you head in from the garden path, a lot of crazies with firecrackers on their backs will come out at you, among them the green soldiers, which is a headache. A good idea is to let Sarge go in alone first, and by rushing down to the muddy patch on the left side of the path, the villains won't come out, and at that point, your soldiers can come waltzing in. How do you get into the lawn at the bottom left? Take a good look at the very bottom of the garden and blow up the third small wooden post counting from left to right (it's cracked). This colonel is indeed a scoundrel, make a forced attack on him!

Mission 06-2

Objective: find the entrance to leave

Using the same method as in the previous mission, blow up the fifth small wooden post counting from the inside out on the right side of the path and lead your troops on a charge all the way to the temporal teleporter by the lawn on the right!

Mission 07-1

Objective: Rescue the captured veteran

The captured veteran is on the island ahead, and it won't be hard to save him, but you'll have to take responsibility for him from here on out, and you mustn't let him die in this level.

Mission 07-2

Objective: Find and destroy all the generators of the Zombie Manufacturing Machine

Continue on your way and destroy all those generators, don't try to be lazy, there is an anti-aircraft gun in front of each generator, bombing them with airplanes won't do the trick, so it's better to do it yourself. The zombies you encounter along the way before you reach the manufacturing machine are very powerful, but they only recognize Sarge as a target, so you can let Sarge lead them on the run alone, while your soldiers prepare to welcome them in the sandwiches.

Mission 08-1

Objective: Remove the scientists working for the brown forces

This would be easy at this point if you could still call in a plane bombing, one bomb and all four scientists in the upper left corner are in the air. If you don't, it's not too hard, just go through that gap on the left and cut them off on their way to the airport.

Mission 08-2

Objective: Find the man-made object protected by the enemy (the billiard ball) and destroy it

The game says to use bombers, but this time it won't help even if you have bombers, even if you call the B-52s, and any other weapons are useless, because you have to blow up the four scientists around the billiard ball first. blow up the four anti-aircraft batteries surrounding the billiard ball before the bomber can safely carry out its bombing mission.

Mission 09-1

Objective: Take control of the bridge and stay there until reinforcements arrive

As soon as the mission begins, you'll have to get moving and rush to the bridge, which is built with padded boards between the two tables, because the crazies with firecrackers on their backs are rushing to the bridge one by one. Rush to the bridge, stop them with your powerful firepower, and hold on for a while and your reinforcements will arrive (wow! There's one carrying a bazooka, great! Welcome!) .

Mission 09-2

Objective: Stop the brown people from escaping through the entrance

The entrance is in the model ship at the top, no need to rush upwards, cross the bridge to the right, there will be a man wearing a shield running out, quickly focus your firepower on destroying him, after he dies he will leave behind a drawing, pick it up and walk into the entrance in order to enter the The next level.

Mission 10-1

Objective: Find and infiltrate the secret base of the Brown Unit

It's simple, the enemy base is right in front of you, and right now there's a bunch of crazies in front of you, in front of so many crazies, it seems that sacrificing a few of your comrades is inevitable.

Mission 10-2

Objective: Destroy all equipment used by the brown forces for converter research

Can you call in the bombers now? Is there one more time? That's no good, you need at least two, then you can blow up all the scientists and equipment in the upper right corner that are doing research in the base, and you can leave the equipment in the lower left corner alone. You don't have one more time? Then take the tank that's in the lower right corner, that'll work for sure.

Mission 11-1

Objective: find the key that opens the door to the secret weapon launch pad

The man with the key is in the house in the upper left corner, and he comes out on his own when you walk in front of the house. As soon as he comes out, lead the group to the corner outside the wall in the lower right corner; when the enemy comes in from the outside, the aisle is so narrow that it will be an embarrassing death for them, including the unstoppable tanks. When you go around to the right to get the key, you don't need to take too many people in, as you'll have to come back out later.

Mission 11-2

Objective: Destroy the secret weapon before it opens fire on us

Destroying it will require explosives, so once you've got the key, go back the way you came and bring only a few people with you. The whole process has to be fast, or that weird weapon is going to fire.

Mission 11-3

Objective: Find the entrance to get out of here

The entrance is at the left exit of the castle, place two packs of explosives at the back of the tank garage, when you blow up the garage, the tanks won't be able to come out and you'll be able to take out a few of them with ease.

Mission 12-1

Objective: Find the place where the enemy Army Major Mylar is hiding

Go forward, and as soon as you reach the clearing behind the labyrinth, the mission will be complete. Break the glass cover of the board on the right, and inside you can upgrade your bazooka to unlimited ammo.

Mission 12-2

Objective: Kill Major Mylar

Just Sarge alone, charge up to the castle on the opposite side of the room, left and right as you please, dodge back and forth and fire a few small cannons at him, and he's done for, wait and enjoy the nice animation!

So the whole game will be completed, you can see that the game is not difficult, seems to be in order to let us recall that period of good childhood, and the animation is very beautiful, play time may also want to fail a few times, different levels of failure after the picture can be not the same, it is very interesting, we look at it! The game can also be used in a networked way, and it will be more interesting to play against people. Finally, I wish you all the best! Enjoy the game!

[edit]Toy Soldiers 3 War in Space

3DO recently announced the release of Toy Soldiers III War in Space (Army Men Toys in Space), a real-time strategy game. The game will take place in space and will be led by a righteous army led by Sarge and will battle to the death against an evil army commanded by the demon Plastro. In the game Plastro is backed by a race of fallen alien plastics, and supporting Sarge is the lovely and brave Tomorrow, leader of the Space Cavalry.

[edit]Toy Soldiers 4 Air Attack

Toy Soldiers Wars 4 expands the battlefield to indoors in kitchens, gardens and the like, just like when you were a kid and used toy miniatures to do battle, but back then, toy soldiers wouldn't really fight, so now we get to relive those childhood days, and it's definitely much better, so don't miss out on this one, everyone

[edit]Toy Soldiers 5 World War

Following the end of Toy Soldiers' last installment, Air Strategy, 3DO has released its fifth installment: World War. This installment features green soldiers as the main characters, a world of plastic as the backdrop, and most of the battles are based on World War II adaptations. This work is also the last toy soldier game listed in mainland China by the third wave of the company agent, unfortunately no Chinese culture. This is also a side note that the glory days of Toy Soldiers Wars have passed. Incidentally, this work is also the last two-dimensional flat work of the Toy Soldiers series, from the next "Sergeant Hero" Toy Soldiers full three-dimensionalization.

The game's sound and light effects feel great, with explosions, dust, flames, machine gun fire, and soldier shouts all coming together in a very realistic way. Although the protagonists are toy soldiers made of plastic, the weapons and equipment used in the game give the impression of real bullets, which can cause explosions and are quite lethal. Even though they are just toys, units such as tanks and jeeps make deafening engine sounds. The muffled sound of the tanks approaching, along with the fire from the cannons, the grenades flying in the air, the machine guns firing, and the screams of the soldiers, brings out the hot atmosphere of the battlefield.

In the game, you will pick up different weapons or utilize various items in the scene to fight against the TAN, and also get help from other allied forces. In addition, the game has a large number of weapons for you to use, including flamethrowers, grenades, mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and sniper rifles, you can also call for fire support in the air, aerial reconnaissance and paratroopers airborne, which greatly strengthen the strength of the Green Army, the use of good is the key to victory, and there are a large number of props to let you use enough. All this atmosphere will make you feel that this toy soldier war really reaches the level of the world war.

[edit]Toy Soldiers 6 Sandcastle Heroes

This game uses a behind-the-scenes point of view, and the player uses a variety of weapons to accomplish various tasks. The game's combat firefights are still relatively intense and somewhat realistic; the other side will use terrain such as bunkers or high ground to attack, and will also set up a number of traps and traps; the player can then utilize explosive items such as oil drums to gain even more destructive power.... L) A) w2 J1 J7 ]9 C" e6 s

All in all, this game is recommended for those who haven't played the PC version, it's still pretty good!!!!

[edit]Toy Soldiers 7 Aerial Strike

This game is mainly a helicopter maneuvering action game, where the player can use the helicopter to hoist up ornaments inside the home and throw them at the plastic army. This time the evil enemy general has created many armies and weaponry out of plastic, intending to wipe the slate clean, and this time a new Baron and Commander-in-Chief have been added to help the general fulfill his ambitions. Players will now have to move around once again.

[edit]Toy Soldiers Wars: Saki's War

This is a first-person shooter in which the protagonist, the square-jawed green sailor Saki, discovers that he's now in a world similar to EA's Medal of Honor, rather than one of the shell-shocked Toy Soldiers Wars RTS landscapes of yore. The game represents an evil dictator named Malice, whose only hobby is the destruction of green homes and the development of his own deadly weapons that could lead to the end of the world. Saki has witnessed the destruction of his army, his friends, and their homes, which has made him determined to take revenge.

The iron hooves of Maris' army of mutineers now trample across the Plastic Kingdom. How to single-handedly save his beloved home from the clutches of the vicious Maris and his forces of evil, Saki is faced with an unprecedented challenge. Surprisingly presented for the first time in third-person, Saki will fight to the death against an evil force that is overwhelmingly superior in overall strength. He starts the game with a submachine gun and some ammo in his hands, and the sheer volume and pace of enemy action immediately puts the self-proclaimed veterans on their heels. Thankfully, the game also offers a training mode that provides a thorough guide to training Saki to utilize his abilities to their fullest potential, so you'll feel much better when you actually enter the realm of battle. The game offers a cool auto-targeting system that helps Saki circle different enemies very quickly, while allowing enough time to control jumping, running, and machine-gunning his way around.

The final version of the game will include more than 12 full-length areas, covering a massive 48 levels. They range from bomb-ravaged villages to real-life habitats such as "under the kitchen sink". The freedom to switch from the plastic world of war to the world of humans is a distinctive feature of the Toy Soldiers series, and one that is brought to life in Saki Wars. From the few single-player levels that have been available to try, the game runs at a very smooth pace and offers plenty of opportunities for well-planned battles. Saki's versatility comes in handy in this game, as he can take out well-concealed enemies by blocking shots, and his agility can help him penetrate and take over an enemy machine gunner's lair, causing the powerful weapon to fire on its original owner.

Like the other titles in the series, the world is built around the fact that all the natives are just plastic toy soldiers, so there's none of the gore and violence that's so common in the genre -- and that helps set the stage for the game. -which also helped the game to be successfully rated for teens with an ESRB rating. That doesn't mean you can't do some nasty tricks like beheading enemies or breaking arms and legs, but the gore is kept to a minimum. Another cool aspect of the game is that when Saki takes damage, he can remodel his missing body parts by collecting "plastic health" left over from defeated enemy forces. You can even watch his chest miraculously grow and recover when he's hit in the chest by a barrage of powerful bullets in battle, which is a pretty cool design, considering he's the only one who's been able to make it out of the Dragon's Lagoon.

This is the most subversive game in the series, and as such, it utilizes a completely new engine. The game's brilliant AI programming was already evident in the demo: enemies react to the complexity of their surroundings as you'd expect them to. For example, when Saki annihilates two of the four enemies around him, the remaining two immediately retreat to safety, cover each other, and throw grenades at him - not that you'd expect them to be stupid enough to follow suit. By exploring the combat environment and tackling levels, Saki will have access to a wide variety of weapons, including an incredibly powerful flamethrower that shoots out a lurid mist of heat that melts all the plastic life in the game.

The final version of the game will include three different multiplayer combat modes, offering one to four players facing off in split-screen levels. They are the straightforward Deathmatch mode, the upgraded Team Battle mode, and Capture the Flag - each with its own unique battlemap. We sincerely hope that this is a unique blend of the best elements of the previous Toy Soldiers titles and the much-talked-about highlights of Medal of Honor and the like. Saki Wars will give the entire series a much-needed zest for life.

[edit]Toy Soldiers RTS Real-Time Strategy Edition

3DO's Toy Soldiers Wars Real-Time Strategy Edition includes all animation and music. Unlike the previous "Toy Soldiers Wars 2" and "Saki's War", this time it is in the form of a real-time strategy, somewhat similar to "Ultimate Mobilization Order - General". -Generals.

Similar to a normal RTS game, players still need to gather resources to win the war. The resources are divided into plastic and power, plastic can be obtained from some plastic toys or plastic furniture, and the recycling of the wreckage of the destroyed troops, if you just want to set up a millet plus rifle infantry regiment, power can be exempted, power comes from some small household appliances, such as flashlights, watches, and so on, the power is to set up a mechanized troops to ensure that there are enough energy, the player can have a sufficient number of tanks, helicopters, and other equipment. With enough energy, the player will be able to have enough tanks, helicopters, mine carts and other heavy equipment.

Resources are important, the cooperation between the troops is also very important, it is not that the whole screen is tanks is the best combination, tanks are no air defense ability, there is no minesweeping ability, the need for a variety of air-to-air, ground troops with a variety of troops in order to fight a beautiful war.


"Toy Soldiers Wars" series of long and glorious history need not be said, these plastic models of small soldiers drenched in our fantastic childhood memories, in the 3DO skyrocketed under the outstanding conception of a magnificent picture of the war. From PC to PS almost all the game console platforms have appeared in their figure, although the series of continuous release of the game its type has been changing, technical effects continue to innovate, but the rendering of the sense of action and the main theme of the war portrayal has always been the same. Even so, the novelty of the series slowly wore off on gamers with increasingly discriminating tastes, who tended to view the series as a commercialized money-making engine rather than the high quality game it once was.

Unfortunately, as the times changed and the company's finances became more and more problematic, 3DO struggled for a few years and finally filed for bankruptcy in May 2003, with the trademarks and distribution rights of its games auctioned off or transferred, and its game production teams transferred to other companies, including the biggest ones, such as Microsoft. Some of the biggest game producers, such as Microsoft, Namco, Crave, and Ubisoft (of course, these four are not the only ones, so I won't mention the ones you're not familiar with), continued the lifeblood of many good games on top of 3DO's existing game base, which is also the reason why, although 3DO had already become a history in 2003, gamers can still see generations of 3DO classic games continue to be released. 3DO's classic games continue to be released generation after generation.

However, since 3DO's bankruptcy, fans of Toy Soldiers have lost their way, and Army Men: Sarge's War, which was a big hit in 2003, has certainly become a stopgap game, never to be heard from again. However, TAKE-TWO, the company that purchased the rights to Toy Soldiers, has finally surprised us by revealing today the latest intel and footage of the in-development Toy Soldiers Wars: Sarge's War, which will see Sarge fighting the evil Foreign Legion alone, while the rest of his comrades have been killed by the enemy, who has also discovered a new weapon of mass destruction capable of melting a platoon of toy soldiers into plastic. melts into plastic. What Saki does is that he must avenge the deaths of his comrades. ...... The game will be available across multiple platforms including PC, PS2, XBOX, and NGC.

Downloads can be found at Thunderbolt.

If you don't have the patience to read the above, then I'll post the 4's,

Toy Soldiers Wars 4 expands the battlefield to indoor areas such as kitchens and gardens, like when you're a kid and you use toy miniatures to fight, but the toy soldiers of the time wouldn't really fight, and now we get to revisit that childhood, and it's definitely a lot more exciting, so don't you dare to come and check this out!

Download: /thread-66377-1-1.html

The above is the English version, I found only 2 have the Chinese version

Satisfied with the points ah!

Toy soldiers 2 Chinese version of Xunlei high-speed download: / game/4293.html