Measures taken to break containers of infectious material

Standard precautions are a combination of universal precautions and many of the features of isolation of substances in the body, recognizing that the patient's blood, bodily fluids, secretions, and excretions are infectious and need to be isolated, regardless of whether or not there is obvious contamination with blood or contact with non-intact skin and mucous membranes. Those who come into contact with these substances must take protective measures. According to the transmission pathway to take air, droplet, air isolation, is the prevention of hospital infections successful and effective measures. 1 Isolation object: all patients' blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions are regarded as infectious and need to be isolated. 2 Protection: Implement two-way protection to prevent two-way spread of disease. 3 Isolation measures: Establish contact, air, and droplet isolation measures according to the transmission route. The focus is on hand washing and the timing of hand washing.

Standard precautions:

1, hand washing: when contact with blood, body fluids, excretions, secretions may be contaminated after taking off gloves, to wash hands or use rapid hand disinfectant hand washing. 2, gloves: when contact with blood, body fluids, excretions, secretions and broken skin mucous membranes should wear gloves; gloves can prevent the possibility of medical personnel to transfer the flora on their own hands to the patient; gloves can prevent the medical staff to become infectious microorganisms when the medium, that is, to prevent the medical staff will be contaminated from the patient or the environment in the spread of pathogens in the population. Always change gloves between patients; gloves are not a substitute for hand washing.

3, masks, goggles and masks: wear masks and goggles can also reduce the patient's body fluids, blood, secretions and other liquids of infectious substances splashed into the eyes of health care workers, the oral cavity and nasal mucosa.

4, isolation clothing: wear isolation clothing to prevent contamination by infectious blood, secretions, exudates, splashes of water and a large number of infectious materials only when used. After removing the isolation garment should immediately wash their hands to avoid contamination of other patients and the environment.

5. Reusable equipment:

(1) Reusable medical supplies and medical equipment are disinfected or sterilized as needed when used for the next patient.

(2) When handling instruments and equipment contaminated by blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, it is important to prevent exposure of staff skin and mucous membranes and contamination of work clothes so that pathogenic microorganisms can be transmitted to patients and contaminate the environment.

(3) Sharps that need to be reused should be placed in a puncture-proof container for transportation, handling and prevention of puncture wounds.

(4) Single-use sharps, such as needles, are placed in puncture-proof, leak-proof containers for harmless disposal.

6, object surfaces, the environment, clothing and food utensils disinfection

(1) the environment of the general hospital wards, object surfaces, including bed rails, bedside, bedside tables, chairs, door knobs and other frequently contacted surfaces of the object cleaned on a regular basis, in case of contamination at any time to disinfect.

(2) When handling and transporting bedclothes and clothing contaminated by blood, body fluids, secretions, and excretions, it is important to prevent medical staff from skin exposure and contamination of work clothes and the environment.

(3) Reusable eating utensils should be cleaned and disinfected before use, and disposable eating utensils should be used as much as possible for isolated patients.

(4) Reusable clothes are placed in a special bag and transported to a designated location for cleaning, disinfection, and to prevent contamination during transportation.

7, first aid places may appear to need resuscitation, with simple breathing bag (resuscitation bag) or other ventilation devices to replace the mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration method.

8, medical waste should be harmless treatment in accordance with the "Medical Waste Management Regulations" promulgated by the state and its relevant laws and regulations.