Hi, is there no cost of living for the mandatory drug rehab center? If so, what are the other items? Thank you!

1. There is no charge for drug treatment in the compulsory drug rehabilitation center.

2. Because the pay for labor in a compulsory drug rehabilitation facility is still only nominal, a person in a compulsory drug rehabilitation facility can only live on the conditions provided by the facility if there is no outside help. Such conditions can only guarantee the basic needs of life.

3. Because the state's investment in the medical care of the detention centers is seriously insufficient, the detainees can be treated free of charge for minor illnesses, but not for major ones. There is also a lack of medical testing equipment in the detention centers, so if the detainees need to be tested to determine their condition, these costs need to be helped by their families.

To summarize, if a person doesn't smoke or eat snacks and doesn't get sick, he doesn't need any financial help from his family. If he has these needs and may get a bigger illness, then he needs financial help from his family. All this money is not collected by the compulsory rehabilitation center, but will all be transferred to the account of the compulsory rehabilitation personnel, at his own discretion.