Meteorological: wind conditions; often wind direction is east, northeast wind, the annual average wind speed of 3.2 m / s, the maximum wind speed of 40 m / s
Precipitation: abundant rainfall, precipitation is concentrated in spring and summer
Fog conditions: the average number of days of fog per year is 22 days, November-April fog is more frequent Temperature: the average annual air temperature of 20.87 ℃, the highest in July, the highest in July, the lowest in January, the lowest temperature in the calendar year is 3.8 ℃. average 38.6 ℃, the lowest in January, the lowest temperature in the calendar year 3.8 ℃.
Wind conditions; frequent wind direction is east, northeast wind, the annual average wind speed of 3.2 m / s, the maximum wind speed of 40 m / s
Temperature: the average annual temperature of 20.87 ℃, the highest in July, the average 38.6 ℃ in January, the lowest, the lowest temperature in the calendar year 3.8 ℃.
Tides: Zhangzhou Harbor is a regular semi-diurnal tide, with an average high tide level of 6.71 meters, a low tide level of -2.01 meters, and an average tidal range of 3.68 meters. Maximum tidal range of 6.28 meters, minimum tidal range of 0.02 meters Warehousing yards and capacity cargo warehouse area of about 13,000 square meters
Loading and unloading machinery and capacity of all types of port machinery more than 70 units, Anchorage: Shiyi port area has a 600-meter-long and 250-meter-wide 500-ton anchorage, Zhaoyin, Zhenhai and Xiamen Harbor Anchorage*** used.
Zhangzhou Port, all port areas merged into Xiamen Port
Yesterday from the Provincial Department of Transportation was informed that the provincial government approval agreed to Xiamen Port, Zhangzhou Port integration. According to the approval, before August 31, 2010 will be Zhangzhou Gulei Port, Dongshan Port, Yunxiao Port, Zhaoan Port and Xiamen Port, Xiamen Port by the integration of Xiamen Port Authority unified jurisdiction over Xiamen, Zhangzhou, all the port areas within the administrative boundaries of the two cities. At the same time, the abolition of Zhangzhou City Port Authority, the formation of Xiamen Port Authority Zhangzhou Branch, specifically responsible for the management of Zhangzhou City, the administrative area of the above four port.
In order to promote Xiamen City, Zhangzhou City, the port as a platform to achieve cross-administrative region of the economic advantages of complementary, mutual docking, January 1, 2006 Xiamen Bay from the implementation of the integration of the port system integration by the newly formed Xiamen Port Authority unified management of Xiamen Bay, Dongdu, Haicang, Songyu, Liuwudian, passenger, Zhaoyin, after the stone, the stone yard eight port areas. This Xiamen Port, Zhangzhou Port to achieve integration, Xiamen Port's port area reached 12.
The original Xiamen Port port area to enjoy the tax, subsidies, port clearance and other preferential policies, extended to the original Zhangzhou Port of all port areas, to achieve the integration of Xiamen Port, all port areas of "the same port and the same policy".
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Construction of the land port
Can enjoy a number of preferential
By the news a few days ago, the General Office of the Provincial Government issued a "notice on the acceleration of the construction of the land port project" (hereinafter referred to as "Notice"). According to the deployment, will ensure that the first phase of Wuyishan dry port project completed and put into operation within the year, Jinjiang, Shaxian, Longyan dry port project started construction.
According to the Notice, the dry port project is included in the provincial key projects, and the land use index is given priority to ensure. Local governments can take the land use right for the construction of land port by granting, leasing, equity and other ways to provide land use right. Land port land grant period can be set as needed within the legal maximum, the premium according to the location of the land level corresponding to the "National Industrial Land Minimum Standards" 70%, and can be appropriately relaxed its pay off the land grant period.
2010~2012, in the provincial foreign trade and economic development funds to arrange special funds to support the development of land port international logistics. Increase investment in infrastructure construction, land port planning within the scope of supporting facilities invested by the project owner, land port outside the road network pipe network and other supporting investment by the local government. To land port connected to railroads, highways, ports and port road construction into the provincial transportation development planning, and gradually solve the land port area and railroads, highways, ports and transport corridors between the convergence of issues.
"Notice" pointed out that the import and export of container transport vehicles through the province's ports are exempted from the government loan ordinary highway tolls; container transport vehicles on the highway in our province to carry land ports and coastal ports, production enterprises and land ports between the import and export of goods to implement the "far less" preferential billing model.