USB wiring, four wires as a group, there is a VCC, one is D+, the other is D-, there is a ground, right, VCC is what is used?

USB interface definition Color

General arrangement is: red, white, green and black from left to right


Red-USB power: marked with -VCC, Power, 5V, 5VSB

White-USB data cable: (negative) -DATA, D+, and D-, there is a ground, what is the use of VCC? USB cable: (negative) -DATA-, USBD-, PD-, USBDT-

Green - USB cable: (positive) -DATA+, USBD+, PD+, USBDT+

Black -Ground: GND, Ground

VCC is the positive side of the power supply provided by the USB port for external devices, generally with a maximum current of 500mA.