The full name of HSI is Hang Seng Index (HSI), which is one of the most influential stock price indices reflecting the trend of Hong Kong's stock market price movement.
Hang Seng Index is calculated from the market capitalization of a number of constituent stocks (i.e. blue chips), representing 63% of the 12-month average market capitalization coverage of all companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The Hang Seng Index is calculated and reviewed on a quarterly basis by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited, a subsidiary of Hang Seng Bank, which publishes the adjustments to the constituent stocks.
The index was first publicly released on November 24, 1969, with a base period of July 31, 1964. The base period index is set at 100.
Expanded Information:
Hang Seng Index Principles of constituent stock selection:
1. Selection is based on the size of the market capitalization of the stock, which must be among the listed stocks that account for 90% of the total market capitalization of all listed ordinary shares on the Stock Exchange (market capitalization refers to the average of the past 12 months).
2. Selected by turnover, must belong to the list of stocks accounting for 90% of the turnover of all ordinary shares listed on the Stock Exchange (turnover refers to the total turnover in the past 24 months).
3. It must have been listed on the Stock Exchange for at least 24 months.
After the initial selection of qualified stocks based on the above criteria, the final selection of sample stocks will be based on the following criteria:
1. Ranking of market capitalization and turnover of the company.
2. The weighting of each of the four sub-indices in the Hang Seng Index should generally reflect the market situation.
3. The company has a large presence in Hong Kong.
4. The company's financial position.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Hang Seng Index