The causes of children's tummy ache can be big or small, cause children's tummy ache more causes. I recommend the symptoms of different diseases that cause children's tummy ache as well as the solution, all the moms and dads against the symptoms of the solution, do not take it lightly.
The cause of the child's stomach pain 1: intestinal crampsThis is the most likely cause of the child's stomach pain. In the pediatric surgery clinic of the Children's Hospital, the vast majority of children's stomach pain is caused by pediatric intestinal spasms (intestinal cramps), from the age of 1, 2 years old to 11, 12 years old children have. The most common are between the ages of 4 or 5 and 5 or 6. The main cause of intestinal cramps is eating inappropriately (e.g., eating too much; eating large amounts of cold food, etc.). At this time, the child does not have certain pressure points (all soft on the stomach), can eat and drink, and is in pretty good spirits. The treatment is to take belladonna together with finasteride and paracetamol. Parents are very anxious when this happens, but there is usually no big problem.
Abdominal pain caused by intestinal cramps may be predominantly around the baby's umbilicus, or it may be located in the baby's lower left abdomen.
In the case of intestinal cramps in a small baby, because the baby cannot verbalize it, it often manifests itself as persistent, unappeasable crying, and may be accompanied by vomiting, flushed cheeks, rolling over, and curling of both lower limbs.
If the baby is able to pass gas or a bowel movement at the time of the intestinal cramps, the symptoms are likely to be relieved or terminated, and once the symptoms have disappeared, the baby is back to normal.
Episodes of intestinal cramps can last for several minutes or tens of minutes, or can occur at any time. In some babies, the abdominal pain subsides naturally after a period of recurrent episodes; in a very small number of children, the abdominal pain is recurrent and can continue for many days.
Solutions for children with stomach pain:
Hot compresses
After the pain caused by intestinal cramps, the fastest and most effective way is to use a hot towel directly on the affected area, which can quickly drive away the cold and warm up the stomach, antispasmodic and pain relief.
Hand rub
Parents can rub both hands against each other until the palms of the hands after the heat, directly with the palms of the hands on the child's abdomen gently, hot palms can get rid of the cold pain, kneading the abdomen can make the child antispasmodic pain.
Drink ginger tea
Take a few slices of ginger, who cook for a while, and then put some brown sugar to the child to serve, so you can get rid of cold pain, can treat the child due to intestinal cold caused by spasmodic abdominal pain.
Avoid eating cold food at ordinary times to avoid the abdomen catching cold, but also pay attention to not let the child overeating, especially at night do not eat too much.
The cause of stomach pain in children 2: acute pancreatitis
2, 3-year-old children get not a lot, 4, 5-year-old children above the incidence of relatively more. The reason is mostly overeating, and mostly greasy, indigestible things; biliary roundworms blocking the bile ducts caused by pancreatitis (this case is not much); leukemia patients with L-mendonuclease.
Symptoms are pain in the upper left side of the navel. The parents of the family noticed that the child ate a lot of food, stomach pain (circling the legs) and not allowed to touch the upper left side of the navel. Pancreatitis is usually curable, but acute hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis can quickly lead to shock. Symptoms are severe pain in the stomach (the child does not allow parents to touch the stomach), vomiting, poor mental state and grayish color. If resuscitation is not timely, it can lead to death.
Solution of stomach pain in children:
The first rule of first aid with pancreatitis is fasting, followed by fluid regulation.
Since acute pancreatitis can be big or small, it is recommended that if your child has the possibility of acute pancreatitis immediately and directly to the doctor, so as not to delay treatment.
The cause of stomach pain in children 3: enteritis
Mainly to the umbilicus as the center of the whole lower abdomen pain, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, the stomach feel soft, there is no fixed pressure point. In daily life, pay attention to dietary hygiene can be.
Mild: 5 to 8 bowel movements a day, slight fever, no dehydration.
Moderate: stools more than 10 times a day, stools are watery, muddy, bacterial with mucus, pus or blood, commonly known as ? Dysentery? There is dehydration, high fever; because the bacteria have toxins, often cause cramps, lethargy, shock phenomenon, and even death in severe cases.
Severe: more than 15 times a day stools, watery stools ejected, there is a heavy dehydration phenomenon, that is, dry skin, sunken eyes, dark circles, decreased urine, thirst, restlessness, in addition to blood acidity, respiratory discomfort, weakness, semi-comatose and other states. Due to potassium deficiency and edema, the waist is swollen and there is intestinal paralysis. If not treated in time, the mortality rate can be more than 30%.
Solutions for children with stomach pain:
Enteritis for children, if only mild diarrhea, you can take some oral antibiotics according to the doctor's orders, but if the number of stools is more frequent, then we should pay attention to the parents.
Pay attention to household hygiene, install screens, extinguish flies and cockroaches, and clean the environment.
Avoid taking your child to public **** places.
Avoid eating cold and unclean things.
Keep children's eating utensils safe and clean.
Pay attention to personal hygiene and hygiene education, especially those with children, often wash their hands, wash their hands after changing diapers for children; wash their hands after contacting children's urine to avoid bacterial infection to children.
The reason why children's stomach pain 4: appendicitisSymptoms:
Mainly lower right abdominal pain, 2, 3-year-old children have stomach pain, and there is obvious stomach rise, accompanied by vomiting, the whole abdomen have pressure pain, do not allow to touch, and may be a fever of more than 38 degrees. 2, 3-year-old children should pay more attention to, because it is easy to cause perforation, become peritonitis. 10 years old and above children with appendicitis began to Appendicitis in children over 10 years of age starts with pain in the upper abdomen (or stomach pain), and after a few hours it moves to pain in the lower right abdomen, which in some cases is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and there are obvious pressure points in the lower right abdomen, which are not allowed to be touched. The pain may be accompanied by a low-grade fever, from 37 degrees to 38 degrees, or as high as 39 degrees.
Solution of stomach pain in children:
If parents find their children suspected to have appendicitis, please be sure to take your child to the doctor immediately. And pay attention to let the child to keep the mind calm, after arriving at the hospital doctor will usually give the child blood test to confirm whether the infection, and then urine test, used to confirm the cause of the child's disease is a urinary tract infection, the general will also do ultrasound, CT, so that the doctor will be able to clearly see the child's appendix imaging. For pediatric appendicitis, enemas, gastric lavage, and laxatives are generally not recommended. These will only speed up the rupture of your child's appendix, which can make the condition worse.
Reason for Tummy Pain in Kids 5: IntussusceptionWhen a child 6 months-1 year old cries, it's time for parents to consider if it's the child's tummy that's hurting.
Abdominal pain? The baby cries in bursts, or the baby does not cry, but a burst of white face;
Vomiting? Often synchronized with crying. Initially reflexive, later a sign of intestinal obstruction;
Blood in stool? Jam-like blood in the stool after 6 to 8 hours of abdominal pain;
Abdominal mass? Sometimes, a weenie-like mass can be felt below the baby's rib margins.
If the child is crying in bursts, once every 10-20 minutes, each lasting 5-6 minutes before returning to normal. This is overwhelmingly likely to be an intussusception, where one of the intestinal tubes protrudes into the other, causing spasms and bursts of pain (circling the body), and is a primary intussusception. Then immediately followed by vomiting, and a few hours later, blood in the stool (like red fruit paste or like miso tofu soup). A change in diet is one of the most important reasons for the development of intussusception. 5- and 6-year-old children often have a small swelling on the ileum, which starts and wraps around the intestine, causing intussusception, which is secondary to intussusception. Careful parents can feel a cyst on the child's stomach, like a salami, about 4-6 centimeters, and the intussusception keeps changing with time. At first, it may be in the right upper abdomen, then the upper abdomen, then the left lower abdomen, and some sets are particularly loose and can protrude from the anus.
Solutions for tummy ache in kids:
1. Babies with paroxysmal crying for more than 3 hours, bloody stools, vomiting, diarrhea, colds, or dietary changes, any of the above conditions should be seen in a timely manner in the hospital to rule out intestinal condoms.
2. The doctor's diagnostic tools are mainly through the baby's medical history and instrumental (ultrasound, X-ray fluoroscopy) examination to confirm the diagnosis, so mothers should inform the doctor of the details of the onset of the baby's illness when they send their babies to the hospital. If the baby has bloody stools, it is best to bring the stools to the hospital so that the doctor can make a correct diagnosis in time.
3. Once the baby is suspected of having intussusception, he or she should be fasted and dehydrated on the way to the hospital to reduce the pressure in the stomach and intestines. If there is vomiting, the head should be turned to one side and allowed to vomit, so as not to inhale into the respiratory tract causing suffocation.
4. Baby abdominal pain, do not use painkillers (including antipyretic painkillers), so as not to mask the symptoms, affecting the diagnosis, and mislead the condition.
5. Pay attention to the changes in the baby's condition on the way to the hospital and tell the doctor as much as possible in detail.
The cause of stomach pain in children 6: intestinal obstruction
Different ages have different intestinal obstruction.
A child who has had placenta peritonitis may also have an intestinal obstruction. A child who has had laparotomy may also develop adhesive bowel obstruction. Symptoms are a burst of pain around the navel, accompanied by vomiting, vomiting undigested food, small children vomit milk petals, and then vomit bile-like things. Sometimes, the child's intestines are clearly visible in rows and rows, and there are pressure points on the stomach when you feel it (pain in an indeterminate location, not allowed to touch).
Solutions for tummy ache in children: