The profiteering depends on how it is calculated, for example, a needle 50 cents, to the terminal 1 yuan, 100% of the profits, is considered profiteering? A black and white super material cost 10,000, sell 15,000, profit 5,000 dollars is not considered profiteering?
In fact, the violent not profiteering in the market economy is not established, as long as the price is free competition, the existence is reasonable. Only the monopoly will be profiteering, such as oil, water, electricity, salt, cigarettes and so on. Is there a monopoly on medical equipment, yes and no? The fact that the monopoly, such as Olympus digestive endoscopy, Johnson and Johnson ultrasonic knife, that is a windfall, but like the other, not to talk about windfalls. But put a long time axis, these companies before a lot of investment, is not to make money now, and now do not give high profits, who will also try to do good things. So medical equipment profiteering is in the newsfeed, and that 77 bucks a month rent, Yuri's revenge military program is a world away.
But the agent there is high profit? High, higher than many agents in the industry, and also broken down layer by layer. Why? Because the risk is high, it is all about people's physical and mental health, and hospitals to maintain relationships, products to promote, regulation to meet, these are intangible costs. Risk-taking has to be rewarded with higher profits. We are not stupid, no one to do business at a loss, profiteering business people people grab, since now reach a balance, indicating that the profit is appropriate
Supplementary, is a lot of materials imported, but there are also many materials domestically produced. A lot of equipment can not be done domestically, there are also a lot of things, basically all done domestically