How to determine the classification of medical devices

Catalog of Classification of Medical Devices

6801 Basic Surgical Instruments

Serial No. Name Product Name Examples Category

1 Medical Suture Needles (without thread) Medical Suture Needles (without thread) Ⅱ

2 Basic Surgical Knives Surgical knife handles and blades, dermatome knives, wart removal knives, lancet knives, spatulas, shaving knives, dandruff scraping knives, picker knives, sharpening knives, Pedicure knife, manicure knife, dissecting knife Ⅰ

3 Basic surgical scissors General surgical scissors, tissue scissors, comprehensive tissue scissors, dismantling scissors, plaster scissors, dissecting scissors, gauze bandage scissors, educational surgical scissors Ⅰ

4 Basic surgical forceps General hemostatic forceps, small vessel hemostatic forceps, mosquito type hemostatic forceps, tissue forceps, tungsten carbide inserted needle holding pliers, common needle holding pliers, traumatic clamps suture dismantling pliers, skin rolling pliers Bullet pliers, gauze stripping pliers, sponge pliers, tissue pliers, skin tube pliers, instrument pliers Ⅰ

5 basic surgical tweezers small blood vessel tweezers, nondestructive tweezers, tissue tweezers, orthopedic tweezers, needle tweezers, health care tweezers (simple tweezers), plucking tweezers, tissue tweezers, dressings tweezers, anatomical tweezers, hemostatic clamps Ⅰ

6 basic surgical needles, hooks aneurysm needles, probing needles, pushing the hair needles, hair implantation needles, picking needles, teaching Straight-pointed needles for basic surgery, venous hooks, incision hooks, flat hooks, double-ended hooks, skin hooks, anatomical hooks Ⅰ

7 Other basic surgical instruments Blade grippers, illuminated suction heads, acne removers, acne blackheads pressurizers, skin spatulas, skin sets of scrapers, skin scraper, skin scraper, skin checker, skin checker, skin drilling device, openers, cotton wool rolls, reusable biopsies, preoperative extremities Sterilization lifting trolley, plastic needle, Y-connector, twisting device Ⅰ

6802 Microsurgical instruments

Serial number Name Name Examples Category

1 Microsurgical knives, chisels Microscopic laryngeal knife Ⅰ

2 Microsurgical scissors Microscopical scissors, microscopic lance-shaped surgical scissors, micro-tissue scissors Ⅰ

3 Microsurgical forceps Microscopical lance-shaped wheat grain forceps, microscopic laryngeal forceps, microscopic needle-holding forceps Ⅰ

4 Microsurgical forceps, clamps microscopic forceps, microscopic needle-holding forceps, microscopic hemostatic clamps Ⅰ

5 Microsurgical needles, hooks microsurgical ear needles, micro-laryngeal needles, micro ear hooks, micro-laryngeal hooks Ⅰ

6 Microsurgical other instruments Microscopic closure Ⅰ

6803 Neurosurgical surgical instruments

No. Name Product Name Examples Category

1 Neurosurgical intracerebral knife Cerebral nerve knife, detachable meningeal knife, cerebral nerve knife, meningeal knife Ⅱ

2 Neurosurgical intracerebral forceps Tumor removal forceps, brain tissue biting forceps Ⅱ

Silver clamps, U-type clamps, aneurysm clamp Ⅰ

3 Neurosurgical intracerebral forceps Meningeal tweezers, pituitary tumor tweezers, tumor clamping tweezers Ⅱ

4 Neurosurgical intracerebral hooks, scrapers Meningeal hooks, meningeal hooks, nerve hooks, nerve root hooks, sympathetic hooks, brain spatulas, pituitary spatulas Ⅱ

5 Neurosurgical intracerebral other instruments Brain biopsy suction, meningeal stripper Ⅱ

Brain suction, posterior cranial recess retractor, hand-operated cranial drills, brain shot hammer, brain pressure plate Ⅰ

6804 Ophthalmic surgical instruments

No. Name Product Name Examples Category

2 Ophthalmic surgical scissors corneal scissors, ophthalmic surgical scissors, ophthalmic tissue scissors Ⅰ

3 Ophthalmic surgical forceps Crystal implantation forceps, annular tissue forceps Ⅰ

4 Ophthalmic surgical forceps, clamps Corneal forceps, ophthalmic forceps, ophthalmic forceps, ophthalmic forceps Ⅰ

5 Ophthalmic surgical hooks and needles Ophthalmic hooks and needles Ⅰ

6 other ophthalmic surgical instruments vitrectomy, Ⅲ

Carbon dioxide ophthalmic cryotherapy, cataract ultrasonic emulsification system with negative pressure catheter Ⅱ

Ophthalmic plate spatula, ophthalmic fixation ring, eyelid opener Ⅰ

6805 Ear, Nose and Throat Surgical Instruments

No. Name Name Examples Category

1 Ear, Nose and Throat Knife, chisel ear tympanic membrane knife, nasal mucosa knife, tonsil knife, rosacea cutting knife, nasal bone chisel, mastoid flat (garden) bone chisel, maxillary sinus chisel, ear bone chisel Ⅰ

2 ENT scissors tonsil scissors, thyroid scissors, laryngeal scissors, middle ear scissors, nasal scissors Ⅰ

3 ENT forceps tonsil hemostatic forceps, gun-type indirect laryngeal forceps, sieve sinus forceps, ear forceps, double-jointed septum occlusion forceps, thyroid three-clawed forceps, nasal septum bite, and the nose, the nose, the throat, the throat, the throat, the throat, the throat, the throat, the throat, and the ear. Thyroid three-jawed forceps, nasopharyngeal biopsy forceps Ⅰ

4 ENT forceps, clamps Throat dressing forceps, ear knee forceps, nasal gun forceps, tonsil haemostatic clamps Ⅰ

5 ENT hooks, needles laryngeal microsurgical hooks, ear probes, double-ended drum probes, tonsillar hooks, nasal hooks Ⅰ

6 ENT other instruments tonsil suction tubes, papillae suction tubes, papillae retractor, tonsil suction tubes, papillae retraction tubes, papillae retraction tubes, papillae retraction tubes, papillae retraction tubes, papillae retraction tubes, papillae retraction tubes, papillae retraction tubes, papillae retractors Tonsil suction tube, mastoid retractor, anesthesia pharyngoscope, support laryngoscope, ear single-head (double-head) spatula, tuning fork, rhinoscopy Ⅰ

6806 Oral surgical instruments

No. Name Name Examples Category

1 Oral knives, chisels gingival knife, water gate adjusting knife, adhesive powder adjusting knife, silver mercury sculpture knife, dental bone chisel, blocking bone chisel, tooth enamel chisel Ⅰ

2 Oral scissors gingival scissors, full crown scissors Ⅰ

3 Oral forceps extraction forceps, cut off the tooth forceps, alveolar bite bone forceps, lingual forceps, expanding forceps Ⅰ

4 Oral tweezers, clamps, residual root tweezers, dental tweezers, long tweezers, shaping piece of the clip Ⅰ

5 Oral hooks, pins dental probe, abscess probe, periodontal pocket probe Ⅰ

6 Oral other instruments tooth tines, ding-tao tines, Tooth root cusp, dental file, bone hammer, dental spatula, root canal filler, periosteal separator, gingival separator, scaler, scraper, picking and digging, grinding, adhesive powder filler, silver amalgam filler, crowning, mouth mirror, endodontic needle handle, water lance head, hot **** head, blowing tube, occlusion, impression tray, amalgam conveyor, molar with ring in place, ligature rod, with ring pusher, arch wire Forming device, measuring device, gingivitis rinser Ⅰ

Disposable dental rinsing needle Ⅱ

6807 Thoracic cardiovascular surgical instruments

Serial No. Name Name Examples Category

1 Thoracic cardiovascular surgical knife Sternocleidomastoid knife Ⅰ

2 Thoracic cardiovascular surgical clippers Cardiac surgical clippers, sternal clippers, rib clippers Ⅰ

3 Thoracic cardiovascular surgical forceps Endocardial myocardial biopsy forceps, atrial sidewall forceps, aortic sidewall forceps, aortic blocking forceps, aortic hemostatic forceps, aortic free forceps, non-injurious pulmonary artery hemostatic forceps, non-injurious arterial hemostatic forceps, non-injurious arterial catheterization forceps, arterial sidewall forceps, arterial blocking forceps, vein blocking forceps, vena caval vein forceps, vena caval vein free forceps, main pulmonary artery forceps Ⅱ

Atrial needle-holder forceps, Thoracic hemostatic forceps, thoracic tissue forceps, triangular lung lobe forceps, ligature forceps, double jointed rib biting forceps Ⅰ

4 Thoracic cardiovascular surgical forceps, clamps Saphenous vein forceps, atrial hemostat, auricular hemostat, concave and convex teeth hemostatic clamps Ⅱ

Thoracic forceps, thoracic tissue forceps, lung tissue forceps Ⅰ

5 Thoracic cardiovascular surgical hooks, needles Atrial (ventricular) pull hooks, mitral valves Hooks and needles for atrial (ventricular) pulling hooks, mitral valve needles Ⅰ

6 Other instruments for thoracic cardiovascular surgery Vascular punching forceps (device), atrial punching device, mitral valve dilator Ⅱ

Vascular dilator, vascular retractor, sternal hand drill, double-ended stripping spoon, rib periosteum stripper, endothelial stripper Ⅰ

Cardiovascular anastomoses Ⅲ

7 Intracardial suction device for thoracic cardiovascular surgery Intracardial suction device (head), left atrial drainage device (head), left atrial drain, coronary artery suction, coronary artery insufflator, saphenous vein flushing tube, venous propped up, short-handled suction (head) Ⅱ

6808 Abdominal Surgical Instruments

Serial No. Name Name Examples Category

2 Abdominal Surgical Scissors Intra-gastric Surgical Scissors, Right Angle Scissors Ⅰ

3 Abdominal Surgical Clamps Cholecystolithiasis Clamps, Splenic forceps, peritoneal forceps, gastric tissue sampling forceps Ⅰ

4 abdominal surgery hooks and needles biliary tract hooks, double-headed abdominal wall hooks, appendix hooks, pneumatic abdominal needles Ⅰ

6 abdominal surgery, other instruments for load forming device, bowel pressure plate, single (double) gallstone spoon, biliary probe, abdominal wall fixed retractor Ⅰ

esophageal anastomoses, intestinal anastomotic clips, intestinal anastomoses Ⅱ

< p>6809 urological and anorectal surgical instruments

Name Name Examples Category

2 urological and anorectal scissors intestinal scissors, cystectomy scissors, prostate scissors Ⅰ

3 urological and anorectal forceps vascular occluder forceps, skeletal vascular occluder forceps, skeletal venous side wall forceps Ⅱ

renal clitoris forceps, intestinal forceps, rectal vivisection forceps, bladder tumor spatula, bladder neck clamps Ⅰ

5 Urological and anorectal hooks and needles Bladder hooks, prostate hooks, anal probes Ⅰ

6 Urological and anorectal other instruments Urethral dilator, anoscopy, penile clamps, defecation cleaner Ⅰ

J-type urinary catheter, multi-functional small needle knife for anal and intestinal surgery, curved negative pressure suction lancing gun Ⅱ

6810 Orthopedic Surgery (orthopedics) )Surgical Instruments

Serial Number Name Product Name Example Category

1 Orthopedic (Orthopedic) Surgical Knives and Awls Vertebral Scooper, Vertebral File, Hand Awl Ⅱ

Silk Awl, Medullary Reamer, Pressurized Threaded Nail Reamer, Interceptor, Interceptor, Tibial Cutting Knife, Plaster Knife, Tibial Cutter, Hip Forming Concave and Convex Drill, Drill Bit, Reamer Drill, **** Type Hand-cranked Bone Drill Ⅰ

2 orthopedic (orthopedic) surgical scissors bi-articular sphenoid bone scissors, bi-articular bite bone scissors, bone scissors, knee ligament surgical scissors, plaster scissors, wire scissors Ⅰ

3 orthopedic (orthopedic) surgical pincers cervical spine biting bone forceps, cervical spine bi-articular bone biting pliers, scoliosis correction pincers, nucleus pulposus pincers, plate bone biting pincers, curved flat head sphenoid bone pincers, gun shaped biting bone pincers Ⅱ

The knee polyp pincers, Biting bone pliers, holding bone pliers, rotting bone pliers, reset pliers, holding nail pliers, holding plate pliers, holding rod pliers, holding hook pliers, screw clamping pliers, bracing pliers, compression pliers, gun shaped sampling pliers, bone Kesse pliers, plate bending pliers, wire pliers Ⅰ

4 orthopaedic (Orthopaedic) surgical saws, chisels, files Circular saws, lumbar vertebrae with trapezoidal bone chisels, lumbar disc surgical circular saws, C-D vertebral plate strippers, Cervical depth-finding chisel, cervical right-angle bone chisel, vertebral plate bone chisel, vertebral body bone chisel, vertebral body anterior dissector Ⅱ

Bow saws, finger saws, bone saws, small garden scraping chisels, tine chisels, bone files, curved chisels, hip molding chisels, plaster saws, trapezoidal spatulas, elbow humerus molding chisels, medullary cavity files, vertebral canal files, bone chisels, seat-guided chisels Ⅰ

5 Hooks and pins for orthopaedic (orthopaedic) surgery Unilateral vertebral pulling hooks, Meniscus hook, lower limb amputation hook, bone hook, cervical spine hook, anterior cervical deep suture needle, bone traction needle, pressurized threaded nail guide needle Ⅰ

6 Orthopaedic (orthopaedic) surgical scraping Cervical spine scraping spoon, variable nerve stripping sub-tool, scraping spoon, periosteum stripping device (sub) Ⅰ

7 Orthopaedic (orthopaedic) surgical active instruments Wind-operated cranial opener, battery-type self-stopping cranial bone drilling, electric thoracic bone saw, Electric bone drill Ⅱ

Electric plaster scissors, electric plaster saw Ⅰ

8 Orthopedic (orthopedic) surgery with other instruments Bone joints with titanium sutures Ⅱ

Steel needle screw positioning frame, positioning outer sleeve, bone hammer, quick-change tap set, tensioner, holding needle tweezers, depth sounder, tapping screws, artificial femoral prosthesis pressurization and fixation device, CD rod propeller, CD hook propeller, Nail extractor, wrench, mallet bone tool, prosthesis implant, guide, extractor, bone rotary chisel protector, bone compressor, fracture fixation clip, pressurizer, spacer, hip arthroplasty drill shank, hip cap perforator, artificial hip socket locator, artificial elbow joint rod excluder, triple-winged nail extractor, plaster spreader, bay nailer, knee pressurization and fixation device, bone grafting, bone punching device, intervertebral disk surgery guide wires for intervertebral disc surgery, locators for intervertebral disc surgery, probes for intervertebral disc surgery, needle cannulas for intervertebral disc surgery, drill limiters, bone drivers, guides, slotted columns, bucklers, adjustable wrench holders, bending presses, hexagonal universal screwdrivers, plate bending plate handlers, directionals, hexagonal screwdrivers, coarse steel pin retractors, femoral extenders, small incision retractors, multifunctional retractors, pelvic braces, tibia retractors, deep double joint retractors, bi-joint retractors, and tibial retractors. Retractor, bi-articular deep retractor, thoracolumbar retractor, vertebral plate retractor, bone, orthopedic retractor, bedside retractor, orthopedic retractor, thoracic and back orthopedic device, reusable cement gun, limb lengthening frame, multifunctional unilateral external fixation bracket Ⅰ

6812 Obstetrics and gynecology surgical instruments

Serial No. Name Name Examples Categories

1 Obstetrics and gynecology with a knife Fetal fragmentation knife Ⅰ

2 Obstetrics and gynecology with clippers Disposable umbilical cord clippers Ⅱ

Uterine clippers, Cesarean section clippers, umbilical cord clippers, perineal clippers Ⅰ

3 Obstetrics and gynecology with forceps Delivery forceps, Cesarean section forceps, gynecological tissue forceps, cervical viability forceps, uterus clamp, gynecological separation forceps, placenta forceps Ⅰ

4 Obstetrics and gynecology with tweezers, clamps Circumferential fallopian tube forceps Ⅰ

5 Obstetrics and gynecology hooks, needles Uterine hooks, vaginal hooks, severed hooks, uterine probe, ascites puncture needles Ⅰ

6 Obstetrics and gynecology with other instruments Cranial fragmentation, tubal night device, vaginal retractor, perineal retractor, pelvic gauge Ⅰ

cervical dilatation rod Ⅱ

6813 Family planning surgical instruments

Serial name Name Examples Category

3 family planning forceps vasectomy forceps, vas deferens extracutaneous fixation forceps, IUD placement forceps Ⅰ

6 family planning other instruments uterine spatula, tubal extraction plate (hook) Ⅰ

6815 injection and puncture instruments

Serial number Name Name Examples Category

injection and puncture instruments

disposable sterile Syringes and their plugs, single-use sterile injection needles, disposable intravenous infusion needles, intravenous blood collection needles, disposable fiberoptic needles, intravenous indwelling needles, disposable dispensing injection needles, puncture needles, puncture kits, disposable biopsy needles Ⅲ

Glass syringes, puncture cell aspirators, reusable biopsy needles, suture threading needles, oocyte collectors, embryo implantation tubes, liposuction needles II

6816 Burn (plastic) surgical instruments

No. Name Name Examples Category

1 Burn (plastic) knife, chisel roller skin knife, nasal scalpel, nasal chisel, finger chisel Ⅰ

3 Burn (plastic) forceps jaw clamp, tendon clamp, tendon puncture forceps, cartilage shaping forceps Ⅰ

4 Burn ( Burn (plastic) forceps, clamps Plastic forceps, skin forceps, eyelid forceps, lip clip Ⅰ

6 burn (plastic) with other instruments Drum-type skin machine, burn implantation machine, tendon separator, tendon peeler, fascial sheath cutter, skin warts ring breakers, mouth shaped spreader Ⅰ

6820 general diagnostic instruments

Serial number Name Examples Category

1 Thermometer

Electronic thermometer, infrared cochlear thermometer, oral, anal, axillary thermometer, skin thermometer, liquid crystal thermometer, infrared thermometer Ⅱ

2 Sphygmomanometer

Non-invasive electronic sphygmomanometer, desktop, vertical sphygmomanometer, blood pressure meter, pediatric blood pressure meter Ⅱ

3 Spirometer

Spirometer, single, double simple pulmonary function Detector II

4 Stethoscope (without electricity)

Single-use, two-use, three-use stethoscope, frontal stethoscope, fetal sound stethoscope Ⅰ

5 Knocking hammer (without electricity)

Knocking hammer, brain knocking diagnostic hammer, multi-purpose knocking hammer Ⅰ

6 Reflective appliances

Frontal reflective mirror, electric frontal light, reflective laryngeal mirror, spotlight, Reflective lamp, eye examination lamp, headlamp Ⅰ

7 vision diagnostic apparatus

Card projector, vision meter lamp (box), vision examiner, eye shading, standard vision word mark Ⅰ

6821 Medical electronic instrumentation and equipment

Serial No. Name Name Examples Category

1 for the heart of the treatment, first aid device

Implanted Cardiac pacemakers, external pacemakers, cardiac defibrillators, cardiac pacemakers, intra-aortic vesicle pacemakers, defibrillation pacemakers Ⅲ

2 Invasive electrophysiological instruments and innovative electrophysiological instruments

Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripter, invasive patient monitoring system, intracranial pressure monitor, invasive cardiac output meter, invasive multicontact physiological recorder, intracardiac Hicks' beam electrocardiograph, intra- and extracardiac endocardial markers, invasive cardiac output meter, invasive multi conductor physiological recorder, intracardiac Hicks' beam electrograph, endocardial endocardial Marker Mapper, Invasive Electronic Blood Pressure Monitor Ⅲ

3 Invasive Medical Sensors

Various Implanted Medical Sensors Ⅲ

Non-Invasive Medical Sensors

4 Diagnostic Electrocardiographic Instruments

Single-lead ECG Machine, Multi-lead ECG Machine, Fetal Electrocardiogram Machine, Electrocardiographic Vector Mapper, Comprehensive Electrocardiographic Tester, Late potential tester, non-invasive cardiac function tester, heart rate variability tester, ECG analyzer, exercise ECG function meter, ECG multiphase analyzer, ECG telemetry instrument, ECG telephone delivery system, real-time rhythm analyzer and recorder, long-range ECG recorder, ECG scaler, ECG workstation Ⅱ

5 Electroencephalography diagnostic instruments

Electroencephalography, brain resistivity meter, brainwave analyzer

5 Electroencephalographic Diagnostic Instruments

Electroencephalograph, Brain Resistor, Brain Wave Analyzer, Brain Topographer, EEG Real-time Analyzer and Recorder Ⅱ

6 Electromyography Diagnostic Instruments

Electromyography machine Ⅱ

7 Other Bioelectronic Diagnostic Instruments

Ophthalmodynamic Mapper, Ocular Vibrational Mapper, Retinotopic Mapper, Evoked Potentials Detection System (Including Visual, Auditory and Physical) Ⅱ

8 Electroacoustic Diagnostic Instruments

Oncologic Mapper, Pediatric Audiometer, Pediatric Audiometer, Cardioplegia, Tongue Plethysmograph, Gastric Electrogram, Gastrointestinal Current Meter Ⅱ

9 Non-invasive Monitoring Instruments

Arrhythmia Analyzer and Alarm, Monitors with ST Segment Ⅲ

Patient Monitors (Monitoring Parameters Containing Electrocardiogram, Oxygen Saturation, Non-invasive Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate, Temperature, Respiratory, End-expiratory Carbon Dioxide), Anesthesia Gas Monitor, Respiratory Function Monitor, Sleep Evaluation System, Labor and Delivery Monitor, and Sleep Evaluation System, Labor and Delivery Monitor). Monitor, Sleep Evaluation System, Labor and Delivery Monitor Ⅱ

10 Respiratory Function and Gas Analysis Measurement Device

Comprehensive Lung Function Measuring Instrument, Respiratory Function Tester, Oxygen Concentration Measuring Instrument, Lung Ventilation Tester, CO2 Concentration Measuring Instrument, Intra-Lung Gas Distribution Function Tester, Dispersion Function Tester, Nitrogen Meter, Trace Gas Analyzer, Pressure-type Volumetric Depiction Instrument, Lung Volume meter Ⅱ

11 Medical stimulators

Cardiac workstation electrical stimulator Ⅲ

Acoustic, optical, electrical and magnetic stimulators Ⅱ

12 Blood flow, volume measurement device

Cerebral hemodynamic meter, impedance hemodynamic meter, electromagnetic blood flow meter, non-invasive cardiac output meter, cardiac and vascular function comprehensive tester Ⅱ

13 Electronic Pressure Measuring Device

Electronic Blood Pressure Pulse Meter, Dynamic Blood Pressure Monitor Ⅱ

14 Physiological Research Laboratory Instruments

Square Wave Physiometer, Bioelectrical Pulse Frequency Analyzer, Bioelectrical Pulse Analyzer, Microelectrode Controller, Micromanipulator, Microelectrode Monitor, Plantar Pressure Measurement System, Body Fat Measuring Meter Ⅱ

Rapid Allergy Skin Tester Ⅲ

15 Spectral diagnostic equipment

Medical infrared thermography, infrared breast diagnostic instrument Ⅱ

16 Extracorporeal counterpulsation and its auxiliary circulatory devices

Balloon external counterpulsation device Ⅲ

17 Sleep respiratory therapy system

Sleep aid Ⅱ

18 Electrocardiographic electrodes

20 Cardiac lead wires

6822 Medical optical appliances, instruments and endoscopic equipment

Serial number Name Name Examples Category

1 implanted in the body or long-term contact with the body of the ophthalmic optical appliances

Ocular artificial lenses, corneal contact lenses (soft, hard, plastic corneal contact lenses) and nursing fluids, intraocular Fillers (vitreous, etc.), viscoelastic substances, instillation fluids (heavy water, silicone oil), contact lens lubricants Ⅲ

2 Endoscopes for cardiac and vascular, invasive, and endoluminal surgery

Endoscopes (laparoscopes, arthroscopes, nephroscopes, pancreaticoscopes, discectoscopes, cerebral sinusoscopes, and choledochoscopes), cardiac and vascular endoscopes (cardiac endoscopes, endovascular scopes), endoscopes for endoluminal surgery (transurethral), and endoscopes for high-frequency electrodes. Electrosurgical endoscopes, fiberoptic endoscopes for high-frequency electrosurgery and rigid tube endoscopes) Ⅲ

3 Electronic endoscopes

Electronic endoscopes for the upper gastrointestinal tract, bronchial tubes, colon, colon, and pancreas Ⅲ

4 Ophthalmological optics

Slit lamp microscopes, visual field machines, homoeopathic machines, nocturnal vision examiners, occult obliquity meters, anterior chamber depth gauges, keratoscopes, color blindness lenses, optic discs and other optical instruments. curvature meter, color blindness mirror, retinoscope, intraocular pressure mirror, optometry, direct and indirect inspection glasses, refractometer, fundus camera optometry lens set, optometry combination table, corneal topographer, laser retinal transfer function meter, pupil distance meter, optical and photoelectric amblyopia aids, inspection mirror, optometry lens Ⅱ

5 Optical endoscopes and cold light source

Diagnostic fiberoptic endoscope (upper gastrointestinal scopes, colonoscopes, colonoscopes, bronchoscopes), observation rigid tube endoscopes (laryngoscopes, rhinoscopes, cystoscopes, hysteroscopes, proctoscopes, amniotic fluid scopes), endoscopic cold light source Ⅱ

6 Medical surgical and diagnostic microscopic equipment

Various types of surgical microscopes (ophthalmology, microsurgery, pediatrics, rhinolaryngology and so on), vaginal microscopes, rectal microscopes, microcirculation microscopes, Surface microcirculation microscope, biological microscope, microscopic sperm analysis system, digital microscope Ⅱ

7 medical magnifying glass

various types of surgical magnification, medical magnification, contact funduscope Ⅰ

8 medical optical instruments, fittings and accessories

slit lamp table, visual field meter table, optometry bracket Ⅰ

6823 medical ultrasound Instruments and related equipment

No. Name Product Name Examples Category

1 Ultrasound Surgery and Focused Therapy Equipment

Ultrasonic Tumor Focusing Knife, Ultrasound High Intensity Focused Tumor Therapy System, Ultrasound Fat Emulsifier, Ultrasound Ophthalmic Emulsification Therapeutic Instrument, Ultrasound Surgical Scalpel, Ultrasound Intravascular Intervention Instrument, Ultrasound Mammary Thermotherapy Therapeutic Instrument, Low Power Ultrasound Tumor Therapeutic Instrument Ⅲ

2 color ultrasound imaging equipment and ultrasound interventional / intracavitary diagnostic equipment

Ultrasonic three-dimensional (three-dimensional) diagnostic instrument, fully digital ultrasound, ultrasound color Doppler, intravascular ultrasound diagnostic instrument, ultrasound colonoscopy (diagnostic instrument), ultrasound endoscopy Doppler, ultrasound endocardiography, transcranial ultrasound Doppler, ultrasound ophthalmology diagnostic instrument, composite scanning ultrasound diagnostic instrument Ⅲ

3 ultrasound mother and child monitoring equipment

Multi-function ultrasound monitor, ultrasound mother/fetal monitor, ultrasound obstetric monitor, fetal monitor Ⅱ

4 ultrasound transducer

Cardiac ultrasound catheterization transducer, puncture ultrasound transducer, intravascular ultrasound transducer, electronic line array transducer, mechanical scanning transducer, ring array transducer, convex array scanning transducer, esophageal ultrasound transducer Ⅱ

5 Portable ultrasound diagnostic equipment

B-type electronic line array ultrasound diagnostic instrument, B-type mechanical fan scanning ultrasound diagnostic instrument, B-type pseudo-color display instrument, ultrasound stethoscope, ultrasound bone densitometer, ultrasound bone strength instrument, ultrasound bone measuring instrument Ⅱ

6 Ultrasound therapy equipment

Ultrasound degreasing instrument, ultrasound therapy machine

7 Ultrasound auxiliary materials

Ultrasonic imaging powder Ⅲ

Ultrasonic coupling agent Ⅰ

6824 Medical laser instrumentation

Serial No. Name Examples Category

1 Laser surgical and Therapeutic equipment

Solid laser surgery equipment (Nd: YAG, Ho: YAG, Er: YAG, ruby, sapphire, emerald green), gas laser surgery equipment (CO2, gold vapor, excimer, argon ions), Class 3B and Class 4 semiconductor laser therapy, nitrogen molecular laser therapy, ophthalmic laser photocoagulation, ophthalmic lens laser emulsification equipment, laser vascular welding machine Ⅲ

2 Laser Diagnostic Instruments

Laser Ophthalmic Diagnostic Instruments, Ophthalmic Laser Scanners, Ⅲ

Laser Tumor Spectroscopy Diagnostic Devices, Laser Fluorescence Tumor Diagnostic Instruments, Class 2 Laser Diagnostic Instruments, Laser Blood Analyzers, Laser Detectors, Laser Doppler Blood Flow Meters Ⅱ

3 Interventional Laser Diagnostic Instruments

HeNe Laser Intravascular irradiation therapeutic instrument, other laser sources of intravascular irradiation therapeutic instrument Ⅲ

4 Laser surgical instruments

Laser microsurgical instrument, corneal laminator for LASIK Ⅲ

5 Weak laser extracorporeal therapeutic instruments

Helium-neon laser therapeutic instrument (including irradiation instrument with a beam expander device), helium-cadmium laser therapeutic instrument, Class 3A semiconductor laser therapeutic instrument, laser Acupuncture and moxibustion therapeutic instrument (9), helium-neon laser therapy machine, laser hair removal machine Ⅱ

6 dry color laser printer


Note: According to the GB7247 Laser Radiation Protection Safety Requirements for Class 1, Class 2, Class 3A laser is a weak laser, Class 3B, Class 4 is a strong laser

6825 Medical high-frequency instrumentation and equipment

Serial number Name Name Examples Categories

1 high-frequency surgical and electrocoagulation equipment

High-frequency scalpel, high-frequency tonsil scaler, endoscopic high-frequency scaler, posterior urethral electrodes, high-frequency ophthalmic electrocoagulant, high-frequency polyp scaler, high-frequency nasal turbinate coagulant, radiofrequency temperature-controlled thermal coagulant Ⅲ

High-frequency armpit odor treatment instrument, high-frequency hemorrhoids treatment device, high-frequency electrocautery, extracorporeal thermoelectric field therapeutic instrument (high frequency) Ⅱ <

2 high-frequency ironing equipment

high-frequency gynecological iron, high-frequency pentacenter iron Ⅱ

3 microwave therapy equipment

microwave scalpel, microwave oncology thermotherapy, microwave prostate therapy, microwave therapy machine Ⅲ

medical radiation skirt Ⅰ

4 radiofrequency therapy equipment

radiofrequency prostate therapy instrument

5 High-frequency electrodes

Electrocoagulation forceps, electrocoagulation forceps, cathode plate, surgical electrodes Ⅱ

6826 Physical therapy equipment

Serial number Name Name Examples Category

1 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Equipment

Air-pressurized Oxygen Chamber, Oxygen-pressurized Oxygen Chamber Ⅲ

2 Electrotherapy Instruments

In-vivo Low-frequency Pulse Therapeutic Apparatus, Electro-chemical Cancer Treatment Machines Ⅲ

Audio Electrotherapeutic Machine, Differential-frequency Electrotherapeutic Machine, High-voltage Low-frequency Pulse Therapeutic Machine, Field-effect Therapeutic Apparatus (Thermal Cushion Therapy Apparatus), Extra-vivo Field-effect Thermal Treatment System Ⅱ

3 Spectral Radiation Therapy Apparatus

Photo-Quantum Blood Therapy Machine (Oxygenated Magnetized Light) Ⅲ

Photo-Quantum Blood Therapy Machine (Ultraviolet Irradiation), Ultraviolet Light Therapy Machine, Infrared Light Therapy Machine, Far-Infrared Radiation Therapy Machine Conventional Light Source Therapy Machine, Spectral Therapy Instrument, Photon Therapy Instrument, Intense Photo-Radiation Therapy Instrument, Photo-Rejuvenation Instrument Ⅱ

4 High-pressure Electricity Position Therapeutic Equipment

High Voltage Potential Therapeutic Instrument Ⅲ

5 Physiotherapy Instruments

Electrical Traction Device, Anti-snoring Device (Positive Pressure Breathing Therapy Machine), Intestinal Hydrotherapy Machine, Lumbar Health Care Belt, Non-Implantable Anti-snoring Device, Drug Rehabilitation Therapeutic Instrument, Sequential Compression Therapeutic Device for Limb and Limb Blood Circulation, Medical Pressure Belt Ⅱ

Cervical Fixation Belt, Therapeutic Hernia Bandage Ⅰ

6 biofeedback instrument

Electromyography biofeedback instrument, temperature biofeedback instrument, heart rate feedback instrument Ⅱ

7 magnetic therapy instruments

Magnetic therapy machine, magnetic induction electrotherapy machine, low-frequency electromagnetic integrated therapy machine, specific electromagnetic wave therapy machine, magnetic therapy appliances, osteoporosis treatment system Ⅱ

8 ophthalmic physiotherapy instruments

Vision training instrument, amblyopia Therapeutic instrument Ⅱ

9 Physiotherapy electrodes

Medium and low-frequency physiotherapy electrodes Ⅰ

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotriptic machine electrodes Ⅱ

10 Ear fumigation tubes Ⅱ

6827 Traditional Chinese Medicine instruments

Serial No. Name Name Examples Category

1 Diagnostic instruments

Traditional Chinese medicine expert system, pulse instrument, Tongue instrument, pain threshold measuring instrument, meridian analyzer Ⅱ

2 therapeutic instruments

Electronic acupoint determination therapy instrument, integrated electro-acupuncture instrument, electro-anesthesia instrument, quantitative needle numbness instrument, probing point needle numbness machine acupoint tester, auricular acupuncture point detection therapy machine, qi and blood circulation machine Ⅱ

3 traditional Chinese medicine appliances

Acupuncture and moxibustion needles, small needles, three pronged needles, plum blossom needles Ⅱ

Negative pressure Jar, gua sha board Ⅰ

6828 Medical magnetic **** vibration equipment

Serial number Name Product Name Examples Category

1 Medical magnetic **** vibration imaging equipment

Permanent magnetic magnetic **** vibration imaging system, normal conduction magnetic **** vibration imaging system, superconducting magnetic **** vibration imaging system, gastrointestinal imaging developer (used for ultrasound, CT, MRI) Gastrointestinal Contrast Imaging) Ⅲ

(MRI) Magnetoencephalography System Ⅱ