What departments and positions are available in hospitals?

1. Surgeon

Surgeon, is a profession. It is primarily a medical practitioner who diagnoses surgical diseases and provides surgical treatment to patients. By analyzing a patient's medical history, allergic reactions to medications, physical conditions, and examination results, the necessity for surgery is confirmed, and a plan for performing the surgery is developed and implemented.

2. Internists

Internists are professionals who diagnose internal diseases and provide non-surgical treatment to patients. By questioning and recording patients, prescribing relevant laboratory tests when necessary, and analyzing and judging the reports of the auxiliary tests prescribed, he or she proposes means of treatment and prevention, health care programs, and writes prescriptions.

The treatments are mainly medication, but also include the use of medical equipment and devices to provide physical therapy, oxygen infusion, nutritional support, blood transfusion, hemostasis, and alternative therapies.

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3. Nurses

Nurses, who must be in accordance with the standards of the relevant legal provisions of the Commission on Health and Nursing and nursing industry Specification implementation to carry out the appropriate nursing program, observe the patient's body weight, understand the patient's condition, cooperate with the doctor's treatment, timely handling of medical disputes, to prevent medical accidents. And from the physiological psychological, socio-cultural and spiritual aspects, responsible for the patient's life and living, daily activities, medication and safety issues.

4, the head nurse

The head nurse is the grass-roots administrator and organizer of the hospital nursing team, is the specific leader and conductor of the nursing work in the department. The high and low quality of nursing care in the department has a direct relationship with the nurse manager's own quality and management level.

The quality of their work, quality and ability will directly affect the quality of care and management level of the hospital. Nursing management is an important part of hospital management, nurse manager is the main body of nursing management.

5, the guide service

The guide is the patient's first impression of the hospital, its behavior, service attitude and performance directly affects the patient's overall evaluation of the hospital. The function of the doctor's guide doctor has five functions.

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